This is an archived project.
Data extraction tools / GUI in MATLAB for wrangling neuro/electrophys data stored in TDT (TuckerDavis Technologies) tank format.
- This can be used to extract data saved in the Tucker Davis proprietary tank format – you MUST have OpenDeveloper installed for this code to work. Tested with various MATLAB versions, including 2012/2013/2014 (Student Edition).
- OpenDeveloper can be acquired from TDT:
- This works via ActiveX calls, so if you’ve disabled those on the operating system side, you’ll have errors.
- Data extracted relative to a specific tank is useful if you want Epoch Data to match recording data timestamps.
- If you try to extract anything from an empty store (e.g. if you try to extract an epoch that was never triggered) the extraction will fail; this is a bug that will be fixed.. someday.
- There are better and faster ways of doing this, but this was a quick hack that ended up seeing far more use than I expected.