- None
- [techdivision/import-attribute] Fixes attribute import issue for option translations
- None
- None
- [techdivision/import-product] Fixed error in SQL statement preparation for stock status updates
- [techdivision/import] Wrap \PDOExceptions in AbstractBaseProcessor for more detailed database releated exceptions
- [techdivision/import-product-ee] Remove unncessary SQL statements for stock status create/update operation
- None
- [techdivision/import] Add classes + interfaces for the dynamic attribute loader implementation
- [techdivision/import-product] Add fix to ignore missing columns or columns with empty values when persisting inventory data
- None
- None
- [techdivision/import] Fixed invalid interruption of observer chain when skipping row
- [techdivision/import-product-ee] Fixed invalid Magento Edition in etc/techdivision-import-price.json
- [techdivision/import-product] Skip row instead of continue processing (in debug mode) when product with SKU can not be loaded in LastEntityIdObserver
- None
- None
- None
- Minor pateches in some libraries
- None
- Fixed invalid category URL rewrite functionaliy in a multi-store environment
- None
- None
- None
- Refactor log messages for clean-up category + media gallery
- None
- Fixed invalid handling when URL rewrites have been deleted (e. g. because category product relation has been removed) and re-created
- Add functionality to remove old image + image tags when products are updated
- Add configurable functionality to remove entity attributes with empty values in column names
- Add configurable functionality to remove old URL rewrites that not longer exists
- Add configurable functionality to remove category product relations that not longer exists in the CSV file
- None
- Add cache warming functionality
- None
- None
- None
- Issue #117 - Attribute Import fails when invoking add-update after replace operation]
- Add missing option configuration system-name to AbstractSimpleCommand class
- None
- Issue #117 - Attribute Import fails when invoking add-update after replace operation]
- None
- Completely refactored product URL rewrite handling
- URL rewrites for default store view are NOT generated
- None
- Add new library techdivision/import-product-url-rewrite that'll handle product URL rewrites in future releases
- URL rewrites for default store view are NOT generated
- None
- Add basic integration testsuite
- URL rewrites for default store view are NOT generated
- Fixed invalid URL rewrite generation in mutli-store environments
- None
- None
- Fixed issue when invoking storeViewHasBeenProcessed($pk, $storeViewCode) method always returns false
- None
- None
- Fixed issue with product import
operation, that toggles between none and-1
.html suffix for URL rewrites
- None
- Product import
operation toggles between none and-1
.html suffix for URL rewrites
- Fixed issue with missing URL rewrites for additional store views in a multi website setup
- None
- Product import
operation toggles between none and-1
.html suffix for URL rewrites
- None
- Refactoring for better URL rewrite + attribute handling
- Fixed issue in URL rewrite handling when importing products
- None
- None
- Insert/Update values in catalog_eav_attribute table dynamically
- Fixed issue techdivision/import-product #57
- Make image types + header mappings configurable
- Add new commands import:products:price + import:products:inventory for updating product price + inventory
- Fixed critical issue because of not mapped column names when try to load a column's value
- Refactored filesystem handling
- None
- Switch to latest library versions
- Fixed invalid path generation when updating more than two times
- Merge constructor params for logger initialization by name instead of using order
- None
- None
- Switch to latest libraries
- Invoke library PHPUnit tests on build task
- Bugfix in techdivision/import-product package
- None
- Bugfix in techdivision/import package
- Fix issue which caused ID sorted category paths
- None
- Update attribute import package
- Fix issue which caused, that all attribute settings were overriten by default values
- None
- None
- Refactor to optimize DI integration
- None
- Add command to create a dummy configuration file
- Add configurable CSV import + export adapters
- Update all libraries because of switch to new plugin + subject factory implementations
- None
- Update techdivions/import-attribute package
- Update techdivions/import package
- None
- Update techdivion/import package
- None
- Update import-product package
- None
- Update import-attribute package
- None
- Update import-attribute package version
- None
- Refactor ConfigurationLoader, add SimpleConfigurationLoader
- Refactor command classes for usage with SimpleConfigurationLoader
- Add LibraryLoader class to load external libraries found in configuration
- Switch to latest library version for better DI support
- None
- Fixed issue when updating attributes and catalog_eav_attribute table with custom fields
- Add commandline option to enable/disable artefact archiving functionality
- None
- Switch to latests import/attribute version
- Update example attribute CSV file
- None
- Move JMS configuration loading functionality from AbtractImportCoimmand to ConfigurationLoader class
- None
- Refactoring Symfony DI integration
- Fixed issue with invalid option value processing
- None
- Fixed issue when additional attributes contain a comma (,)
- Fixed issue when store view option values are missing
- None
- None
- Add functionality to generate sequential product URL rewrites
- Add --archive-dir option
- Fixed invalid path to techdivision/import-cli-simple Symfony DI configuration in bootstrap.php
- None
- None
- Updating techdivision/import-attribute library
- Using Symfony DI for application initialisation
- None
- Change workflow when trying to read configuration
- None
- Add support for EE attribute import
- None
- Switch to latest attribute import version
- Update configuration for attribute import
- None
- Add system-name commandline option
- None
- Switch to latest configuration version that allows params for plugins
- None
- Add basic attribute option import functionality
- None
- Add basic attribute import functionality
- None
- Set correct version number in .semver file
- None
- Remove unnecessary configuration options
- Update README.md
- Throw exception if library does not contain mandatory Symfony DI configuration
- Throw exception if a additional vendor directory without autoloader has been configured
- Remove unncessary use statement
- Integrate Symfony DI functionality
- Add new command to create OK files based on CSV files in a directory
- Fixed issue when concurrent access to PID file
- None
- None
- Update Dockerfile with postfix installation
- Remove unnecessary init() method calls on repositories in ImportProcessorFactory
- None
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product-ee package
- Refactoring for DI integration
- Removed unnecessary use statement in AbstractImportCommand
- Switch to latest techdivision/import + techdivision/import-product-link version
- None
- Refactor Import + RegistryProcessor initialization
- None
- Add Swift Mailer configuration for logger and MissingOptionValuesPlugin
- Fixed path to JMS serializer annotation for Doctrine AnnotationRegistry
- None
- Fixed issue that JMS docblocks are remove when creating PHAR
- Fixed issue that autoloader can not be required when using as library
- None
- None
- Add optimised error messages/output
- Add generic SwiftMailer logging/mail functionality
- None
- Make logger configuration customizable
- Set default operation to add-update instead of replace to avoid data loss
- Add functionality to temporary store the entity IDs of deleted products, provided by techdivision/import-product:1.0.0-alpha41
- None
- Add functionality to stop processing the operation by a plugin
- Add category import functionality
- Fixed missing Generator injection in CoreConfigDataRepository
- None
- None
- Inject core config data UID generator in import processor
- None
- Unlock PID file when a plugin fails execution
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product version
Version 1.0.0-alpha44
- None
- Update configuration files for CE/EE category/product import
- None
- Update configuration files for CE/EE category/product import
- None
- Integrate category import functionality for CE/EE without URL rewrite update
- None
- Minor changes for category import functionality
- None
- Refactoring for category import URL rewrite functionality
- None
- Add basic category import functionality for Magento 2 CE
- None
- Refactoring for plugin functionality
- None
- Allow subject configuration to specify if an OK file is necessary to be processed
- Add possibility to specify PID filename in configuration file and override it with a commandline option
- Optimize PID file handling to lock import process only when subjects are configured and an OK file is available if needed by the subject
- None
- Lock import process only, when CSV files are available
- Switch to appserver-io/dist:1.1.4-beta6 to fix CRON issue
- Added missing --use-db-id option to explicitly specify database configuration to use
- Add products:clear:pid command to remove an unused PID file
- Fixed issue in expected OK filename preparation
- None
- Refactoring log output + fixed invalid variable name
- None
- None
- Add handling for multiple database configurations
- None
- Add OK flagfile functionality
- None
- Move callbacks/observers initialisation to AbstractSubject class
- Add --ignore-pid=true option to allow multiple import processes, e. g. for debugging purposes
- Define default callbacks and implement default callbacks for user defined attributes based on attributes frontend_input value
- Fixed invalid sorting for import files on Linux in a Docker container
- None
- Fixed issue that import folders are deleted, when NO files for import are available
- Use PID file to make sure, that only one import can be processed at a time
- None
- Add Dockerfile
- None
- Add initialisation for UrlRewriteProductCategory repository
- Fixed invalid name of sample data CSV files
- Initialize and inject new UrlRewriteProductCategoryAction to handle missing URL rewrite product => category relations
- Fixed issue that prevents processing artefact exports
- Throw exceptions in Simple::removeDir() method, when directories/files can not be deleted
- None
- None
- Implement functionality to handle bunch imports
- Fixed invalid log level setting in debug mode
- Optimize debug output of installed PHP extensions
- None
- Make log level configurable
- Add debug mode to ignore missing SKUs in product relations and missing categories in product category relations
- None
- Add flag to upload images file to CE/EE configuration
- Bugfix archive functionality to avoid deleting import folder on exception during import
- None
- Removing invalid class name in Simple::removeDir() method
- None
- None
- Add archive functionality
- None
- Make source/target folder as well as multiple field delimiter configurable
- None
- Optimize exeception/error handling
- None
- Implement add-update operation for product media EE
- None
- Implement add-update operation for product media (no EE)
- None
- Implement add-update operation for product variants
- None
- Implement add-update operation for product link import
- None
- Implement add-update operation for product bundle import
- None
- Implement add-update operation for product import (NOT bundle, link, media + variant)
- None
- Switch to new create/delete naming convention
- Add basic product update functionality for add-update operation
- Fixed invalid creation of ProductLinkProcessor in ProductLinkProcessorFactory
- Remove unnecessary use statements in Operation configuration
- None
- None
- Now load default store on start-up
- Rename example => projects folder + re-order directory structure to support multiple projects
- Rename ProductProcessorFactory => ProductBunchProcessorFactory
- Fixed some typos
- None
- Add robo.li dependency + configuration, integrate create:phar command to create PHAR archive
- None
- Integrate Operation functionality
- None
- Integrate Clean-Up for products and relations
- None
- Activate replace mode for URL rewrite functionality
- None
- Refactoring + Documentation to prepare for Github release