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109 lines (74 loc) · 3.4 KB

File metadata and controls

109 lines (74 loc) · 3.4 KB

Bravocart generator Build Status npm version

Yeoman generator for creating beautiful mobile shops using Bravocart and Ionicframework.


  • Scaffolding Bravocart projects with Yeoman
  • bravocart.js integration for easy API access
  • Cordova integration for building native apps
  • Gulp tasks for building iOS/Android apps
  • Browsersync live reload for development
  • Painless dependency management with Bower


npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli gulp generator-bravocart cordova ionic

Run yo bravocart.

yo bravocart

Run gulp for preview.

Project Structure

├── hooks/                  - Hooks to be used by Cordova
├── platforms
│   ├── ios                 - Created by `cordova platform add ios`
│   ├── android/            - Created by `cordova platform add android`
│   ├── platforms.json      - To be used by Cordova
├── plugins/                - Plugins to be used by Cordova
├── www/                    - Directory holding app
│   ├── css/
│   │   ├── style.css       - Global stylesheet
│   ├── img/                - Images directory
│   ├── js/
│   │   ├── app.js          - AngularJS main module
│   │   ├── controllers.js  - AngularJS controllers module
│   │   ├── serivces.js     - AngularJS services module
│   ├── lib/                - Project dependencies, managed by bower
│   ├── templates/          - AngularJS template files
│   ├── index.html          - Main app entry point
├── bower.json              - Front-end dependencies, managed by bower
├── config.xml              - Cordova global configuration file
├── gulpfile.js             - Gulp tasks
├── package.json            - Project dependencies, managed by npm
├──               - Project's README file
├── .jshintrc               - Global JSHint configuration
├── .bowerrc                - Bower configuration file
├── .gitignore              - Commnly ignored files

Workflow Commands

All platforms

gulp serve

Desktop browser testing with live reload


gulp platform:ios

Add iOS platform target with Cordova

gulp serve:ios

Desktop browser testing with live reload

gulp build:ios

Deploy app to iOS platform device


gulp platform:android

Add Android platform target with Cordova

gulp serve:android

Desktop browser testing with live reload

gulp build:android

Deploy app to Android platform device



Further Reading