Report by @Dustorf.
- dates: 2019-01-16 - 2019-01-18 (3 days)
- location: Miami, USA
- site:
- visitors: 1,000 (est. by Decred team). Last year was 8,000, promoters set expectations at 6,000, claimed 1,800 after the event.
Decred presence:
- attendees: @anshawblack (local), @BigRed, @DZ, @jy-p, @joshuam, @jz, @oregonisaac, @zubair.
- Jake had a 15 minute speaking slot with talk "Applications of Blockchain Time-Stamping" (talk page)
- full booth sponsorship
- Promote Decred to the attendees, Politeia's applications.
- Gauge conference and event enthusiasm for 2019 - use conclusions to plan events for the remainder of the year.
- Coordinate interviews across media outlets in attendance to promote Decred.
- Meet with others in attendance (institutional investors, other projects, media, etc.).
- Test new messaging: Store of Value, various tag lines, etc.
- Review old swag & determine what needs updating/what can be disposed of.
- @jy-p, @jz, @joshuam media training with Ditto.
- Evaluate Decred team members for future roles and involvement.
- The direct goal of promoting Decred to the conference was a major letdown based upon the number of attendees and the dearth of other high quality projects in attendance. This was a surprise, as the event last year was a major success. A good number of project contributors met Decred last year, including the community organizers just now starting in San Francisco.
- Jake's presentation was well done and well attended given the conference attendance numbers.
- Decred did have lots of quality meetings, including dinner with Chris DeRose, who has been very complimentary of Decred lately.
- Interviews were held with Bitsonline, Cheddar, Altcoin Buzz, and CNBC Trader. We met with another media outlet and agreed to work on an exclusive after the event.
- SoV, "Secure. Adaptable. Self-Funding", and the accompanying messaging was found to be a very effective way of talking about Decred. It was found to be most clear and impactful.
- From inventory, we brought keychains, license plate holders, stickers, postcards, handouts, overview booklets, T-shirts, and tote bags. Going forward, we plan to only bring updated booklets, T-shirts and tote bags. This reduction of swag items should make things easier to manage in the future.
- The team went through media training and found it very useful. So much so, that we have training scheduled for seven further Decred contributors the first week of February.
- @BigRed was determined to not be an Ethereum plant. He was a great part of the team and contributed in a positive way. It was also great to see @zubair at an event, knowing that he's organizing the community with @michae2xl in Toronto. @anshawblack was incredibly valuable because of his Spanish language skills. He also was inspired to begin a Decred podcast with the working title "Decred in Depth", which is a great outcome from getting the team together.
- "Applications of Blockchain Time-Stamping" - talk by @jy-p (youtube)
- "Why 2019 will be the biggest year for Decred" - interview with @joshuam by Hack Crypto (youtube)
- "Decred Realized Disputes in Blockchain Projects Were Inevitable" - interview with @joshuam by Bitsonline (youtube)
- Interview with @jz by CNBC Crypto Trader (youtube)
- Interview with @DZ (youtube)
@jz_bz "no we did not have an ICO" (twitter)
A common question that was asked at the booth.
(from chat)
I want to thank Angelo, Jonathan, and the rest of the Decred members that were at The North American Bitcoin Conference for their hospitality. As a digital marketer in the cryptocurrency space, I've had my fair share of project introductions at conferences. My experience with Decred at BTC Miami was by far the best. All the Decred members at the booth were professional, informative, and friendly. I had multiple hour long conversations at the booth where I had the opportunity to ask questions and learn about Decred. Following the insightful conversations, I was sent links to continue my research and received free merchandise as well. Jake also had a killer keynote on the main stage.
I'm very excited to join this community and I'm looking forward to a bright future.
Info from @DZ.
Decred T-shirt:
- Distribution in % based on 1000 pieces: XS: 4%, S: 10%, M: 24%, L: 35%, XL: 25%, XXL: 2%.
- Interest: Very high.
- Recommendations: remove XS, XXL.
Decred bags:
- Interest: Very high.
- Recommendations: Dark bag with white or light blue logo.
Decred brochure:
- Interest: Very high.
- Recommendations: Integrate contractor opportunities (currently on a separate A6).
Stakey keychains:
- Interest: Average.
- Variants: Green (anti-ICO), blue (anti-ICO), round Decred logo, white bg Decred logo.
- Interest: Low.
- Recommendations: Remove all, except oval Decred logo sticker.
Educational A6:
- Variants: Green, dark blue, light blue.
- Interest: Very low.
- Recommendations: Remove.
License plate frame (blue):
- Interest: Very low.
- Recommendations: Remove.
Contractor recruitment sheet:
- Interest: Very low.
- Recommendations: Remove or integrate (short version) into the brochure.