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Saga Pattern

This example demonstrates how to implement the Saga pattern for realizing distributed transactions across multiple microservices, in a safe and reliable way using change data capture.

Based on the outbox pattern, this implementation avoids unsafe dual writes to a service's database and Apache Kafka by channeling all outgoing messages through the originating service's database and capturing them from there using CDC and Debezium.

There are three services involved:

  • order-service: originator and orchestrator of the Saga
  • customer-service: validates whether an incoming order is within the customer's credit limit and approves or rejects it accordingly
  • payment-service executes the payment associated to an incoming order

Solution Overview

Running the Example

Build and start up:

$ mvn clean verify
$ docker-compose up --build

Register the connectors for the different services:

$ http PUT http://localhost:8083/connectors/order-outbox-connector/config < register-order-connector.json
$ http PUT http://localhost:8083/connectors/payment-outbox-connector/config < register-payment-connector.json
$ http PUT http://localhost:8083/connectors/credit-outbox-connector/config < register-credit-connector.json

As an example, here is the connector for capturing outbox events from the order service's database:

    "connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector",
    "tasks.max": "1",
    /* database coordinates */
    "database.hostname": "order-db",
    "database.port": "5432",
    "database.user": "orderuser",
    "database.password": "orderpw",
    "database.dbname" : "orderdb",
    "topic.prefix": "dbserver1",
    /* only capture changes from the outboxevent table */
    "schema.include.list": "purchaseorder",
    "table.include.list" : "purchaseorder.outboxevent",
    "tombstones.on.delete" : "false",
    "": "100",

    "key.converter": "",
    "value.converter": "",
    /* apply the outbox event routing SMT */
    "transforms" : "saga",
    "transforms.saga.type" : "io.debezium.transforms.outbox.EventRouter",
    "transforms.saga.route.topic.replacement" : "${routedByValue}.request"

Place an order:

$ http POST http://localhost:8080/orders < requests/place-order.json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 32
Content-Type: application/json

    "orderId": 1,
    "status": "CREATED"

Examine the emitted messages for credit-approval and payment in Apache Kafka:

$ docker run --tty --rm \
    --network saga-network \ \
    kafkacat -b kafka:9092 -C -o beginning -q \
    -f "{\"key\":%k, \"headers\":\"%h\"}\n%s\n" \
    -t credit-approval.request

{"key":17ef865e-39bf-404d-8d35-25c61ae0e082, "headers":"id=6ab3c538-5899-4a61-aa22-ebf5dee45b9d"}
$ docker run --tty --rm \
    --network saga-network \ \
    kafkacat -b kafka:9092 -C -o beginning -q \
    -f "{\"key\":%k, \"headers\":\"%h\"}\n%s\n" \
    -t payment.request

{"key":17ef865e-39bf-404d-8d35-25c61ae0e082, "headers":"id=e88e463f-047d-49a9-be08-988a1552c571"}

Examine the saga state in the order service's database:

$ docker run --tty --rm -i \
        --network saga-network \ \
        bash -c 'pgcli postgresql://orderuser:orderpw@order-db:5432/orderdb'

select * from purchaseorder.sagastate;

| id                                   | payload                                                                                  | status   | stepstate                            | type            | version   |
| 17ef865e-39bf-404d-8d35-25c61ae0e082 | {"order-id":1,"customer-id":456,"payment-due":59,"credit-card-no":"xxxx-yyyy-dddd-aaaa","type":"REQUEST"} | COMPLETED | {"credit-approval":"SUCCEEDED","payment":"SUCCEEDED"} | order-placement | 2         |

Alternatively, you also can access pgAdmin on http://localhost:5050 (

Place an order with an invalid credit card number (the payment service rejects any number that ends with "9999"):

$ http POST http://localhost:8080/orders < requests/place-invalid-order1.json

Observe how the saga's state is ABORTED, with the payment step in state FAILED, and the credit-approval first in state COMPENSATING, then COMPENSATED.

Now place an order which exceeds the credit limit (customer 456 has an initial credit limit of $500.00, and this order exceeds this; alternatively, you can place the valid order request a number of times, until the accumlated value exceeds the limit):

$ http POST http://localhost:8080/orders < requests/place-invalid-order2.json

Observe how the saga's state again is ABORTED, with the step states set accordingly.

Now stop the payment service and place a valid order again:

$ docker-compose stop payment-service

$ http POST http://localhost:8080/orders < requests/place-order.json

Observe how the saga remains in state STARTED, with the credit-approval step in state SUCCEEDED and the payment step in state STARTED. Start the payment service again (docker-compose start payment-service) and observe how the saga completes.

Running Locally

Set the ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME env variable of the kafka service in docker-compose.yml to the address of your host machine.

$ docker-compose up --build --scale order-service=0 --scale payment-service=0 --scale customer-service=0
$ mvn compile quarkus:dev -f order-service/pom.xml
$ mvn compile quarkus:dev -f payment-service/pom.xml
$ mvn compile quarkus:dev -f customer-service/pom.xml

Misc. Commands

Listing all topics:

$ docker-compose exec kafka /kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --list

Register connector for logging the saga state:

$ http PUT http://localhost:8083/connectors/order-sagastate-connector/config < register-sagastate-connector.json

Examining saga state log:

$ docker run --tty --rm \
    --network saga-network \ \
    kafkacat -b kafka:9092 -C -o beginning -q \
    -f "{\"key\":%k, \"headers\":\"%h\"}\n%s\n" \
    -t dbserver4.purchaseorder.sagastate

Examining saga execution via Jaeger tracing:

$ open http://localhost:16686/