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PDK Integration

First off, what is PDK? PDK is Puppet's development kit. The bits we are interested in right now are:

  • Validation pdk validate...
  • Testing pdk test...
  • Packaging pdk build...

There's a lot more to PDK then just running simple tests though, PDK includes its own version of ruby and various other tools.

On Linux PDK behaves (or at least appears to behave...) like a thin wrapper around ruby, in the same vein as RBENV/RVM. On Windows, things are more involved since it needs to install specific system libraries and reference them at runtime somehow. This is why running bundle install on PDK project in windows can cause strange and interesting blow-ups (don't do that!).

What's the point of PDQTest if we have PDK?

PDQTest provides an easy way to run acceptance tests using light-weight Docker containers which we abuse to the point of treating them almost like VMs in order to extract maximum speed. It offers a different approach to Beaker:

  • Minimal to no project configuration required, just metadata.json and a few other files we setup for you
  • Simple acceptance tests written in BASH or PowerShell
  • Provide good enough (but not perfect) testing:
    • Generic Ubuntu, Centos, Windows test environments
    • Capable of mocking large/slow/networked systems by replacing or installing binaries inside the container at the OS level, eg:
      • Fake installation of Database server's by mocking the installer your puppet exec would call with a simple python script
      • Network tools such as realmd with a simple mock realm command written in Python
      • Complex OS commands that need to report different state between puppet runs can be mocked with Python and a small SQLite database or simple text files (eg the sysctl command)
      • Fake different Unix-like Operating Systems such as AIX by subverting the commands that your puppet code would execute. This is particularly useful in this case since there are no AIX desktop virtualisation solutions right now and there probably never will be
      • See examples for real-world modules using these techniques

Of course, this will only ever give you an approximation of a real-world system but in many cases this is all that's needed. The complexity of setting up a 100% accurate test environment is a daunting task and one that may never provide ROI vs the effort spent configuring and maintaining it.

If perfect accuracy is indeed required, then PDQTest is not what you are looking for and you should look towards solutions like Beaker or Kitchen CI.

How does PDQTest work with PDK? Do I have to choose?

No, you don't have to choose! PDQTest integrates with PDK by making the minimal amount of invasive changes:

New projects

New projects should be created using PDK: pdk new module.

This will give you all the PDK versioned files you would ever need. When you run pdqtest init on a new project created with PDK, we only copy in our own integration files and do not not touch the PDK generated files at all (the ones marked 🛠 below).

After running pdqtest init, run pdk update to have PDK process the .sync.yml we installed.

Existing PDQTest projects

To make upgrading to PDQTest 2.0 + PDK easy for our existing users, we automate the workflow normally carried out by pdk convert.

We do not include the entire set of files that would have been generated by pdk convert or pdk new module. If you want the full set, you should run one of these commands yourself before pdqtest init and the resulting files will be left alone unless PDK starts writing new files that we are already using.

Key integration points


  • Enable PDK by adding the fields:
    • pdk-version
    • template-url
    • template-ref The values for these fields are obtained automatically from PDK itself and are consistent with the system installed PDK (we generate a temporary project and read files/values from it).


If you require PDK to know about a particular gem for your project, add it to this file and then run:


make Gemfile.local


.\make.ps1 Gemfile.local

Depending on platform, this will symlink or copy Gemfile.project to Gemfile.local respectively, then run pdk bundle install to update PDK's knowledge of the new gem.

Miscellaneous skeletons

When pdqtest init is run, we install a small set of skeleton files in the root of your project. This is a one-off operation to get you started and is only done if your project is not already marked PDK compatible.

After your module has been marked as PDK compatible, you must only manage these files using PDK.

Skeletons are generated on the fly using PDK itself, so they are always up-to-date according to the PDK you have installed on your system.

Existing non-PDQTest projects

If you have an existing Puppet project that does not use PDQTest or PDK (eg created by hand or with the old puppet module generate command), then the recommended way to enable PDQTest is to first enable PDK by running pdk convert, then follow the wizard.

You may then enable PDQTest by running pdqtest init.

Depending on the state of your project, you may be able to bypass the pdk convert process by just running pdqtest init but this isn't recommended or supported.

PDQTest directory structure

  • 🛠 - File generated by PDK
  • ⚡ - File updated/replaced when you run pdqtest upgrade:
├── appveyor.yml ⚡
├── bitbucket-pipelines.yml ⚡
├── Gemfile 🛠
├── Gemfile.local
├── Gemfile.project
├── .gitattributes 🛠
├── .gitignore 🛠
├── Makefile ⚡
├── make.ps1 ⚡
├── .pdkignore 🛠
├── .pdqtest
│   ├── Gemfile ⚡
│   └── Gemfile.lock
├── .puppet-lint.rc
├── Rakefile 🛠
├── spec
│   ├── default_facts.yml 🛠
│   ├── fixtures
│   │   ├── hieradata
│   │   │   └── test.yaml
│   │   └── hiera.yaml
│   └── spec_helper.rb 🛠
└── .travis.yml ⚡


  • appveyor.yml - Complete test suite for Windows modules
  • .travis.yml - Complete test suite for Linux modules
  • bitbucket-pipelines.yaml - logical testing only (unit/RSpec)
  • .puppet-lint.rc - Make lint errors test failures, ignore double quotes, etc
  • Makefile - Essential launch script for Linux
  • make.ps1 - Essential launch script for Windows
  • spec/fixtures/hiera.yaml - Mock system-wide hiera.yaml file
  • spec/fixtures/hieradata/test.yaml - Mock system-wide hieradata
  • Gemfile.project - Used to enable additional gems in PDK if needed (eg for RSpec)
  • Gemfile.local - Transient file created at runtime by Makefile or make.ps1 to enable additional PDK gems see details below
  • .gitignore - PDK has a massive list of files to ignore for new projects so these are imported and we add some of our own
  • .gitattributes - PDK doesn't process this on pdk update so it ignores our .sync.yml customisations. This is handy to force LF for teams working on windows
  • .pdqtest/Gemfile - it's impossible to share a Gemfile with PDK (believe me I tried) Therefore we need our own and it lives here. See details below.
  • .pdqtest/Gemfile.lock - corresponding lock for PDQTest

Why are the launch scripts essential/How does the PDQTest gem load itself?

Extra gems for pdk command

PDK provides its own Gemfile to select the gems available at runtime. There are hooks in this file to load additional configuration from two locations:

  • ~/.gemfile
  • YOUR_PROJECT/Gemfile.local

These are good for loading additional GEMs that run inside the PDK ruby environment created by the pdk command only! PDK modifies it's Gemfile at runtime according to the target being run and this which makes it unsafe for us to load the pdqtest gem here, because the bundle will change while it is being used.

Using pdk bundle exec as basically an alias for bundle exec did not work as PDQTest needs to call the pdk command for its lifecycle targets. This caused serious errors on Windows.

We are not supposed to store permanent data in Gemfile.local as its in PDK's generated .gitignore. The workaround to this is for us to create our own per-project Gemfile with the gems we would have liked to have put in Gemfile.local and copy/symlink as required.

The main use of this is to load additional gems during the pdk test unit phase that without customising via .sync.yml or a custom template repository (although these should work too/instead).

For further background see:

Load PDQTest and supporting gems

Since PDK updates Gemfile during execution, the only sensible option for loading PDQTest is to have our own directory containing our own Gemfile and Gemfile.lock:

  • .pdqtest/Gemfile
  • .pdqtest/Gemfile.lock

This affords complete separation from PDK and lets us use the provided ruby. The only caveat is that we must cd into the .pdqtest directory before executing the pdqtest command.

When you run pdqtest upgrade, it will update .pdqtest/Gemfile with the newer version of the pdqtest gem.

As ever, the per-project .pdqtest/Gemfile means that we support side-by-side installation of all versions of PDQTest while letting PDK take over the main Gemfile ensures full PDK compatibility.

Makefile and make.ps1

To support these two scenarios, Makefile and make.ps1 automate the project preparation (bundling/symlinking) by providing the following targets:

  • Gemfile.local:
    • Windows: Copy Gemfile.project to Gemfile.local, replacing any content, then run pdk bundle to update PDKs gems
    • Linux: Symlink Gemfile.local to Gemfile.project, then run pdk bundle to update PDKs gems
  • pdqtestbundle - run bundle install using system/custom ruby against .pdqtest/Gemfile
  • pdkbundle - run pdk bundle install to re-bundle PDK

The remaining targets all work by jumping into the .pdqtest directory and then using .pdqtest/Gemfile to launch pdqtest. This avoids users having to jump around the project directories to get work done.

For this reason, you must launch PDQTest using the provided Makefile or make.ps1 scripts, at until your familiar with jumping to the .pdqtest directory to run bundle exec pdqtest yourself.

What happens when I upgrade PDQTest?

When PDQTest is upgraded, we update the files above marked ⚡ in your project. This doesn't impact PDK at all with the exception that we take over .travis.yml since the PDK one doesn't do what we want it to.

What happens when I upgrade PDK?

PDK operates independently from PDQTest and maintains its own files. Your free to run pdk update to upgrade the your files to the latest PDK templated ones whenever you like.

To protect PDQTest files from alteration (notably .travis.yml and bitbucket-pipelines.yml) we merge instructions to have PDK leave them alone to .sync.yml (merging with any existing rules) to prevent churn.

If you have further customisations to PDK controlled files your options are:

  • Use git to revert any change by PDK
  • Use .sync.yml to influence file (re)generation blog reference example

How do I use PDK with PDQTest installed? What can and can't I do?

You can run any pdk command as described in the PDK documentation. PDQTest does not stop you running anything. If you find this not to be the case please open a ticket

How do PDQTest lifecycle tests relate to PDK?

logical pdk validate metadata,puppet, pdk test unit
all pdk validate metadata,puppet, pdk test unit, pdk build --force
fast N/A - run puppet-lint and rake syntax to finish faster

What actually happens when I run PDQTest?

bundle exec pdqtest all is the default target executed by make and .\make.ps1. The complete run looks like this:

  1. pdk validate 'metadata,puppet'
  2. Install modules listed in the metadata.json file using R10K against a temporary Puppetfile at Puppetfile.pdqtest
  3. Generate a .fixtures.yml file based on metadata.json
  4. pdk test unit
  5. Run all acceptance tests
  6. puppet strings generate --format=markdown to generate
  7. pdk build --force to generate your forge package

At each stage of the process, we output emoji's to keep you informed of progress. Any failure prevents running the next phase of testing and lint errors are considered failures.

PDQTest is pretty slow!

This is a side effect of having to shell out to run PDK via system calls. There's really no other way to do this while maintaining full PDK compatibility (if you know different, please open a ticket and let me know how).

That said you might just want to run syntax and lint tests and acceptance tests as quick as possible, in which case run:


make fast


.\make.ps1 fast

This runs the syntax and lint tests using the original puppet-syntax and puppet-lint libraries. We can't guarantee PDK identical behaviour or compatibility when used this way but hey... its faster.

How do I automatically fix up my lint errors?

With PDK!:

pdk validate -a

What's going on with Puppet Strings?

We use our own gem version of puppet and puppet-strings because puppet-strings is not shipped by PDK.

We execute puppet strings outside of ruby for simplicity.