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Agent-based and individual-based modelling - a practical

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bibtex: @book{railsback2011agent,
  title={Agent-based and individual-based modeling: a practical introduction},
  author={Railsback, Steven F and Grimm, Volker},
  publisher={Princeton University Press}

Agent-based and individual-based modelling: a practical introduction

Railsback & Grimm 2011

A common feature of many problem domains is that they "occur in systems composed of autonomous “agents” that interact with each other and their environment, differ from each other and over space and time, and have behaviors that are often very important to how the system works." p4

The Modelling Cycle can be summarised as: p7

  1. Formulate the question
  2. Assemble hypotheses
  3. Choose model structure
  4. Implement the model
  5. Analyse the model
  6. Repeat

Agent based modelling is naive in that it doesn't make assumptions about system level behaviour. p8 "ABMs are thus models where individuals or agents are described as unique and autonomous entities that usually interact with each other and their environment locally." p10

  • unique implies each agent can be different from another
  • interaction is local and constrained in space
  • agent autonomy means they are goal directed
  • agent actions are adaptive to their surroundings
  • emergence occurs at the system level