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slurm sweeps

A simple tool to perform parameter sweeps on SLURM clusters.

License Codecov

The main motivation was to provide a lightweight ASHA implementation for SLURM clusters that is fully compatible with pytorch-lightning's ddp.

It is heavily inspired by tools like Ray Tune and Optuna. However, on a SLURM cluster, these tools can be complicated to set up and introduce considerable overhead.

Slurm sweeps is simple, lightweight, and has few dependencies. It uses SLURM Job Steps to run the individual trials.


pip install slurm-sweeps


  • cloudpickle
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • pyyaml


You can just run this example on your laptop. By default, the maximum number of parallel trials equals the number of CPUs on your machine.

""" Content of """
from time import sleep
import slurm_sweeps as ss

# Define your train function
def train(cfg: dict):
    for epoch in range(cfg["epochs"]):
        loss = (cfg["parameter"] - 1) ** 2 / (epoch + 1)
        # log your metrics
        ss.log({"loss": loss}, epoch)

# Define your experiment
experiment = ss.Experiment(
        "epochs": 10,
        "parameter": ss.Uniform(0, 2),
    asha=ss.ASHA(metric="loss", mode="min"),

# Run your experiment
result =

# Show the best performing trial

Or submit it to a SLURM cluster. Write a small SLURM script test_ss.slurm that runs the code above:

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=18
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1GB


By default, this will run $SLURM_NTASKS trials in parallel. In the case above: 2 nodes * 18 tasks = 36 trials

Then submit it to the queue:

sbatch test_ss.slurm

See the tests folder for an advanced example of training a PyTorch model with Lightning's DDP.

API Documentation

CLASS slurm_sweeps.Experiment

class Experiment(
    train: Callable,
    cfg: Dict,
    name: str = "MySweep",
    local_dir: Union[str, Path] = "./slurm-sweeps",
    asha: Optional[ASHA] = None,
    slurm_cfg: Optional[SlurmCfg] = None,
    restore: bool = False,
    overwrite: bool = False,

Set up an HPO experiment.


  • train - A train function that takes as input the cfg dict.
  • cfg - A dict passed on to the train function. It must contain the search spaces via slurm_sweeps.Uniform, slurm_sweeps.Choice, etc.
  • name - The name of the experiment.
  • local_dir - Where to store and run the experiments. In this directory, we will create the database slurm_sweeps.db and a folder with the experiment name.
  • slurm_cfg - The configuration of the Slurm backend responsible for running the trials. We automatically choose this backend when slurm sweeps is used within an sbatch script.
  • asha - An optional ASHA instance to cancel less promising trials.
  • restore - Restore an experiment with the same name?
  • overwrite - Overwrite an existing experiment with the same name?

def name() -> str

The name of the experiment.


def local_dir() -> Path

The local directory of the experiment.

def run(
    n_trials: int = 1,
    max_concurrent_trials: Optional[int] = None,
    summary_interval_in_sec: float = 5.0,
    nr_of_rows_in_summary: int = 10,
    summarize_cfg_and_metrics: Union[bool, List[str]] = True
) -> pd.DataFrame

Run the experiment.


  • n_trials - Number of trials to run. For grid searches, this parameter is ignored.
  • max_concurrent_trials - The maximum number of trials running concurrently. By default, we will set this to the number of cpus available, or the number of total Slurm tasks divided by the number of tasks requested per trial.
  • summary_interval_in_sec - Print a summary of the experiment every x seconds.
  • nr_of_rows_in_summary - How many rows of the summary table should we print?
  • summarize_cfg_and_metrics - Should we include the cfg and the metrics in the summary table? You can also pass in a list of strings to only select a few cfg and metric keys.


A summary of the trials in a pandas DataFrame.

CLASS slurm_sweeps.ASHA

class ASHA(
    metric: str,
    mode: str,
    reduction_factor: int = 4,
    min_t: int = 1,
    max_t: int = 50,

Basic implementation of the Asynchronous Successive Halving Algorithm (ASHA) to prune unpromising trials.


  • metric - The metric you want to optimize.
  • mode - Should the metric be minimized or maximized? Allowed values: ["min", "max"]
  • reduction_factor - The reduction factor of the algorithm
  • min_t - Minimum number of iterations before we consider pruning.
  • max_t - Maximum number of iterations.


def metric() -> str

The metric to optimize.


def mode() -> str

The 'mode' of the metric, either 'max' or 'min'.


def find_trials_to_prune(database: "pd.DataFrame") -> List[str]

Check the database and find trials to prune.


  • database - The experiment's metrics table of the database as a pandas DataFrame.


List of trial ids that should be pruned.

CLASS slurm_sweeps.SlurmCfg

class SlurmCfg:
  exclusive: bool = True
  nodes: int = 1
  ntasks: int = 1
  args: str = ""

A configuration class for the SlurmBackend.


  • exclusive - Add the --exclusive switch.
  • nodes - How many nodes do you request for your srun?
  • ntasks - How many tasks do you request for your srun?
  • args - Additional command line arguments for srun, formatted as a string.

CLASS slurm_sweeps.Result

class Result(
    experiment: str,
    local_dir: Union[str, Path] = "./slurm-sweeps",

The result of an experiment.


  • experiment - The name of the experiment.
  • local_dir - The directory where we find the slurm-sweeps.db database.


def experiment() -> str

The name of the experiment.


def trials() -> List[Trial]

A list of the trials of the experiment.


def best_trial(
    metric: Optional[str] = None,
    mode: Optional[str] = None
) -> Trial

Get the best performing trial of the experiment.


  • metric - The metric. By default, we take the one defined by ASHA.
  • mode - The mode of the metric, either 'min' or 'max'. By default, we take the one defined by ASHA.


The best trial.

CLASS slurm_sweeps.trial.Trial

class Trial:
    cfg: Dict
    process: Optional[subprocess.Popen] = None
    start_time: Optional[datetime] = None
    end_time: Optional[datetime] = None
    status: Optional[Union[str, Status]] = None
    metrics: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[int, Union[int, float]]]] = None

A trial of an experiment.


  • cfg - The config of the trial.
  • process - The subprocess that runs the trial.
  • start_time - The start time of the trial.
  • end_time - The end time of the trial.
  • status - Status of the trial. If process is not None, we will always query the process for the status.
  • metrics - Logged metrics of the trial.


def trial_id() -> str

The trial ID is a 6-digit hash from the config.


def runtime() -> Optional[timedelta]

The runtime of the trial.


def is_terminated() -> bool

Return True, if the trial has been completed or pruned.

FUNCTION slurm_sweeps.log

def log(metrics: Dict[str, Union[float, int]], iteration: int)

Log metrics to the database.

If ASHA is configured, this also checks if the trial needs to be pruned.


  • metrics - A dictionary containing the metrics.
  • iteration - Iteration of the metrics. Most of the time this will be the epoch.


  • TrialPruned if the holy ASHA says so!
  • TypeError if a metric is not of type float or int.


David Carreto Fidalgo (