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Albert Tregnaghi edited this page Feb 10, 2019 · 22 revisions

How can I install the plugin?

Use the eclipse marketplace client and search for asciidoc or open

How can I sync editor with internal preview?

When preference Link editor with internal preview is enabled cursor movement to headlines and anchors inside editor will scroll to corresponding part in preview. This works also from outline view.

Includes cannot be resolved

When you see in your preview something like:

Unresolved directive in -1808287729_hidden-editorfile_01_deployment.adoc - include::01_01_deployment_server.adoc[]
Unresolved directive in -1808287729_hidden-editorfile_01_deployment.adoc - include::01_02_deployment_website.adoc[]

Please press F5 inside editor or the "Refresh" button inside toolbar. This will recalculate cached base path and more. Normally this solves the problem.

This can happen for example when you switch between multiple eclipse projects containing asciidoc files.

PlantUML not working

39388377 e2b41568 4a7f 11e8 8633 2e4206b0abc2

This will happen on every machine where plantuml is executed and graphviz is not already installed. PlantUML uses this product to render the images. Its free, see

So download and install it on your machine: (when .msi installer on a windows server you should install graphviz for all users)

Initial installation slow, updates fast ?

The initial installation takes a long time, but updates are extreme fast - why?

AsciiDoctor editor is an feature which contains following plugins:

  • asciidoctor-editor-plugin

  • asciidoctor-editor-libs (complete jruby, complete asciidoctor (ruby gems) + asciidoctorj (1.5.6))

  • asciidoctor-editor-css (fat css styles for font-awesome and co.)

At installation time all parts of the feature are automatically installed, so you got always all dependencies.

The big dependencies are packaged inside libs and css plugins which are pretty stable. So normally no newer versions are available. The logic of Asciidoctor Editor is kept inside asciidoctor-editor-plugin. So bugfixes, new features etc. normally lead only to a newer asciidoctor-editor-plugin version which is pretty small

How can I turn off/on building Asciidoctor preview?

For internal preview the asciidoctor output cannot be turned off, but for external preview auto build can be configured in preferences and is turned off per default as shown in next picture.

But be aware: When turning off the autobuild behaviour for external preview please remember to press F5 (manual rebuild of preview) in editor before pressing F5 inside your external browser view…​

Preference example to disable auto build for external preview

More information can be found at issue 143

How can I use installed "native" asciidoctor?

How can I install "native" asciidoctor?

Please look at for detailed information

In a nutshell:

  • install ruby on your OS

  • execute gem install asciidoctor

  • execute gem install asciidoctor-diagram

Sometimes my includes cannot be resolved

With the resolving of include problems was fixed. With one exception: When somebody has not ONE base dir but multiple ones in ONE Project , only the first one will be resolved correctly by cached base dir.

To solve this, just press F5 - or use Refresh button in toolbar. This will reset base dir resolving.

For technical details refer BaseDir resolving.

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