Set of powershell scripts I use to manage Windows servers.
Ability to monitor and restart processes based on arguments. Can auto discover processes provided a process name.
- Auto discover processes based off of process name
- Logging supported both normal and verbose (debug)
- Unresponsive check supported
- Can be run in persistent mode or one time mode
- Configurable interval time, unresponsive interations, and responsive check statuses
Example Usage
Discovering processes to watch: .\process-restarter.ps1 -inspectProcess ShooterGameServer.exe
Running continuously: .\process-restarter.ps1 -logfile .\restarter.log -persistent $true
Running once: .\process-restarter.ps1 -logfile .\restarter.log
Enabling Debug Messages: .\process-restarter.ps1 -logfile .\restarter.log -enableDebug $true
Example shortcut
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noLogo -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -command "C:\restarter\process-restarter.ps1 -logfile .\restarter.log -persistent $true -runAsUser user -runAsUserPassword 'password'"
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