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131 lines (111 loc) · 3.61 KB

Little Big Adventure Content Description

Main Sources

Gameplay Source Files

  • ADFLI_A - FLA movies chunk routines
  • AMBIANCE - Surroundings (Palette fades, scene sample)
  • BALANCE - Rule of Three
  • BUBSORT - Bubble Sort Algorithm
  • CPYMASK - Screen Clip Regions
  • DISKFUNC - Load Scenes
  • EXTRA - Bonus objects
  • FICHE - Animation Actions
  • FIRE - Main Menu Fire/Plasma Effect
  • FLIPBOX - Screen Clip Regions
  • FUNC - Helper functions
  • GAMEMENU - Main Menu
  • GERELIFE - Life Script (scripting routines)
  • GERETRAK - Move Script (scripting routines)
  • GLOBAL - Global Constants and Variables
  • GRAPH_A - Draw Sprites
  • GRILLE - Isometric scenes
  • GRILLE_A - Isometric scenes optimisations
  • HOLOMAP - Holomap routines
  • INCRUST - Overlay objects on screen (eg. used holomap, grabbed keys, ...)
  • MALLOC - Memory Allocation
  • MASK_A - Screen Clip Regions
  • MCGA - Screen routines
  • MESSAGE - Text and Voice routines
  • MIXER - Audio Samples
  • OBJECT - Actor routines (colisions, animations)
  • PERSO - Main Game Loop
  • PLAYFLA - FLA movie player
  • VERSION - Game version macros



Software Rendering Library

  • P_ANIM - 3D Models Animations
  • P_FUNC - 3D Helper Functions
  • P_OB_ISO - Rendering 3D Static Models (e.g. holomap)
  • P_OBJ_3D - Rendering 3D Models
  • P_OBJET - Other Rendering (for example text dialog polygon arrow)
  • P_SINTAB - Sine Table
  • P_TRIGO - Trigonometry Helper Functions


CD-ROM Auxiliar Library

  • CDROM - CD-ROM Helper Functions


User Interface Library

  • MENU - Main User Interface Routines
  • MENUFUNC - User Interface Components
  • SELECTOR - File System related routines


Musical Instrument Digital Interface Library (XMIDI)

  • MIDI - Play Midi Music Routines


Audio Mixer Library

  • MIXER_A - Audio Mixer - Interops with the various Sound Drivers


Audio Sampler Library

  • BALANCE - Rule of Three
  • DMA_CODE - Direct Memory Access Controller
  • GUS - Advanced Gravis Ultra Sound Setup
  • WAVE_A - Interop with various Sound Drivers
  • WAVE - Init Sound Drivers


Graphics Library

  • CPYMASK - Screen Clip Regions
  • DLL - Graphics Drivers Interop
  • DLL_I - Graphics Initialisation
  • FONT_A - Display Font Routines
  • GIF - Load GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
  • GRAPH_A - Draw Sprites
  • INITMODE - Init different Graphic Cards
  • INITSVGA - Super Video Graphics Array Initialisation
  • LBM - Load Interchange File Format (IFF)
  • MASK_A - Screen Clip Regions
  • PCX - Load PCX (Picture Exchange) files
  • RECT - Create a Retangle
  • SAVEPCX - Save PCX (Picture Exchange) files
  • S_BLOCK - Blit to Screen
  • S_BOX - Draw Rectangule (menu items, dialogues)
  • S_DLL - Load Drivers
  • S_FILLV - Rendering Routines
  • S_FIND - Detect Graphic Devices
  • S_LINE - Draw Lines
  • S_MODE - Set Graphics Mode
  • S_MOUSE - Mouse Input
  • S_PAL - Palette Routines
  • S_PHYS - Graphics Helpers
  • S_POLY - Polygons Software Rendering
  • S_SCREEN - Clear Screen
  • S_STRING - Draw Text
  • S_TEXT - Convert string to different types
  • TEXTURE - Render Textured Polygons (Holomap)
  • VESA - Graphics Helpers
  • ZOOM - Screen Scale


Game System Library

  • ADELINE - Base System Initialisation
  • BUFFER_A - Memory routines
  • DLLLOAD - 32-bit DLL Driver Loader
  • EXPAND - LZSS Decryption
  • FILES - File System Routines
  • FILES_A - Touch file
  • HQ_RESS - Load High Quality Resources (HQR Asset files)
  • HQ_MEM - HQR Memory Allocation Routines
  • HQR - Assembly optimisations to check if resource index exist
  • KEYBOARD - Keyboard Input System
  • LOADMALL - Load file with special memory allocation routines
  • LOADSAVE - Load and Save files
  • MALLOC - Memory Allocation Routines
  • TIMER_A - System Timer