Skiima: an ORM-Agnostic, Rails-Independent alternative to migrations.
Adding generators soon
- Add skiima to your Gemfile
- Bundle Install
- Configure your database.yml
- Ensure that users have the appropriate DDL permissions
mkdir db/skiima
touch db/skiima/dependencies.yml
- Refer to the example below or $SKIIMA_GEM/spec/db/skiima/dependencies
- Set up a :test dependency group
- include the groups of scripts you want to run after a fresh db clone
- add
bundle exec rake skiima:test:up
to your CI setup script, after calling db:test:prepare - or add a rake task to your project that calls both db:test:prepare and skima:test:up
- specify environment/groups with `bundle exec rake skiima:test:up[development,group_name]
- Set up a :default dependency group
- include the groups of scripts you want to run during every deploy
- because the scripts are run on each deploy, this rake task should only be used in certain instances
- you should usually call Skiima.up & Skiima.down from a migration
Again, generators coming soon to help automate this.
- Add a new migration to your Rails project. Refer to the sample below.
mkdir db/skiima/$group_name
touch db/skiima/$group_name/$type.$object_name.$db_type.$db_version.sql
- $type => view/proc/function/etc
- $object_name => identifies the script across multiple db providers & versions
- $db_type => provider name (mysql/postgres)
- $db_version => usually just 'current'
- using $db_version, you can write scripts to support multiple versions of mysql, for example
- Skiima compares the connected database's version to pull the correct script
- or you can just configure skiima to prefer to load specific version of sql scripts
- pass :version => 'version_name' to Skiima.up & Skiima.down
- Also add a corresponding drop script to run if:
- either the up script is not reversible with a single drop statement
- or if Skiima can not automatically drop that type object
- see below for supported objects
- Now update db/skiima/dependencies.yml
- Refer to the example below or $SKIIMA_GEM/spec/db/skiima/dependencies
- The script should be ready to use with Skiima.up & Skiima.down
Sample Skiima Migration:
class AddViewBackedModel < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
Skiima.up(Rails.env, :group_name)
def down
Skiima.down(Rails.env, :group_name)
Sample Dependencies.yml:
- view.script_name
- view.script_name
- script_group_name
# load/drop these script groups with:
# `rake skiima:up` & `rake skiima:down`
# List migrations you have already squashed
# - IE migrations that you removed to rely on schema.rb
- script_group_a
- script_group_b
- script_group_c
# load/drop these script groups with:
# `rake skiima:test:up` & `rake skiima:test:down`
# For tests/CI!
# List migrations that need to be run after a blank db is migrated
# - IE migrations that you squashed, if you are migrating from scratch on CI
# - If relying on db/schema.rb for CI, then list the groups you need for tests
- script_group_a
- script_group_b
- script_group_c
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
bundle exec rake skiima:test:up
bundle exec rake
# add a view named 'view_foo_report_on_bar'
class FooReportOnBar < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name :view_foo_report_on_bar
belongs_to :baz
Support for Datamapper, Sequal, & JRuby providers coming soon.
- Setup Mysql & Postgres. I recommend copying Procfile.example and using foreman.
- Copy database.yml.example & set up users/passwords for your system
- configure an existing user/password for postgresql_root & mysql_root
- this user creates a user for the test databases in the rake setup tasks
bundle install
appraisal install
- Run test setup tasks
rake skiima:setup:db:postgresql
rake skiima:setup:db:mysql
- you may need to remove the
command inspec/db/skiima/init_test_db/database.skiima_test.mysql.current.sql
- you may need to remove the
appraisal activerecord-3.2 rake
- to test with activerecord-4.0, use that appraisal set
- or
appraisal rake
to run them with all appraisal sets
- Provide a better way to integrate views and functions into Ruby applications.
- Embeddable in gems to create DB independent extensions.
- Avoid any unnecessary dependencies or complexity.
I was working on another project and added some cool features that relied on postgres views, rules, etc. And basically, I needed a place to put these scripts and a way to execute them in a specified order.
There are alot of cool tricks to use in ActiveRecord with sql objects other than tables. Not to mention there are performance benefits with the right schema. Not everything needs to happen at the application layer.
If you have any questions about how things work, look at the tests. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me.
- Schemas
- Tables
- Indexes
- Views
- Rules
- Triggers(soon)
- Functions(soon)
- Tables
- Views
- Indexes
- Triggers(soon)
- Functions(soon)
- Procs(soon)
Skiima reads two yaml files: database.yml and dependencies.yml.
- By default,
goes in yourAPP_ROOT/config directory
. - And similarly,
goes inAPP_ROOT/db/skiima
Skiima allows you to create groups of sql scripts to be executed during migrations. Each group of sql scripts requires its own folder inside db/skiima
Since different databases have different capabilities and object types, you can trigger different scripts to run per adapter. Furthermore, you can execute different scripts for different versions of a database. You can also use this version tag if you want to package different sets of functionality.
In the dependencies.yml
configuration, add lines for each script in the format.
and attr2
allow you to define the target SQL object and other attributes that need to be passed on a per type basis. This is only used when Skiima drops your objects without a matching 'drop' script.
Inside each group folder, create sql files with the following format. These need to match the dependencies.yml
to override the default drop behavior.
You can interpolate variables in your SQL Scripts and then pass in values at runtime with the :vars
hash. The default character to use for interpolation is &
, but this can be changed in the Module initialization. There are default vars that are substituted, such as &database
If you're using Rails, you can add a Skiima.setup block in an intializer file to set defaults. There are other ways to integrate Skiima into your project as well.
Skiima.setup do |config|
config.root_path = Rails.root # changing
config.config_path = 'config'
config.scripts_path = 'db/skiima'
config.locale = :en
Skiima reads the specified groups from dependencies.yml and compiles a list of scripts to run. If you're using Rails, substitute :development
with Rails.env
def up
Skiima.up(:development, :group_one, :group_n, :vars => {:var_one => 'db_name'})
def down
Skiima.down(:development, :group_one, :group_n, :vars => {:var_one => 'db_name'})
- Added a modified OpenStruct to manage configuration
- Moved most classes to separate files
- Add Skiima::Db::Connector
- Update Skiima::Db::Resolver
- Add ActiveRecord::BaseConnector
- Add PosgresqlConnector
- Add Postresql Helpers
- Add MysqlConnector
- Add Mysql2Connector
- Add Mysql Helpers
- Add Travis CI Config
- Add Railties tasks
- Updated dependencies.yml to allow for dependency groups
- Updated Readme with examples
- Add JRuby Support
- Add Appraisal to test Skiima with separate bundles
- Add Coveralls?
- Add Gemnasium?
- DataMapper Support
- Sequel Support
- Mongo Support?
- Manage config's for other data providers? (Redis/etc)