Yeoman generator for creating beautiful mobile shops using Bravocart and Ionicframework.
- Scaffolding Bravocart projects with Yeoman
- bravocart.js integration for easy API access
- Cordova integration for building native apps
- Gulp tasks for building iOS/Android apps
- Browsersync live reload for development
- Painless dependency management with Bower
npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli gulp generator-bravocart cordova ionic
Run yo bravocart
yo bravocart
Run gulp
for preview.
├── hooks/ - Hooks to be used by Cordova
├── platforms
│ ├── ios - Created by `cordova platform add ios`
│ ├── android/ - Created by `cordova platform add android`
│ ├── platforms.json - To be used by Cordova
├── plugins/ - Plugins to be used by Cordova
├── www/ - Directory holding app
│ ├── css/
│ │ ├── style.css - Global stylesheet
│ ├── img/ - Images directory
│ ├── js/
│ │ ├── app.js - AngularJS main module
│ │ ├── controllers.js - AngularJS controllers module
│ │ ├── serivces.js - AngularJS services module
│ ├── lib/ - Project dependencies, managed by bower
│ ├── templates/ - AngularJS template files
│ ├── index.html - Main app entry point
├── bower.json - Front-end dependencies, managed by bower
├── config.xml - Cordova global configuration file
├── gulpfile.js - Gulp tasks
├── package.json - Project dependencies, managed by npm
├── - Project's README file
├── .jshintrc - Global JSHint configuration
├── .bowerrc - Bower configuration file
├── .gitignore - Commnly ignored files
Desktop browser testing with live reload
Add iOS platform target with Cordova
Desktop browser testing with live reload
Deploy app to iOS platform device
Add Android platform target with Cordova
Desktop browser testing with live reload
Deploy app to Android platform device