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Assign Github Secrets

For the deploy workflow to run, we need to configure a variety of environment variables.

Required variables


These resources were created while configuring the GCP project.

Variable Description
GCP_DOCKER_REGISTRY The Artifact Registry host name
GCP_DOCKER_REPOSITORY The Artifact Registry docker repository name
GCP_PROJECT_ID The id of the new project
GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY The full, pretty-printed service account JSON created for Terraform
TERRAFORM_BACKEND_BUCKET The name of the bucket created to store Terraform state


These were the host names we used when configuring DNS records for domain-mapping.

These MUST NOT include https:// prefix.

Variable Example


These variables contain JSON values generated when configuring Firebase.

Variable Description
WEB_FIREBASE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT The full service account JSON created for Firebase
WEB_NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_CONFIG The Firebase web-app config converted to JSON


To interact with the Algorand blockchain, we need access to both an algod node (on MainNet or TestNet, depending on environment) and a "funding account" that can issue transactions to create new accounts, fund asset creation, etc.

Variable Description
ALGOD_ENV Block chain environment, can be mainnet, betanet, or testnet (default)
ALGOD_HOST The host name of the algod server - this MUST include https:// prefix.
ALGOD_KEY The access token for the algod server
ALGOD_PORT The port for the algod server
API_FUNDING_MNEMONIC The 25-word mnemonic for the master funding account

Important: The funding account used must have funds before the app can be used. Without funds, admins cannot create NFTs, users cannot create accounts, etc.


Circle is used for processing payments.

Variable Description
CIRCLE_KEY The private API key
CIRCLE_URL The environment-specific URL for the API, ie. sandbox or production - this MUST include https:// prefix.

Email Dispatching

Emails are dispatched when various actions are taken by a user (claimed assets, bid notifications, etc.). These emails can be sent using SMTP (via Nodemailer) or via Sendgrid. Alternatively, other email transports could be added with relative ease following the existing patterns within the API code.

Regardless of which out-of-the-box approach you take, the following variables are required:

Variable Description
EMAIL_TRANSPORT smtp or sendgrid
EMAIL_FROM The sender name
EMAIL_NAME The sender email address
SMTP_PORT Valid port for smtp or just a non-falsy integer for sendgrid

If EMAIL_TRANSPORT is set to smtp, the following variables are required:

Variable Description

If EMAIL_TRANSPORT is set to sendgrid, the following variable is required:

Variable Description
SENDGRID_API_KEY The Sendgrid API key provided by Sendgrid

IPFS Storage

To persist assets on the IPFS, Pinata is used in background tasks to store newly generated collectibles. This helps ensure the integrity of ASAs since IPFS content IDs are stored in metadata associated with the on-chain assets to adhere to ARC3 standards.

Note: Pinata allows storage up to 1GB storage for free. This might be suitable for smaller storefronts with lightweight assets. However, if the storefront has many assets (particularly larger media types such as audio or video), a paid account is recommended.

Variable Description
PINATA_API_KEY The API key provided by Pinata
PINATA_API_SECRET The API secret provided by Pinata


The remaining variables are up to the user to create and configure. Once created, these MUST NOT CHANGE because it will prevent the storefront from decrypting necessary values, or it might cause Terraform to try to destroy stateful resources like the database or storage bucket, etc.

Variable Description Changeable
API_CREATOR_PASSPHRASE The secret used to encrypt new Algorand account mnemonics so they can be (reasonably) safely stored at rest ❌ Will prevent application from decrypting the mnemonics for the API-generated asset creator accounts
API_DATABASE_USER_NAME The name for the API application's database user ❌ User must remain constant, since database tables are owned by (and only visible to) the original user
API_DATABASE_USER_PASSWORD The password for the API application's database user ✔️
API_KEY For authentication with the API ✔️
API_SECRET Private secret used in encryption ❌ Changing this will prevent the API from decrypting previously-encrypted data
CMS_ADMIN_EMAIL The email address for the initial admin user created by Directus ❌ Changing has no effect, since Directus only bootstraps the user on first run
CMS_ADMIN_PASSWORD The password for the initial admin user created by Directus ❌ Changing has no effect, since Directus only bootstraps the user on first run
CMS_DATABASE_USER_NAME The name for the CMS application's database user ❌ User must remain constant, since database tables are owned by (and only visible to) the original user
CMS_DATABASE_USER_PASSWORD The password for the CMS application's database user ✔️
CMS_KEY The private token with which to make authenticated requests against the CMS ✔️ If changed, the admin user needs their token updated so the API can continue to authenticate
CMS_SECRET Private secret used in encryption ❌ Changing this will prevent the CMS from decrypting previously-encrypted data
CMS_STORAGE_BUCKET The name of the bucket for Terraform to create to store CMS assets - must not already be in use ❌ Changing this will cause Terraform to attempt to destroy the old bucket and remove all existing assets


Terraform has a number of default variables that can be overridden at deploy time. See the complete list of all input variables and descriptions, including which are optional, for further information. You may note that some of the required variables did not need corresponding Secrets; those are specified programmatically in the deploy workflow.

To override any variable, simply add a Github Secret with an all-caps version of the name. Eg. to set bucket_location to a non-default value, create a BUCKET_LOCATION secret with your desired value.

You can see where these are mapped to their corresponding Terraform environment variables here.

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Finalizing the Github Workflow