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451 lines (298 loc) · 22.2 KB

File metadata and controls

451 lines (298 loc) · 22.2 KB

< 2020-10-19 >

3,162,880 events, 1,641,638 push events, 2,512,524 commit messages, 176,656,690 characters

Monday 2020-10-19 00:42:09 by ihaveasmallpenis

Update index.js

Now stores Message ID, and instead of having blank messages in place of attachments actually tells you there's a fucking attachment there you stupid fucking bitch

Fuck you

Monday 2020-10-19 03:33:16 by bradleybeddoes

Hail Mary Gradle upgrade

Yeah, I said no dependency updates but holy crap shit be well and truly broken on Gradle 1.3, for example this fancy new thing called HTTPS exists and Gradle 1.3 no likey...

Monday 2020-10-19 04:06:44 by bin-pro


Finally i fixed all the bug while 2weeks, what is only caused by "checking list". Umm.. I don't know where i work and even not knowing where the field is, but now i feel so accomplished and fun to programming something. And i liked to search and contain on my code! Not only for my major is IT, I love this studying i guess. blahblahblah haha.. I know this is freaking spaghetti code. But I know I will get skill sooner or later. i hope when i turn around my past experience and i smile. and i hope i can tease myself, Like, "Hey, dude, Don't let you down. You can be better unless don't give up!" Thanks for "Nomad Coder" for giving me idea and "MOMENTUM" which is google chrome web application. Thanks!

Monday 2020-10-19 04:21:58 by Kevin Sheng

i have completed the rental

kept on failing for test case 5 (but fixed it lol) i hate my life and everything on this planet

Monday 2020-10-19 08:51:23 by Parola Marco

Now using a "requireLocal" function to use local modules (fuck you, Node.js)

Monday 2020-10-19 11:05:42 by Marko Grdinić


Actually, let me look just a little. Issue 877 seems to be on point here.

12:20pm. I really should just ask about whether it would be possible to have the server move and delete the files and directories.

else File.Create(a.filePath) |> ignore; ret {|result=None|}

Something occurred to me. Maybe it is not a different process like the error message says. Maybe it is the server itself.

else File.Create(a.filePath).Dispose(); ret {|result=None|}

Yeah, the File.Create operations return file streams and those need to be disposed manually.

It is strange that VS Code is locking a file that is not even open in it.

It is really great that I used my head before jumping to a conclussion. This kind of intuition is much more likely to manifest when one is fresh like now. If you are doing this at the end of the day and want to rush the finish, you miss the subtle subconscious clues that can save you hours.

Let me try this again.

Oh it works. The text replacement during deletion is wrong though. This should be easy to fix.

                        if ("DeleteFile" in x.action || "DeleteDirectory" in x.action) {
                            const r = range(x.range)
                            const target = await window.showInputBox({prompt: "Enter 'y' to confirm the delete."})
                            if (target === "y") {
                                error = await spiprojCodeActionExecuteReq(uri,x.action)
                                if (!error) {
                                    const edit = new WorkspaceEdit()
                                    if ("DeleteDirectory" in x.action) {edit.delete(doc.uri,range(x.action.DeleteDirectory.range))}
                                    else {edit.delete(doc.uri,r)}

Let me try this.

12:30pm. The file rename forgets the extension. These are minor bugs that I can easily fix. I really dodged a bullet earlier by not taking the deletion error at face value.

| FParsec.CharParsers.ParserResult.Success _ -> File.Move(a.filePath,Path.Combine(a.filePath,"..",,false); ret {|result=None|}

Let me try it like this.

12:30pm. Whops, even the file delete requires a range. I just realized it does not delete the extension. Let me deal with that.

and file_or_directory p =
    (range file' >>= fun (r,name) p ->
        let x = p.Peek2()
        match x.Char0, x.Char1 with
        | '/',_ -> p.Skip(); (spaces >>. range file_hierarchy |>> fun (r',files) -> Directory((fst r, snd r'),(r,name),files)) p
        | '-',_ -> p.Skip(); (range spaces |>> fun (r',_) -> File((fst r, snd r'),(r,name),true,true)) p
        | '*','-' -> p.Skip(2); (range spaces |>> fun (r',_) ->  File((fst r, snd r'),(r,name),false,true)) p
        | '*',_ -> p.Skip(); (range spaces |>> fun (r',_) ->  File((fst r, snd r'),(r,name),false,false)) p
        | _ -> (range spaces |>> fun (r',_) ->  File((fst r, snd r'),(r,name),true,false)) p
        ) p

Let me do it like this.

...Actually, I do not like this.

and file_or_directory p =
    (range (range file' >>= fun (r,name) p ->
        let x = p.Peek2()
        match x.Char0, x.Char1 with
        | '/',_ -> p.Skip(); (spaces >>. file_hierarchy |>> fun files r' -> Directory((fst r, snd r'),(r,name),files)) p
        | '-',_ -> p.Skip(); (spaces >>% fun r' -> File(r',(r,name),true,true)) p
        | '*','-' -> p.Skip(2); (spaces >>% fun r' -> File(r',(r,name),false,true)) p
        | '*',_ -> p.Skip(); (spaces >>% fun r' -> File(r',(r,name),false,false)) p
        | _ -> (spaces >>% fun r' -> File(r',(r,name),true,false)) p
    |>> fun (r',f) -> f r') p

Now this is solid.

Now that I have the info the server needs, let me implement the needed functionality.

...Piece of cake. I won't even bother pasting it here.

Let me get back to the VS Code side of things.

12:45pm. Done modifying things. Let me test it out.

let rec file_hierarchy p =
    let i = column p
    let expr p = if i = column p then file_or_directory p else Reply(ReplyStatus.Error,expected "file or directory on the same or greater indentation as the first one")
    (many1 expr |>> fun l ->

Things work really great.

Let me make this a regular many after all. I do not want errors when the directory is empty.

and file_or_directory p =
    (range (range file' >>= fun (r,name) p ->
        let x = p.Peek2()
        match x.Char0, x.Char1 with
        | '/',_ -> p.Skip(); (spaces >>. file_hierarchy |>> fun files r' -> Directory((fst r, snd r'),(r,name),files)) p

Let me also add an indent check here.

and file_or_directory p =
    let i = column p
    let file_hierarchy p = if i < column p then file_hierarchy p else Reply([||])

Let me try this. I won't have failing the indentation check here be an error.


moduleDir: src

Wow, creating, deleting and renaming files in the project file is a piece of cake now.


moduleDir: src

Directory renaming for this does not work properly. I think I am passing in the wrong range here. This will be an easy fix. Let me do it and I will finally have breakfast.

Ahh, I get it. The range is too wide.

let directory p = (range (restOfLine true .>> spaces) |>> fun (r,x) -> Some(r,x.Trim())) p

Let me change this to false.

let directory p = (range (restOfLine false) .>> spaces |>> fun (r,x) -> Some(r,x.Trim())) p

Let me try this.

1:05pm. Great. Everything now is absolutely perfect. The project files are fully interactive."

Monday 2020-10-19 13:29:37 by Domischwarz

Merge pull request #23 from Domischwarz/dominik-clean


Monday 2020-10-19 16:17:20 by Nikita Voloboev

3d-printing animals api art generative-art genomics aws-lambda cloudflare-workers ray-tracing webgl algorithms computer-science data-structures data-science blockchain ethereum databases postgresql prometheus sqlite animation color design-inspiration design-systems fonts icons terraform grpc psychedelics e-commerce investing environment rules css board-games games spatial-analysis law risc-v fpga hardware knowledge-graphs internationalization latex ml-libraries pytorch machine-learning generative-adversarial-networks neural-networks reinforcement-learning management product-management category-theory fractals lambda-calculus math diseases guitar graphql http networking peer-to-peer ssh wireguard websocket nlp speech-synthesis github-actions github containers docker kubernetes file-systems ios linux other wiki-workflow physics c-libraries cpp elixir elm-libraries elm go-libraries go nextjs react-components react-hooks react-native relay svelte julia-libraries lua ocaml-libraries programming-languages django python-libraries python r-packages rust-libraries rust scala-libraries swift-libraries swift typescript-libraries typescript continuous-integration documentation functional-programming json software-architecture git blogs security mastodon social-networks emacs text-editors vs-code-extensions discord video browsers nodejs rss search-engines web-scraping webpack finding-work hiring remote-work

Monday 2020-10-19 16:27:28 by Alex Cruz

Restart with change only on exit

This change allow the user to change everything they have to inside the homescreen activity and only restart on exit. Previously this was a pain in the fucking ass because you had to go in and set each option one by one with a restart inbetween. At least now is not that big of a pain.

  • Restart on destroy (hitting the back button, actionbar arrow)
  • Restart when a chance is made and the home button is pressed

** Thanks "Jack" for code to detect home button

  • Cleaned up restart code

eyosen adapted to 10

Change-Id: I4962916ae0bd59d08247b59de585a97a2b9da3a1 Signed-off-by: Pranav Vashi

Monday 2020-10-19 16:43:26 by Marko Grdinić

"2pm. Let me do the chores here and I will resume.

2:05pm. Actually, let me chill a bit more.

I am thinking of what I have to do next.

2:10pm. Ownership validation and packages right? That won't be hard. And after I do that, the project files will have all of their functionality.

There is actually more to package management like this - I'd really want something like Nuget to store Spiral packages, but I've decided to leave that for later. I still do not know what the primary backend will be and so I do not want to sink time into this right now. Manual package management is fine for now.

Even the completed v0.2 will just be a demo ultimately. When the language has only a single user, I do not want to work on this. Later if I can garner some interest in this project, I'll place proper attention on this.

2:15pm. Let me do the chores. Let me just do this thing today, and I will finally be done with project files.

I'll be able to move to working on the compilation pipeline after that. And after that finally comes doing real programming in Spiral. I will go through the testing phase. I will put Spiral through its pace and after that, it will be a real tool worth using.

2:30pm. Done with chores.

Let me turn off the Internet. I do not want any distractions in case I get bored.


Ownership validation for files is what I need. But rather than files, it will be easier to do for folders. So that is what I will focus on.

2:45pm. This sort of thing will be a piece of cake.

3:20pm. I am thinking. Validating file ownership will in fact be easy, but checking for package circularity is a good bit harder.

If the user has many packages open, I do not want this to end up being a n^2 operation. So I am thinking how to do this efficiently.

3:55pm. I am completely sumped. Damn graph cycles. It is easy enough to figure out when a graph has a cycle. But what would be an efficient way of calculating when a node in a graph leads to itself. This is ridiculously tough. I've encountered this problem in the past under various guises.

Let me take a break here. After that I will Google this problem. I just can't figure out a O(log n) way of doing this. But there should be one somewhere.

4:15pm. This thing is going to ruin my whole day it seems.

4:25pm. Yeah, this stuff is what I need. Let me read up on this. Today at the very least I'll do the ownership validation. Let just get this out of the way first.

I do not get the Wiki article. Let me watch some of the vids here.

4:45pm. Kosaraju's Algorithm - Strongly Connected Components | GeeksforGeeks

I get this. This is pretty magical. This might be good to use in the prepass. Still, is there a way to do this incrementally?

There are also efficient algorithms to dynamically track the components of a graph as vertices and edges are added, as a straightforward application of disjoint-set data structures. These algorithms require amortized O(α(n)) time per operation, where adding vertices and edges and determining the component in which a vertex falls are both operations, and α(n) is a very slow-growing inverse of the very quickly growing Ackermann function.

This is going to be complicated. In order to give good error messages, I can't just say that the package has a cycle. I need to keep track of the strongly connected components.

5:15pm. Connectivity in Directed Graphs - Static and Dynamic

Here is a 204 page thesis on the problem.

5:25pm. Let me read it for a while. I admit, I did not think that doing cycle detection along with good error messages would be this troublesome.

My progress has ground to a halt. I need to famliarize myself with the stuff in this thesis. I guess I'll focus on this problem for a while.


We begin by presenting new algorithms for computing the maximal 2-edge- and 2-vertex-connected subgraphs in directed graphs in O(m3/2 ) time, where m and n are respectively the number of edges and vertices of the graph.

I need to keen in mind what m and n are.

...What is single source reachability?

6:25pm. Ok, I've pretty much wasted my entire day thinking about this problem. There are dynamic connectivity structures for undirected graphs, but I can't find anything on directed ones. In the thesis there is a structure for doing efficient edge removal, but I need a way to deal with the full problem.

I'll give up on doing it incrementally, and just use Kosaraju's algorithm.

6:30pm. Today I've thought about it for a few hours myself, realized the problem is really hard, then I looked around and in fact the problem really is hard.

I am going to curtail my ambitions for making a trully incremental package server. I'll have to recalc the entire tree on every update. Maybe if I packages from a central repo I could guarantee that they have no cycles and avoid expensive checks that way.

6:35pm. Forget that. Let me stop here for the day.

Today I finally made project files fully interactive which is a great accomplishment, but got stuck on packages. Tomorrow I will finish the validation, and go into the DFS algorithms more in depth. I want to study them before I commit."

Monday 2020-10-19 17:49:04 by Casey K

maybe fixes bitch ass fucking input jumping on ios

Monday 2020-10-19 19:08:13 by Ferran-Roger Basart i Bosch

This commit explodes the code. I'm just saving progress in case apocalypsis come, my PC dies, but gitHub severs don't. Unlikely, but I'm prepared for anything. Don't have 68 bunkers spread all around the world for nothing I tell you. I was going to make nuclear weaponry jokes, then kind of thought what about I don't, then remembered dinner is on the table, so yeah... Committing...

Monday 2020-10-19 19:25:36 by gallo-json

Genesis 1:1 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.'

Monday 2020-10-19 19:41:04 by Franklin Pugh

button spawns in wrong place

It doesn't work but it doesn't break the game so here it is. Unity, go fuck yourself.

Monday 2020-10-19 20:22:06 by Kevin Puertas

commit ec91e78d378cc5d4b43805a1227d8e04e5dfa17d upstream.

Commit e49ce14 ("modpost: use linker section to generate table.") was not so cool as we had expected first; it ended up with ugly section hacks when commit dd2a3ac ("mod/file2alias: make modpost compile on darwin again") came in.

Given a certain degree of unknowledge about the link stage of host programs, I really want to see simple, stupid table lookup so that this works in the same way regardless of the underlying executable format.

Signed-off-by: Masahiro Yamada Acked-by: Mathieu Malaterre [nc: Omit rpmsg, sdw, fslmc, tbsvc, and typec as they don't exist here Add of to avoid backporting two larger patches] Signed-off-by: Nathan Chancellor Signed-off-by: Sasha Levin

Monday 2020-10-19 20:22:15 by vcokltfre

fix: can you for the love of fucking god stop telling people that emojis are other languages you good for nothing dumb, idiotic, worthless piece of shit bot. Thanks.

Monday 2020-10-19 21:05:06 by Aleksi Lassila

Hey, my permissions are now actually registered and make sense. Boys and girls, just read the damn docs

Monday 2020-10-19 22:19:48 by jroinc

Chem rework mk5, the unga strikes back (#4813)

  • Chemical additions

Initial add of 2 chemicals, QC+ and Larvaway.

QC+ is highly toxic and stuns, but heals IB very, very rapidly.

Metabolism rate 0.5u/tick, intended dose 5u, OD 6u, crit OD 10u. Healrate will be 2.5/tick, for a total of 25 pts of IB healed/dose, additional if OD'd (next commit). That's the good stuff.

The bad stuff is that it gives you 5u of toxins/tick, AND takes 15 stamina/tick, AND maxes out your pain. Give with antitox and it's 100% safe, but you'll still go down for about 20 seconds.

OD deals 3 toxin/tick and some minor bloodloss. Crit OD deals hilariously high bloodloss. Maybe don't clot all your blood at once?

Larvaway is moderately toxic, and can cause stamina issues, but delays larva growth by 50% or so (next commit). Over time, it will become lethal.

Metabolism of 0.1u/tick, design dose 10u (200 seconds). OD's at 15u, crit OD at 25u. The first 10u cause 0.5 toxin damage/tick with a 25% chance of 0.5 staminaloss/tick. The second 10u cause 1 toxin damage/tick with a 25% chance of 20 staminaloss/tick. Anything after 20u is processed causes 3 toxin/tick (but no staminaloss, yay?)

Co-authored-by: TiviPlus

< 2020-10-19 >