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Dell Technologies (Dell) Container Storage Modules (CSM) for Authorization CLI

{{% pageinfo color="primary" %}} The CSM Authorization karavictl CLI is no longer actively maintained or supported. It will be deprecated in CSM 2.0. {{% /pageinfo %}}

karavictl is a command-line interface (CLI) used to interact with and manage your Container Storage Modules (CSM) Authorization deployment. This document outlines all karavictl commands, their intended use, options that can be provided to alter their execution, and expected output from those commands.

If you feel that something is unclear or missing in this document, please open up an issue.

Command Description
karavictl karavictl is used to interact with CSM Authorization Server
karavictl admin token Generate admin tokens
karavictl cluster-info Display the state of resources within the cluster
karavictl generate Generate resources for use with CSM
karavictl generate token Generate tokens
karavictl role Manage role
karavictl role get Get role
karavictl role list List roles
karavictl role create Create one or more CSM roles
karavictl role update Update the quota of one or more CSM roles
karavictl role delete Delete role
karavictl rolebinding Manage role bindings
karavictl rolebinding create Create a rolebinding between role and tenant
karavictl rolebinding delete Delete a rolebinding between role and tenant
karavictl storage Manage storage systems
karavictl storage get Get details on a registered storage system
karavictl storage list List registered storage systems
karavictl storage create Create and register a storage system
karavictl storage update Update a registered storage system
karavictl storage delete Delete a registered storage system
karavictl tenant Manage tenants
karavictl tenant create Create a tenant resource within CSM
karavictl tenant get Get a tenant resource within CSM
karavictl tenant list Lists tenant resources within CSM
karavictl tenant revoke Get a tenant resource within CSM
karavictl tenant delete Deletes a tenant resource within CSM
karavictl tenant update Updates a tenant resource within CSM

General Commands


karavictl is used to interact with CSM Authorization Server


karavictl provides security, RBAC, and quota limits for accessing Dell storage products from Kubernetes clusters

  admin        Generate admin token for use with CSM Authorization
  cluster-info Display the state of resources within the cluster
  completion   Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  generate     Generate resources for use with Karavi
  help         Help about any command
  role         Manage roles
  rolebinding  Manage role bindings
  storage      Manage storage systems
  tenant       Manage tenants
  -h, --help          Help for karavictl
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file; required for all commands except `admin token` and `cluster-info`
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server; required for all commands except `admin token` and `cluster-info`
      --insecure      Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server

Outputs help text

karavictl admin token

Generate admin tokens


Generate admin token for use with CSM Authorization commands. The tokens output in YAML format, which can be saved in a file.

karavictl admin token [flags]
Required Flags
  -n, --name   Name of the admin
Optional Flags
  -h, --help                       Help for token
  -s, --jwt-signing-secret         Specify JWT signing secret, or omit to use stdin
      --refresh-token-expiration   Expiration time of the refresh token, e.g. 48h (default 720h0m0s)
      --access-token-expiration    Expiration time of the access token, e.g. 1m30s (default 1m0s)
$ karavictl admin token --name admin --access-token-expiration 30s --refresh-token-expiration 120m
$ Enter JWT Signing Secret: ***********

  "Access": <ACCESS-TOKEN>,
  "Refresh": <REFRESH-TOKEN>

Alternatively, one can supply JWT signing secret with command.

$ karavictl admin token --name admin --jwt-signing-secret secret --access-token-expiration 30s --refresh-token-expiration 120m
  "Access": <ACCESS-TOKEN>,
  "Refresh": <REFRESH-TOKEN>

karavictl cluster-info

Display the state of resources within the cluster


Prints table of resources within the cluster, including their readiness

karavictl cluster-info [flags]
Optional Flags
  -h, --help    Help for cluster-info
  -w, --watch   Watch for changes
karavictl cluster-info
NAME                   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
tenant-service         1/1     1            1           59m
redis-primary          1/1     1            1           59m
proxy-server           1/1     1            1           59m
redis-commander        1/1     1            1           59m
storage-service        1/1     1            1           59m
role-service           1/1     1            1           59m

karavictl generate

Generate resources for use with CSM


Generates resources for use with CSM

karavictl generate [flags]
Optional Flags
  -h, --help   Help for generate

karavictl generate token

Generate tokens


Generate tokens for use with the CSI Driver when in proxy mode The tokens are output as a Kubernetes Secret resource, so the results may be piped directly to kubectl:


karavictl generate token --tenant Alice --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr | kubectl apply -f -
Required Flags
  -t, --tenant        Name of the tenant
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help                       Help for token
      --insecure                   Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
      --access-token-expiration    Expiration time of the access token, e.g. 1m30s (default 1m0s)
      --refresh-token-expiration   Expiration time of the refresh token, e.g. 48h (default 720h0m0s)
karavictl generate token --tenant Alice --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr
apiVersion: v1
  access: <ACCESS-TOKEN>
  refresh: <REFRESH-TOKEN>
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: proxy-authz-tokens
type: Opaque

Usually, you will want to pipe the output to kubectl to apply the secret

karavictl generate token --tenant Alice --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr | kubectl apply -f -

The token is read once when the driver pods are started and is not dynamically updated. If you are applying a new token in an existing driver installation, restart the driver pods for the new token to take effect.

kubectl -n <driver-namespace> rollout restart deploy/<driver>-controller
kubectl -n <driver-namespace> rollout restart ds/<driver>-node

karavictl role

Manage roles


Manage roles

karavictl role [flags]
  -h, --help   Help for role

karavictl role get

Get role


Get role

karavictl role get [flags]
Required Flags
  -n, --name          Name of the role
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help       Help for get
      --insecure   Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl role get CSISilver --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr
  "Name": "CSISilver",
  "StorageSystem": "3000000000011111",
  "PoolQuotas": [
      "Pool": "mypool",
      "Quota": "16 GB"

karavictl role list

List roles


List roles

karavictl role list [flags]
Required Flags
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help       Help for list
      --insecure   Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl role list --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr
  "CSIGold": [
      "storage_system_id": "3000000000011111",
      "pool_quotas": [
          "pool": "mypool",
          "quota": 32000000
  "CSISilver": [
      "storage_system_id": "3000000000011111",
      "pool_quotas": [
          "pool": "mypool",
          "quota": 16000000

karavictl role create

Create one or more CSM roles


Creates one or more CSM roles

karavictl role create [flags]
Required Flags
      --role          Role in the form <name>=<type>=<id>=<pool>=<quota>
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help       Help for create
      --insecure   Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server


  • Setting the quota to 0 will not enforce storage quota
karavictl role create --role=role-name=system-type=000000000001=mypool=200000000 --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr

On success, there will be no output. You may run karavictl role get <role-name> to confirm the creation occurred.

karavictl role update

Update the quota of one or more CSM roles


Updates the quota of one or more CSM roles

karavictl role update [flags]
Required Flags
      --role          Role in the form <name>=<type>=<id>=<pool>=<quota>
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help       Help for update
      --insecure   Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl role update --role=role-name=system-type=000000000001=mypool=400000000 --admin-token admintoken.yaml

On success, there will be no output. You may run karavictl role get <role-name> to confirm the update occurred.

karavictl role delete

Delete role


Delete role

karavictl role delete [flags]
Required Flags
      --role          Role in the form <name>=<type>=<id>=<pool>=<quota>
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help       Help for delete
      --insecure   Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl role delete --name CSISilver --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr

On success, there will be no output. You may run karavictl role get <role-name> to confirm the deletion occurred.

karavictl rolebinding

Manage role bindings


Management for role bindings

karavictl rolebinding [flags]
  -h, --help   help for rolebinding

karavictl rolebinding create

Create a rolebinding between role and tenant


Creates a rolebinding between role and tenant

karavictl rolebinding create [flags]
Required Flags
  -r, --role          Role name
  -t, --tenant        Tenant name
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help       Help for create
      --insecure   Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl rolebinding create --role CSISilver --tenant Alice --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr

On success, there will be no output. You may run karavictl tenant get --name <tenant-name> to confirm the rolebinding creation occurred.

karavictl rolebinding delete

Delete a rolebinding between role and tenant


Deletes a rolebinding between role and tenant

karavictl rolebinding delete [flags]
Required Flags
  -r, --role          Role name
  -t, --tenant        Tenant name
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help       Help for delete
      --insecure   Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl rolebinding delete --role CSISilver --tenant Alice --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr

On success, there will be no output.

Storage Commands

karavictl storage

Manage storage systems


Manages storage systems

karavictl storage [flags]
  -h, --help               Help for storage

karavictl storage get

Get details on a registered storage system.


Gets details on a registered storage system.

karavictl storage get [flags]
Required Flags
  -s, --system-id     System identifier (default "systemid")
  -t, --type          Type of storage system ("powerflex", "powermax", "powerscale")
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help       Help for delete
      --insecure   Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl storage get --type powerflex --system-id 3000000000011111 --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr
  "User": "admin",
  "Password": "(omitted)",
  "Endpoint": "",
  "Insecure": true

karavictl storage list

List registered storage systems.


Lists registered storage systems.

karavictl storage list [flags]
Required Flags
  -t, --type          Type of storage system ("powerflex", "powermax", "powerscale")
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help       Help for delete
      --insecure   Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl storage list --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr

  "storage": {
    "powerflex": {
      "3000000000011111": {
        "Endpoint": "",
        "Insecure": true,
        "Password": "(omitted)",
        "User": "admin"

karavictl storage create

Create and register a storage system.


Creates and registers a storage system.

karavictl storage create [flags]
Required Flags
  -e, --endpoint         Endpoint of REST API gateway
  -p, --password         Password (default "****")
  -s, --system-id        System identifier (default "systemid")
  -t, --type             Type of storage system ("powerflex", "powermax")
  -u, --user             Username (default "admin")
  -f, --admin-token      Path to admin token file
      --addr             Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help             Help for delete
  -a, --array-insecure   Skip certificate validation of the storage array
      --insecure         Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl storage create --endpoint --insecure --array-insecure --system-id 3000000000011111 --type powerflex --user admin --password ******** --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr

On success, there will be no output. You may run karavictl storage get --type <storage-system-type> --system-id <storage-system-id> to confirm the creation occurred.

karavictl storage update

Update a registered storage system.


Updates a registered storage system.

karavictl storage update [flags]
Required Flags
  -e, --endpoint         Endpoint of REST API gateway
  -p, --pass             Password (default "****")
  -s, --system-id        System identifier (default "systemid")
  -t, --type             Type of storage system ("powerflex", "powermax")
  -u, --user             Username (default "admin")
  -f, --admin-token      Path to admin token file
      --addr             Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help             Help for delete
  -a, --array-insecure   Skip certificate validation of the storage array
      --insecure         Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl storage update --endpoint --insecure --array-insecure --system-id 3000000000011111 --type powerflex --user admin --password ******** --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr

On success, there will be no output. You may run karavictl storage get --type <storage-system-type> --system-id <storage-system-id> to confirm the update occurred.

karavictl storage delete

Delete a registered storage system.


Deletes a registered storage system.

karavictl storage delete [flags]
Required Flags
  -s, --system-id     System identifier (default "systemid")
  -t, --type          Type of storage system ("powerflex", "powermax")
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help       Help for delete
      --insecure   Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl storage delete --type powerflex --system-id 3000000000011111 --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr

On success, there will be no output. You may run karavictl storage get --type <storage-system-type> --system-id <storage-system-id> to confirm the deletion occurred.

Tenant Commands

karavictl tenant

Manage tenants


Management for tenants

karavictl tenant [flags]
  -h, --help   help for tenant

karavictl tenant create

Create a tenant resource within CSM


Creates a tenant resource within CSM

karavictl tenant create [flags]
Required Flags
  -n, --name          Tenant name
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help         Help for delete
  -a, --approvesdc   To allow/deny SDC approval requests (default true | This flag is only applicable to PowerFlex. This flag will Approve/Deny  a tenant's SDC request)
      --insecure     Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl tenant create --name Alice --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr

On success, there will be no output. You may run karavictl tenant get --name <tenant-name> to confirm the creation occurred.

karavictl tenant get

Get a tenant resource within CSM


Gets a tenant resource and its assigned roles within CSM

karavictl tenant get [flags]
Required Flags
  -n, --name          Tenant name
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help       Help for delete
      --insecure   Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl tenant get --name Alice --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr

  "name": "Alice"
  "roles": "role-1,role-2"

karavictl tenant list

Lists tenant resources within CSM


Lists tenant resources within CSM

karavictl tenant list [flags]
Required Flags
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help       Help for delete
      --insecure   Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl tenant list --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr

  "tenants": [
      "name": "Alice"

karavictl tenant revoke

Revokes access for a tenant


Revokes access to storage resources for a tenant

karavictl tenant revoke [flags]
Required Flags
  -n, --name          Tenant name
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -c, --cancel     Cancel a previous tenant revocation
  -h, --help       Help for delete
      --insecure   Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl tenant revoke --name Alice --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr

On success, there will be no output.

karavictl tenant delete

Deletes a tenant resource within CSM


Deletes a tenant resource within CSM

karavictl tenant delete [flags]
Required Flags
  -n, --name          Tenant name
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help       Help for delete
      --insecure   Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl tenant delete --name Alice --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr

On success, there will be no output. You may run karavictl tenant get --name <tenant-name> to confirm the deletion occurred.

karavictl tenant update

Updates a tenant's resource within CSM


Updates a tenant resource within CSM

karavictl tenant update [flags]
Required Flags
  -n, --name          Tenant name
  -f, --admin-token   Path to admin token file
      --addr          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
Optional Flags
  -h, --help         Help for delete
  -a, --approvesdc   To allow/deny SDC approval requests (default true | This flag is only applicable to PowerFlex. This flag will Approve/Deny a tenant's SDC request)
      --insecure     Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
karavictl tenant update --name Alice --approvesdc=false --admin-token admintoken.yaml --addr

On success, there will be no output. You may run karavictl tenant get --name <tenant-name> to confirm the update was persisted.