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File metadata and controls

189 lines (171 loc) · 5.59 KB


auto-generated from model/.php via pre-commit hook*

Example (JSON-LD):

	"@id": "",
	"@type": "Collection",

Spec (OWL, SHACL, JSON-LD Context)

databus:Collection a owl:Class ;
	rdfs:label "Databus Ceollection"@en ;
	rdfs:comment "A Databus Collection is a container owned by a Databus user that bundles Databus Artifacts intended to form a meaningful unit"@en ; 
	rdfs:subClassOf prov:Entity ;
	rdfs:isDefinedBy <> . 

	a sh:NodeShape ;
	sh:targetNode databus:Collection ;
	sh:property [
	  sh:path [ sh:inversePath rdf:type ] ;
	  sh:minCount 1 ;
	  sh:maxCount 1;
	  sh:message "Exactly one subject with an rdf:type of databus:Collection must occur."@en ;
	] ;
	sh:property [
	  sh:path [ sh:inversePath rdf:type ] ;
	    sh:nodekind sh:IRI ;
      sh:pattern "/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]{4,}/collections/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_\\.]{3,}$" ;
      sh:message "IRI for databus:Collection must match /[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]{4,}/collections/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_\\.]{3,}$"@en ;
	] .
"Collection": "databus:Collection"

Example (JSON-LD):

	"@id": "",
	"title": "Latest Core Collection" ,

Spec (OWL, SHACL, JSON-LD Context)

	rdfs:label "Title"@en ;
	rdfs:comment "A name given to the resource."@en ;
	rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
	rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ;
	rdfs:subPropertyOf <> .
	a sh:NodeShape ;
	sh:targetClass databus:Collection ;
	sh:property [
		sh:path dct:title ;
		sh:severity sh:Violation ;
		sh:message "Property dct:title MAY occur exactly once without language tag."@en ;
        sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:datatype xsd:string ] ;
		sh:qualifiedMaxCount 1 ;		
    ] ;
        sh:property [
		sh:path dct:title ;
		sh:severity sh:Violation ;
		sh:message "dct:title can be used with language tag, but each language only once."@en ;
		sh:uniqueLang true ;
	] . 

Example (JSON-LD):

	"@id": "",
	"abstract": "Collected ontologies to be used in Project X as dependencies for development.",

Spec (OWL, SHACL, JSON-LD Context)

	rdfs:label "Abstract"@en ;
	rdfs:comment "A summary of the resource."@en ;
	rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
	rdfs:subPropertyOf <>, dct:description .
	a sh:NodeShape ;
	sh:targetClass databus:Collection ;
	sh:property [
	    sh:path dct:abstract ;
	    sh:severity sh:Violation ;
	    sh:message "Property dct:abstract MAY occur at least once without language tag."@en ;
	    sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:datatype xsd:string ] ;
		sh:qualifiedMaxCount 1 ;	
	sh:property [
		sh:path dct:abstract ;
	    sh:severity sh:Violation ;
	    sh:message "dct:abstract must have less than 300 characters and each language must occure only once. "@en ;
	    sh:uniqueLang true;
	    sh:maxLength 300 ;
	] . 

Example (JSON-LD):

	"@id": "",
	"description": "Collected ontologies to be used in Project X as dependencies for development. The following work has beend done: \n1License was checked, all ontologies can be used in the project\n2. we created artifact using the original download location if the ontologies were ok, or we made a copy of a cleaned up version.",

Spec (OWL, SHACL, JSON-LD Context)

	rdfs:label "Description"@en ;
	rdfs:comment "An account of the resource."@en ;
	dct:description "Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource."@en ;
	rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
	rdfs:subPropertyOf <> .
	a sh:NodeShape ;
	sh:targetClass databus:Collection ;
	sh:property [
		sh:path dct:description ;
		sh:severity sh:Violation ;
		sh:message "Property dct:description MAY occur exactly once without language tag."@en ;
        sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:datatype xsd:string ] ;
		sh:qualifiedMaxCount 1 ;		
    ] ;
        sh:property [
		sh:path dct:description ;
		sh:severity sh:Violation ;
		sh:message "dct:title can be used with language tag, but each language only once."@en ;
		sh:uniqueLang true ;
	] . 

Example (JSON-LD):

	"@id": "",
	"collectionContent": "{ }",

Spec (OWL, SHACL, JSON-LD Context)

	rdfs:label "Description"@en ;
	rdfs:comment "An account of the resource."@en ;
	dct:description "Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource."@en ;
	rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
	rdfs:subPropertyOf <> .
	a sh:NodeShape ;
	sh:targetClass databus:Collection ;
	sh:property [
		sh:path databus:collectionContent ;
		sh:severity sh:Violation ;
		sh:message "A collection needs content."@en ;
        sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:datatype xsd:string ] ;
		sh:qualifiedMaxCount 1 ;	
		sh:qualifiedMinCount 1 ;			
    ] . 
"collectionContent": { "@id": "databus:collectionContent" }