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Creating Tests

To run tests with justbuild, we do not have dedicated test subcommand. Instead, we consider tests being a specific action that generates a test report. Consequently, we use the build subcommand to build the test report, and thereby run the test action. Those actions have to be tainted, in our case with the string "test", causing that they can only be depended on by other targets that are also tainted with "test". In this way, it is ensured that no test target will end up in a production build.

For the remainder of this section, we expect to have the project files available resulting from successfully completing the tutorial section on Building Hello World. We will demonstrate how to write a test binary for the greet library and a shell test for the helloworld binary.

Creating a C++ test binary

First, we will create a C++ test binary for testing the correct functionality of the greet library. Therefore, we need to provide a C++ source file that performs the actual testing and returns non-~0~ on failure. For simplicity reasons, we do not use a testing framework for this tutorial. A simple test that captures standard output and verifies it with the expected output should be provided in the file greet/greet.test.cpp:

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "greet/greet.hpp"

template <std::size_t kMaxBufSize = 1024>
auto capture_stdout(std::function<void()> const& func) -> std::string {
  int fd[2];
  if (pipe(fd) < 0) return {};
  int fd_stdout = dup(fileno(stdout));
  dup2(fd[1], fileno(stdout));


  std::string buf(kMaxBufSize, '\0');
  auto n = read(fd[0], &(*buf.begin()), kMaxBufSize);
  dup2(fd_stdout, fileno(stdout));
  return buf.substr(0, n);

auto test_greet(std::string const& name) -> bool {
  auto expect = std::string{"Hello "} + name + "!\n";
  auto result = capture_stdout([&name] { greet(name); });
  std::cout << "greet output: " << result << std::endl;
  return result == expect;

int main() {
  return test_greet("World") && test_greet("Universe") ? 0 : 1;

Next, a new test target needs to be created in module greet. This target uses the rule ["@", "rules", "CC/test", "test"] and needs to depend on the "greet" target. To create the test target, add the following to greet/TARGETS:

{ "greet":
  { /* ... unchanged ... */ }
, "test":
  { "type": ["@", "rules", "CC/test", "test"]
  , "name": ["test_greet"]
  , "srcs": ["greet.test.cpp"]
  , "deps": ["greet"]

Before we can run the test, a proper default module for CC/test must be provided. By specifying the appropriate target in this module the default test runner can be overwritten by a different test runner fom the rule’s workspace root. However, in our case, we want to use the default runner and therefore it is sufficient to create an empty module:

Create tutorial-defaults/CC/test/TARGETS:

$ mkdir -p tutorial-defaults/CC/test
$ echo '{}' > tutorial-defaults/CC/test/TARGETS

Now we can run the test (i.e., build the test result):

$ just-mr build greet test
INFO: Requested target is [["@","tutorial","greet","test"],{}]
INFO: Analysed target [["@","tutorial","greet","test"],{}]
INFO: Export targets found: 0 cached, 0 uncached, 0 not eligible for caching
INFO: Target tainted ["test"].
INFO: Discovered 5 actions, 3 trees, 0 blobs
INFO: Building [["@","tutorial","greet","test"],{}].
INFO: Processed 5 actions, 2 cache hits.
INFO: Artifacts built, logical paths are:
        result [359456b7b6a1f91dc435e483cc2b1fc4e8981bf0:8:f]
        stderr [e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391:0:f]
        stdout [21ac68aa0bceffd6d5ad49ba17df80f44f7f3735:59:f]
        time-start [c119fd0e22e79555f2446410fd90de4c091039d9:11:f]
        time-stop [c119fd0e22e79555f2446410fd90de4c091039d9:11:f]
      (1 runfiles omitted.)
INFO: Target tainted ["test"].

Note that the target is correctly reported as tainted with "test". It will produce 3 additional actions for compiling, linking and running the test binary.

The result of the test target are 5 artifacts: result (containing UNKNOWN, PASS, or FAIL), stderr, stdout, time-start, and time-stop, and a single runfile (omitted in the output above), which is a tree artifact with the name test_greet that contains all of the above artifacts. The test was run successfully as otherwise all reported artifacts would have been tagged with FAILED in the output, and justbuild would have returned the exit code 2.

To immediately print the standard output produced by the test binary on the command line, the -P option can be used. Argument to this option is the name of the artifact that should be printed on the command line, in our case stdout:

$ just-mr build greet test --log-limit 1 -P stdout
greet output: Hello World!

greet output: Hello Universe!


Note that --log-limit 1 was just added to omit justbuild’s INFO: prints.

Our test binary does not have any useful options for directly interacting with it. When working with test frameworks, it sometimes can be desirable to get hold of the test binary itself for manual interaction. The running of the test binary is the last action associated with the test and the test binary is, of course, one of its inputs.

$ just-mr analyse --request-action-input -1 greet test
INFO: Requested target is [["@","tutorial","greet","test"],{}]
INFO: Request is input of action #-1
INFO: Result of input of action #-1 of target [["@","tutorial","greet","test"],{}]: {
        "artifacts": {
          "": {"data":{"path":"CC/test/","repository":"just-rules"},"type":"LOCAL"},
          "test": {"data":{"id":"70769663e63241b9a30cb32d03b377374813ebd9","path":"test_greet"},"type":"ACTION"}
        "provides": {
          "cmd": [
          "env": {
          "may_fail": "CC test test_greet failed",
          "output": [
          "output_dirs": [
        "runfiles": {
INFO: Target tainted ["test"].

The provided data also shows us the precise description of the action for which we request the input. This allows us to manually rerun the action. Or we can simply interact with the test binary manually after installing the inputs to this action. Requesting the inputs of an action can also be useful when debugging a build failure.

$ just-mr install -o work --request-action-input -1 greet test
INFO: Requested target is [["@","tutorial","greet","test"],{}]
INFO: Request is input of action #-1
INFO: Analysed target [["@","tutorial","greet","test"],{}]
INFO: Export targets found: 0 cached, 0 uncached, 1 not eligible for caching
INFO: Target tainted ["test"].
INFO: Discovered 8 actions, 5 trees, 0 blobs
INFO: Building input of action #-1 of [["@","tutorial","greet","test"],{}].
INFO: Processed 7 actions, 7 cache hits.
INFO: Artifacts can be found in:
        /tmp/tutorial/work/ [52568676f1efba1bec099cdd325a54a415a1474f:686:f]
        /tmp/tutorial/work/test [e9fb451860442c37d6d84c01ce1c698597b88000:139088:x]
INFO: Target tainted ["test"].
$ cd work/
$ ./test
greet output: Hello World!

greet output: Hello Universe!

$ echo $?
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf work

Creating a shell test

Similarly, to create a shell test for testing the helloworld binary, a test script must be provided:

set -e
[ "$(./helloworld)" = "Hello Universe!" ]

The test target for this shell tests uses the rule ["@", "rules", "shell/test", "script"] and must depend on the "helloworld" target. To create the test target, add the following to the top-level TARGETS file:

{ "helloworld":
  { /* ... unchanged ... */ }
, "test":
  { "type": ["@", "rules", "shell/test", "script"]
  , "name": ["test_helloworld"]
  , "test": [""]
  , "deps": ["helloworld"]

Similar to the binary tests, also for shell tests we need to provide at least an empty module for the test rule defaults:

Create tutorial-defaults/shell/test/TARGETS:

$ mkdir -p tutorial-defaults/shell/test
$ echo '{}' > tutorial-defaults/shell/test/TARGETS

Now we can run the shell test (i.e., build the test result):

$ just-mr build test
INFO: Requested target is [["@","tutorial","","test"],{}]
INFO: Analysed target [["@","tutorial","","test"],{}]
INFO: Export targets found: 0 cached, 0 uncached, 0 not eligible for caching
INFO: Target tainted ["test"].
INFO: Discovered 5 actions, 4 trees, 0 blobs
INFO: Building [["@","tutorial","","test"],{}].
INFO: Processed 5 actions, 4 cache hits.
INFO: Artifacts built, logical paths are:
        result [7ef22e9a431ad0272713b71fdc8794016c8ef12f:5:f]
        stderr [e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391:0:f]
        stdout [e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391:0:f]
        time-start [9b4a96cc3b929d2909f74395d0317e93a59e621f:11:f]
        time-stop [9b4a96cc3b929d2909f74395d0317e93a59e621f:11:f]
      (1 runfiles omitted.)
INFO: Target tainted ["test"].

The result is also similar, containing also the 5 artifacts and a single runfile (omitted in the output above), which is a tree artifact with the name test_helloworld that contains all of the above artifacts.

Creating a compound test target

As most people probably do not want to call every test target by hand, it is desirable to compound test target that triggers the build of multiple test reports. To do so, an "install" target can be used. It depends on the tests that should be triggered and collects the runfiles of those (which happen to be tree artifacts named the same way as the test and containing all test results). Furthermore, as the dependent test targets are tainted by "test", also the compound test target must be tainted by the same string. To create the compound test target combining the two tests above, add the following to the top-level TARGETS file:

{ "helloworld":
  { /* ... unchanged ... */ }
, "test":
  { /* ... unchanged ... */ }
, "all_tests":
  { "type": "install"
  , "tainted": ["test"]
  , "deps":
    [ "test"
    , ["greet", "test"]

Now we can run all tests at once by just building the compound test target "all_tests":

$ just-mr build all_tests
INFO: Requested target is [["@","tutorial","","all_tests"],{}]
INFO: Analysed target [["@","tutorial","","all_tests"],{}]
INFO: Export targets found: 0 cached, 0 uncached, 0 not eligible for caching
INFO: Target tainted ["test"].
INFO: Discovered 8 actions, 5 trees, 0 blobs
INFO: Building [["@","tutorial","","all_tests"],{}].
INFO: Processed 8 actions, 8 cache hits.
INFO: Artifacts built, logical paths are:
        test_greet [7116c231e3a6da3d23b0549340d75d36a0a0c4ef:285:t]
        test_helloworld [c5a0d9fb4ba586d88dc5cddadedb6ddb670e95c4:283:t]
INFO: Target tainted ["test"].

As a result it reports the runfiles (result directories) of both tests as artifacts. Both tests ran successfully as none of those artifacts in this output above are tagged as FAILED.