The following represents work by Rick Gilmore to try to map elements used in the Databrary 1.0 "spreadsheet" to NIH CDE.
- Pre-visit demographic questionnaire
- Experimenter name
- Parent contact information
- phone, email, address, city, state
- Child name
- Child age, sex, city of birth, date of birth, due date, birth weight, birth complications, hearing disabilities, vision disabilities, major illnesses, race, ethnicity
- Child go to sleep time, wake-up time, nap hours, sleep location(s)
- Household structure
- living at home biological father, other male partner, biological mother, other female partner, grandmother, grandfather, great grandmother, great grandfather, aunt, uncle, cousin, relative, non-relative
- Mother/caregiver info
- birth date
- biological mother
- age at birth of target child
- race, ethnicity
- year of entry into U.S.
- education, employment
- Biological father info
- birth date
- age at birth of target child
- race, ethnicity
- year of entry into U.S.
- education, employment
- Non-biological partner info
- age at birth of target child
- race, ethnicity
- year of entry into U.S.
- education, employment
- Language(s) spoken by mom, to child, at home
- Child care arrangements
- Home visit
- 1 hour natural play
- Video
- Acoustic measurement
- Housewalk through
- Video with narration
- Room measurement
- Structured play task
- Questionnaires
- Experimenter name
- Child name
- Child birth date, sex
- Child city of birth
- Child age group
- Language(s) spoken to child
- Vocabulary (MB-CDI) and dual-language learner (DLL) supplements.
- Health
- Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort ECLS-B
- A. Feeding
- B. General Health
- C. Prenatal Care and Behaviors
- D. Smoking
- E. Drinking
- F. Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ4)
- Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort ECLS-B
- Child temperament
- Locomotor milestones
- Media use
- Pets
- Division of labor
- Typical day
- 1 hour natural play
- Post visit
- Home environment