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@forman forman released this 20 Apr 14:43

Changes in 0.11.0


  • xcube serve can now serve datasets with arbitrary spatial coordinate reference systems. Before xcube 0.11, datasets where forced to have a geographical CRS such as EPSG:4326 or CRS84.

  • xcube serve can now provide image tiles for two popular tile grids:

    1. global geographic grid, with 2 x 1 tiles at level zero (the default);
    2. global web mercator grid, with 1 x 1 tiles at level zero ("Google projection", OSM tile grid).

    The general form of the new xcube tile URL is (currently)


    The following query parameters can be used

    • crs: set to CRS84 to use the geographical grid (the default), or EPSG:3857 to use the web mercator grid.
    • cbar: color bar name such as viridis or plasma, see color bar names of matplotlib. Defaults to bone.
    • vmin: minimum value to be used for color mapping. Defaults to 0.
    • vmax: maximum value to be used for color mapping. Defaults to 1.
    • retina: if set to 1, tile size will be 512 instead of 256.
  • The WMTS provided by xcube serve has been reimplemented from scratch. It now provides two common tile matrix sets:

    1. WorldCRS84Quad global geographic grid, with 2 x 1 tiles at level zero;
    2. WorldWebMercatorQuad global web mercator grid, with 1 x 1 tiles
      at level zero.

    New RESTful endpoints have been added to reflect this:


    The existing RESTful endpoints now use tile matrix set WorldCRS84Quad by default:


    The key-value pair (KVP) endpoint /wmts/kvp now recognises the TileMatrixSet key for the two values described above.

  • Support for multi-level datasets aka ND image pyramids has been further improved (#655):

    • Introduced new parameter agg_methods for writing multi-level datasets with the "file", "s3", and "memory" data stores. The value of agg_methods is either a string "first", "min", "max", "mean", "median" or a dictionary that maps a variable name to an aggregation method. Variable names can be patterns that may contain wildcard characters '*' and '?'. The special aggregation method "auto" can be used to select "first" for integer variables and "mean" for floating point variables.
    • The xcube level CLI tool now has a new option --agg-methods (or -A) for the same purpose.
  • The xcube package now consistently makes use of logging. We distinguish general logging and specific xcube logging. General logging refers to the log messages emitted by any Python module while xcube logging only refers to log messages emitted by xcube modules.

    • The output of general logging from xcube CLI tools can now be configured with two new CLI options:

      • --loglevel LEVEL: Can be one of CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DETAIL, DEBUG, TRACE, or OFF (the default).
      • --logfile PATH: Effective only if log level is not OFF. If given, log messages will be written into the file given by PATH. If omitted, log messages will be redirected to standard error (sys.stderr).

      The output of general logging from xcube CLI is disabled by default. If enabled, the log message format includes the level, date-time,
      logger name, and message.

    • All xcube modules use the logger named xcube (i.e. LOG = logging.getLogger("xcube")) to emit messages regarding progress, debugging, errors. Packages that extend the xcube package should use a dot suffix for their logger names, e.g. xcube.cci for the xcube plugin package xcube-cci.

    • All xcube CLI tools will output log messages, if any, on standard error (sys.stderr). Only the actual result, if any, is written to standard out (sys.stdout).

    • Some xcube CLI tools have a --quiet/-q option to disable output of log messages on the console and a --verbose/-v option to enable it and control the log level. For this purpose the option -v can be given multiple times and even be combined: -v = INFO, -vv = DETAIL, -vvv = DEBUG, -vvvv = TRACE. The quiet and verbose settings only affect the logger named xcube and its children. If enabled, a simple message format will be used, unless the general logging is redirected to stdout.


  • Fixed a problem where the DataStores configuration of xcube serve did not recognize multi-level datasets. (#653)
  • Opening of multi-level datasets with filesystem data stores now recognizes the cache_size open parameter.
  • It is possible again to build and run docker containers from the docker file in the Github Repository. (#651)
    For more information, see

Other changes

  • The xcube tile CLI tool has been deprecated. A new tool is planned that can work concurrently on dask clusters and also supports common tile grids such as global geographic and web mercator.
  • The xcube.util.tiledimage module has been deprecated and is no longer used in xcube. It has no replacement.
  • The xcube.util.tilegrid module has been deprecated and is no longer used in xcube. A new implementation is provided by xcube.core.tilingscheme which is used instead.
  • All existing functions of the xcube.core.tile module have been deprecated and are no longer used in xcube. A newly exported function is xcube.core.tile.compute_rgba_tile() which is used in place of other tile generating functions.

Full Changelog: v0.10.2...v0.11.0