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Releases: debrief/limpet

20151223d_1_0_5 - Release for user testing

23 Dec 18:17
Choose a tag to compare
  • location-based operations
  • doppler & propagation loss operations
  • lots of testing

See online Getting started guide for initial steps. This is also available in PDF form below.


23 Dec 16:17
Choose a tag to compare
Testing releases

Third playable demo

15 Nov 14:29
Choose a tag to compare

What's new:

  • lots of UI improvements, so Limpet give you a hint of what's contained in a dataset
  • math operators (sin/cos/sqrt/abs, etc)
  • spatial operations (gen course/speed from location dataset)
  • interpolate data points, to allow operations on non-synced datasets

Here's how to get started:

  • unzip the downloaded archive
  • run limpet.exe
  • right-click in the navigator window, and select Import/General/Existing project
  • navigate to the "sample_data" sub-folder

You've now got some data. You can drag the .lap files in (they're Limpet Analysis Project files). Once you have a project open, you can try dragging in a CSV file. Then you can right-click on datasets and explore what you can do with them.

Note: the versions were updated on 20th Nov, to overcome a performance bottleneck related to displaying Location datasets in the Data/Time Frequency windows.

Second playable demo

11 Oct 08:47
Choose a tag to compare

See running instructions here

screenshot from 2015-10-11 09 52 50

First playable demo

06 Oct 08:53
Choose a tag to compare
First playable demo Pre-release

Compiled versions of Limpet. For Windows users, first determine which version of Java you have installed (by typing java -version at the command line) . If you get an indication of a 64-Bit Server VM, please download the 64 bit version, else the 32 bit version.