- Planning: renamed column header - #348
- Planning: Markers - additional UI + zooming fixes, distance while dragging marker - #324
- Planning: Markers, Mission - distance from prev waypoint in mission planner w/ live update while dragging - #327
- Planning: Fixed the area function - #358
- Parameters: fix for name column size, progress indicator - #328
- Parameters: sort by parameter name on opening parameter file - #335
- Parameters: Use APM parameter metadata if available when editing parameters - #344
- Parameters: Help display w/ description, units, valid range & accepted values where available - #345
- FlightScreen: Draggable guide-point - #347
- MapType: Made map fragments responsive to map type change, made map type more accessible - #336
- Waypoints: Fix the Waypoint parameters - #337
- Waypoints: Fixed the overlap text in the waypoint editor - #339
- Suport for the new telemetry module from 3DR (FT231)
- Fixing the waypoint numbering issue when planning a survey and reordering via the waypoint editor
- Live update flight path and distanceView while dragging
- Added RAW_SENSORS and RC_CHANNELS to preferences for compatibility w/ other MAVLink hardware on vehicle
- Moving the arm/disarm button to the overflow menu for safety reasons
- Fixing problems with the Do_Jump and Set_Home waypoint dialogs
- Reduce the chance of unintentionally deleting waypoints while scrolling
- No new changes to the codebase, just setting a milestone
- Bluetooth Support
- Fixing layout problems with the Survey window
- New Waypoint Editor
- New Survey Interface
- Support for Physical Joysticks
- Chinise Translation
- Code Refactoring
- Minor fixes (please consult GIT history)
- Fixing the problem of working with big polygons
- Fixing a small bug in the Survey Dialog
- Drag-and-Drop waypoint editing
- Slide to remove waypoit
- Click to edit waypoint
- Adding a lot more info to the Survey Dialog
- Fixing layout problem in Survey Dialog in smaller screens
- Survey dialog in mission planning
- Fixing a problem with the build of v0.12.4
- A couple of bug fixes
- Removing the "velocityLock" feature because it caused some troubles
- Hungarian translation
- Fix waypoint numering issue
- Fix problem with the chart screen in non-english versions
- New way of creating missions and polygons
- Removing debug info that passed trough on the last release
- UDP support
- Better layout on the preference screen
- Fix the MAVLink library
- Add suport for direct USB connection
- Fix chinise translation
- Compatible with ArduRover
- Dynamicaly allocated on-screen joysticks
- Preferences for the RC screen (Mode1/Mode2, Inverted Channel, QuickButtons)
- Improving the Chart Screen
- Chinese Translation
- Changing the start screen back to Flight Data
- New Chart screen
- HUD code clean-up
- Activitys clean-up
- All markers are using the markerManager
- Colorful markers in the planning screen
- Improved Record-Me mode (with a bug fix)
- Now all the data on a Mission item is used
- Better handling of the markers on GCP and Planning screens
- Better swipe implementation on RC screen
- Bug fix on the RC screen
- Code Refactoring
- Fix in Offline maps
- New RC screen in portrait mode
- More advanced waypoint editor
- Fix problem in the build process
- Big code refactoring
- Nicer RC screen
- French Translation
- Updating to the new Google Maps API
- Orientation lock when connected
- Record-Me mode
- Nicer Icons
- Portuguese Translation
- Improvements to the HUD
- Change the default alt. to 50m
- Option to select diferent baud rates
- Option to keep the screen at full brightness
- Fix a bug with the Volume Control
- Fix bug in the RC Override screen
- New HUD by Karsten
- Greek language avaliable
- Latvian language avaliable
- German language avaliable
- Removing old Terminal screen
- APM calibration using a menu button.
- Fix small bug that ocurred when logging was enabled.
- Russian language avaliable
- Ability to read/save parameters from/to a .param file.
- Improvements to the code structure
- Parameter screen, with the ability to read/write/save parameters from an ArduPilot board
- Camera screen, virtual sticks to control a camera gimbal
- Follow-me mode, just a beta test of this mode (disabled by default)
- Fix bug in the MAVlink conenction
- Better handling of the MAVLink connection
- Map type selection
- Lock orientation in the RC override screen
- Added battery discharge notification
- Fix a bug on the RC override function, CH5 to 8 are now not overrided.
- .tlog files are now compatible with Mission Planner
- Improved mode TTS notifications
- Battery Capacity indication on the HUD
- Better selection of flight altitude, in planning missions and guided mode
- Notifications using Text To speech
- Improvement to the HUD layout
- Dialog for entering the guided mode altitude
- Fix autoreturn in throttle stick in RC screen
- Improved compatibility with ArduCopter (Compatible mode selection, and copter Icon)
- HUD layout improvements to suport multiple screen sizes and densities.
- Armed/Disarmed indication for copters
- Improvement to the HUD, like GPS and Battery indicators
- New plane icon
- Deletes unused screens like the old HUD
- Code restructure, should fix some bugs
- RC override rate now is selectable from the preferences menu
- Data stream rates now can be selected from the preferences menu
- Support devices that don't have location services.
- Support devices without USB host mode since they can connect via TCP
- USB support for 3DR telemetry module
- Minnor navigation improvement
- Fix some bugs that crashed the app
- Improvement to the HUD layout
- RC control override
- New menu for selecting the current Waypoint
- Fix map markers handling on Planning screen
- Realease at Google Play