- update quad lattice generator to just reference triangles?
- random quad lattice generator (or from triangle) where a random set of
vertices from within original surfaces is triangluted
- triangles can either overlap or can share vertices, but probably cooler with shared vertices
- algorithm to identify the closest vertices on the mesh
- maybe that one algorithm, the one with the circles and parabolas and whatnot
- and can that algorithm be extended to 3D by using spheres?
- coordinate systems for various topological surfaces or whatever:
torus, concave shapes.
- properties of these mappings of 2D/3D surface coordinates to 3D
- spiral coordinate system? theta = angle in radians, r = orthogonal distance from spiral
- polygon tesselation oriented towards a central point or using the curvature of the polygon
- spherical indexing for points (grids of spheres of various sizes)
- distort perspective of multiple objects using audio (and groups of objects)