OpenWEMI is a minimally constrained RDF vocabulary defining classes for Work, Expression, Manifestation, and Item (WEMI) and properties for the relationships between them. It is based on concepts that were originally developed out of library cataloging practice. Unlike the library usage of these terms, OpenWEMI is not defined by any particular community type and can be used as a scaffolding for metadata describing any type of resource.
This site provides access to drafts, works in progress, and other non-normative resources relating to the specification. Please do not cite resources on this site when the canonical versions on the Dublin Core website can be used.
- Draft Specification on this site. This has been Published, please used the published version on the Dublin Core site.
- Published version on the Dublin Core site.
- Draft Vocabulary page on this site (Status Published)
- Currently the Draft and Published versions are identical.
- The namespace URI redirects to this representation of the vocabulary if HTML is requested.
- Draft Vocabulary in turtle (Normative)
- Currently the Draft and Published versions are identical.
- The namespace URI redirects to this representation of the vocabulary if Turtle is requested.
- Draft JSON-LD Context file Status: unstable draft.
- Note that this file has not been fully tested. Its location and content may change. Do not use for production purposes. We recommend that instead the content of this file is copied, tested and used from a URI that you control.
- The OpenWEMI Cookbook
- This is an ongoing work-in-progress, gathering use cases and examples.
This document and the related resources are the work of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative's OpenWEMI Community Group. The group uses github for its work, and welcomes comments on the work. All resources are open for viewing and github issues can be created by anyone with a github account. The email list is self-subscribe.