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Installing and configuring null-ls

You can install null-ls using any package manager. Here is a simple example showing how to install it and its dependencies using packer.nvim:

use({ "jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim",
    config = function()
    requires = {"nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "neovim/nvim-lspconfig"}

As shown above, the plugin depends on plenary.nvim and nvim-lspconfig, so make sure you've installed those, too.

Below is a simple example demonstrating how you might configure null-ls. See BUILTINS for information about built-in sources like the one in the example below.

    -- you must define at least one source for the plugin to work
    sources = { require("null-ls").builtins.formatting.stylua }
    -- see the nvim-lspconfig documentation for available configuration options
    on_attach = my_custom_on_attach


The following code block shows the available options and their defaults.

local defaults = {
    diagnostics_format = "#{m}",
    debounce = 250,
    default_timeout = 5000,
    sources = nil,

diagnostics_format (string)

Sets the default format used for diagnostics. The plugin will replace the following special components with the relevant diagnostic information:

  • #{m}: message
  • #{s}: source name (defaults to null-ls if not specified)
  • #{c}: code (if available)

For example, setting diagnostics_format to the following:

diagnostics_format = "[#{c}] #{m} (#{s})"

Formats diagnostics as follows:

[2148] Tips depend on target shell and yours is unknown. Add a shebang or a 'shell' directive. (shellcheck)

You can also set diagnostics_format for built-ins by using the with method, described in BUILTINS.

debounce (number)

The debounce setting controls the amount of time between the last change to a buffer and the next diagnostic refresh. It does not affect code actions or formatting, both of which run on demand.

Lowering debounce will result in more frequent diagnostic refreshes at the cost of running diagnostic sources more frequently. The default value should be enough to provide near-instantaneous feedback from most sources without unnecessary resource usage.

default_timeout (number)

Sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) after which built-in sources will time out. Note that built-in sources can define their own timeout period and that users can override the timeout period on a per-source basis, too (see

sources (list)

Defines a list of sources for null-ls to register. Users can add built-in sources (see or custom sources (see

If you've installed an integration that provides its own sources and aren't interested in built-in sources, you don't have to define any sources here. The integration will register them independently.

Disabling null-ls

You can conditionally block null-ls from setting itself up on Neovim startup by setting vim.g.null_ls_disable = true before config runs.

For example, you can use the following snippet to disable null-ls when using firenvim, as long as the module containing the snippet loads before config:

if vim.g.started_by_firenvim then
    vim.g.null_ls_disable = true

If null-ls is already running but you want to stop it, you can use the methods provided by nvim-lspconfig (:LspStart, :LspStop, and :LspRestart) to control its behavior.