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OpenXR Hand Tracking for Unreal Engine 5

This is a plugin that allows you to use hand tracking using the OpenXR plugin and the Hand Tracking extension. This plugin was tested on Meta Quest 3, but must work on any other device that supports the Hand Tracking extension.


  • Current Unreal Engine version: 5.4.x


  • Basic hand rendering with many options
  • Pinch detection (optional)
  • Enhanced Input Support (optional)
  • Hand Ray support (optional)
  • MetaXR bridge (Experimental)

Getting started

You've to add an UFSInstancedHand component parented to your VROrigin component and select weither it's a left or right hand. The UFSInstancedHand component inherits from UInstancedStaticMeshComponent, that means the hand is rendered into one draw call. You can assign a material for each hand, or keep the default material. You can use this plugin in a C++ and Blueprint projects, all function are exposed to Blueprint. The final step is to call the UpdateHand(const FXRMotionControllerData& InData, const float DeltaTime) function in the Tick function.

MetaXR Support

When MetaXR plugin is enabled, Hand Tracking data are not valid and the plugin can't work. That's why there is a function called GetDataFromSkeleton(UPoseableMeshComponent* Target, const bool bLeft, FXRMotionControllerData& OutData), that allows you to retrieve a valid FXRMotionControllerData.

You've to add the OculusXRHands to your Pawn, then pass each hand to the function. You can use this function in both Blueprint and C++, here is a C++ example:

FXRMotionControllerData HandData;

UHeadMountedDisplayFunctionLibrary::GetMotionControllerData(this, EControllerHand::Left, HandData);

UFSInstancedHand::GetDataFromSkeleton(LeftHandSkeleton, true, HandData);

LeftHandTracking->UpdateHand(HandData, DeltaSeconds);

Finally, you've to enable MetaXR support by passing the bMetaXREnabled private var to true in FSOpenXRHandTracking.Build.cs.

Hand rendering

Here are the supported rendering modes:

  • EFSOpenXRHandRendering::InstancedMesh displays a mesh on each bone
  • EFSOpenXRHandRendering::Wireframe displays wireframe
  • EFSOpenXRHandRendering::Both (default), displays both meshes and wireframe

Basic settings

Parameter Description Default
BoneScale Size of a rendered bone 0.015f
bLeftHand Set to true for the left hand false
PinchThreshold Pinch detection threshold 1.5f
bHideHand Hide 3D hands but keeps the logic working (pinch/gestures) False
bOnlyDisplayTups Only display tip bones False
bComputeRelativeRotations Compute relative rotations, for use with gesture recognizer for instance False

Wireframe settings

Parameter Description Default
HandRendering Hand rendering mode Both
WireframeColor Wireframe color FColor::Blue
WireframeThickness Wireframe Thickness 0.5f
bRenderWireframePalm Render palm wireframe false
bRenderWireframeBones Render wireframe bones false
HandPointerDepth Pointer Depth when rendering wireframe 1.0f

Pinch detection & Enhanced Input System

You can check using the IsPinching(const EFSOpenXRPinchFingers Finger) function if a finger is pinching or not. It's also possible to use the Enhanced Input System to trigger an UInputAction during a finger pinch. Check the RegisterInputAction(UInputAction* InInputAction, const EFSOpenXRPinchFingers Finger) function. You can control the pinch detection threshold using the PinchThreshold parameter.

Hand Ray follower

You can setup a hand ray (for instance a scaled cylinder and a UWidgetInteractionComponent). The system will move the hand ray at the correct location and rotation, adding an angle to the ray and some lag. The lag is required because the hand is constantly moving and you can't interact easily with UI elements without that. To enable this feature, you've to first register a USceneComponent node, that will be moved using the RegisterHandRay(USceneComponent* InRayContainer)

Hand Ray settings

Parameter Description Default
HandPointerAngleFromPalm The angle applied from the palm to the Ray -45.0f
bHideHandPointerWhenNotTracked Hide hand ray if hands are not tracked false
HandPointerLocationSpeed Ray movement speed 8.0f
HandPointerRotationSpeed Ray rotation speed 2.0f

What's planned

  • Basic Gesture detector
  • Enhanced Input System support for the gesture detector
  • Skeletal mesh support


Feel free to fork and contribute :)


This project is released under the MIT license. Please read the file for more informations.