First step is to register a producer ..
First invoke createProducer Service .. It creates a static Producer object . You only need to pass your bootstrap servers .. . Rest everything can be defaulted .
Invoke :: ISKafkaIntegrationModule.service:createProducer
You can pass only bootstrapserver parameter ... The rest all can be defaulted ..
Then you should register a subscriber .. For this please
Invoke :: ISKafkaIntegrationModule.service:createConsumer
It takes these inputs as parameters name
bootstrapServers :: for ex : localhost:localhost:9092,localhost:9093,localhost:9094 .. This field is mandatory .
name :: The name of your subscription . This field defintely needs to be passed .
topicName :: <Your topic > . This field is mandatory .
clientGroupId :: <Your client group> : Fir ex: cg
enableAutoCommit :: "false" | "true"
autoCommitIntervalInMs :: <Some Integer in ms>
sessionTimeOut :: <Some inteher in ms>
serviceName :: <some service name> .. This service name gets invoked when the subscriber pulls a meesage from the Kafka topic.
This field is mandatory .
Then you can send a message to a Kafka topic . For that please
Invoke :: ISKafkaIntegrationModule.service:sendData
This service takes the following parameters
topicName :: The name of the topic .
keyName :: The key name for the Kafka message
value :: Kafka value in IData format .
callBackService :: This service gets called asynchronously , when the message is sent to the Kafka servers .