This repository contains all the code required to reproduce the results presented in the following paper:
- E. Strano, F. Simini, M. De Nadai, T. Esch, and M. Marconcini. The agglomeration and dispersion dichotomy of human settlements on Earth, Sci Rep 11, 23289 (2021). 10.1038/s41598-021-02743-9.
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Install the dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- If you want to have also the source dataset of all the urban areas install also:
- PostgreSQL 10.0
- PostGIS 2.4.1 extension
- Download the Multi parameter simulations dataset and place it in
: - Download the Multi-prob parameter simulations dataset and place it in
: - Download the distances dataset and place it in
The code of the analysis in divided in two parts: the Python scripts and modules used to support the analysis, and the notebooks where the outputs of the analysis have been produced.
: script used to generate the simulated in parallel with the CPU or the
: script used to create the cache for the real tiles and simulated
: script used to compute the quantile classes for all the tiles (real and simulated)
: support
: script to find the matches between the real and simulated tiles.notebooks/comparison_distances.ipynb
: script to compute all the distances and plot them.notebooks/plot_distributions_macro.ipynb
: script to plot the global figures (Fig 2 and 3).notebooks/simulation_figure.ipynb
: script to plot the simulations and real tiles.notebooks/figures_precise_estimation.ipynb
: script to plot the simulations and real tiles.
: list of filterings done to the dataset.src_pre-process/config.bash
: PostgreSQL connection configurations.src_pre-process/incl.bash
: support file.src_pre-process/polygonize_terrain_mask.bash
: file to polygonize (and sent to the DB) the terrain mask.src_pre-process/polygonize_urban_areas.bash
: file to polygonize (and sent to the DB) the urban areas.src_pre-process/rasterize_sea_tif.bash
: DB => TIF for sea areas.src_pre-process/rasterize_sea_tif.bash
: DB => TIF for urban areas.src_pre-process/
: script to prepare the filefilippo_areas_reduced4.csv.gz
This code is licensed under the MIT license.