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This note is gist of Andrej Karpathy's post about training neural networks. There are quite a few good tips, but the blog post is dense and long, so I'm wiriting down my take to fully grasp all the mentioned ideas.
Deep learning is not typical software development. Neural networks differ in two important ways:
Although many libraries try to make training neural networks as simple as 2 lines of code, training neural networks cannot be abstracted completely. There will be always quirks that you cannot debug without the full knowledge of what is going on: from tokenization and data to loss function and backpropagation algorithm.
Normally when software has a bug there is a big red error popping up, more often than not describing what exactly went wrong. Training NN isn't like that. E.g. neural networks can learn to fix issues in input data without giving you any indication that it is doing that, except that its performance would be slightly lower.
For the two above reasons, you should go slowly, increasing the complexity slowly, not in a big steps. If you add too much complexity at once, debugging could get out of hand quite quickly.