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WebDriver Executables

Dj edited this page Aug 20, 2016 · 11 revisions

The Conductor framework simplifies things a little bit (as well as potentially making this more confusing) by allowing cross-platform WebDriver executables to exist.


Mac Installation

  1. Open your terminal, and cd to the root directory that is using Conductor
  2. Paste this into your Mac terminal, and execute:
\curl -k | sh

Linux Installation

  1. Open your terminal, and cd to the root directory that is using Conductor
  2. Paste this into your Linux terminal, and execute:
# 32 bit
\curl -k | sh
# 64 bit
\curl -k | sh

Windows Installation

there is no script for windows yet

  1. Download the latest
  2. Unzip chromedriver.exe and put it in the project root.


Mac (Only)

Download the official Safari Extension and ensure you are able to see the Selenium logo by the address bar. enabled extension


Windows (Only)

Download IEDriverServer.exe (x86, x64)

Unzip the executable within, and rename IEDriverServer to iedriver and place it into the project directory.