This is intended to be an up-to-date summary of how to run the robot.
January 9, 2022
- Start roscore on raspi4:
- Place robot on the floor with plenty of space ahead
- Log on to robot:
ssh ubuntu@robot
- Make sure pigpiod is running:
sudo pigpiod
- Launch motor calibrator tool:
roslaunch wheels motor_calibrator.launch
- See Motor Speed Control for more detail.
- Make sure pigpiod is running:
Start roscore on raspi4:
Log on to robot:
ssh ubuntu@robot
- Make sure pigpiod is running:
sudo pigpiod
- Start nodes on robot:
roslaunch bringup bringup.launch
- Start gmapping:
roslaunch robot_nav gmapping.launch
- Make sure pigpiod is running:
Start RVIZ with saved config:
rviz -d ~/robot.rviz
Start keyboard teleop:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
- Or
rosrun rqt_robot_steering rqt_robot_steering
- Or
Drive around slowly to build map
Save map (cd to maps folder):
rosrun map_server map_saver -f officemap
Start roscore on raspi4:
Log on to robot:
ssh ubuntu@robot
- Make sure pigpiod is running:
sudo pigpiod
- Start nodes on robot:
roslaunch bringup bringup.launch
- Start navigation:
roslaunch robot_nav navigation.launch
- Make sure pigpiod is running:
Start RVIZ with saved config:
rviz -d ~/robot.rviz
Test drive pkg (installed on Raspi4) enables driving directly to a goal specified in RVIZ, but without regard for obstacles.
Start roscore on raspi4:
Log on to robot:
ssh ubuntu@robot
- Make sure pigpiod is running:
sudo pigpiod
- Start nodes on robot:
roslaunch bringup bringup.launch
- Start map node on robot:
roslaunch robot_nav map.launch
- Make sure pigpiod is running:
Start test drive:
roslaunch test_drive test_drive.launch
Start RVIZ with saved config:
rviz -d ~/robot.rviz
- With robot already running (bringup launched)
rosrun rqt_robot_steering rqt_robot_steering
The tf tree shows the topological relationship of all the coordinate frames
To show tf tree:
rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree