Goal: Improve display layouts and improve viewer experience on various devices: PC, Phones, NotePad devices.
Add CHANGELOG.md File Upload : display upload result Improved device display responsiveness.
Display-Files: Move 'Filename' from a column to be a header for all of the files content
Fix layout display issue: Copyright floats on to display data.
Goal: Parsing of standard meta-data headers not including ~ASCII.
Update to Django 3.0.7 Parse all the required meta-data sections: Version, Well, Curve, Parameter. Parse the optional Other section. Add initial metadata-parsing tests
Initial release of las-util-django:
Caution: This is beta software!
Upload a LAS file that includes only the VERSION and WELL sections. Parse the VERSION and WELL sections. Store the parsed data in a SQLite database. Display a list of processed files with links to their details. Display detailed data in a table format. Provide api for listing uploaded LAS docs and details. Provide api for uploading LAS docs. Unit testing with data fixtures. Test coverage reporting.