Date | AMI Id | Code Deployment | Cloud Init | Build | OS |
2025/01/01 | ami-blahblahblahblah1 | N/A | cloud-init.example-ecs.yml | General-0.0.1 | ubuntu:16.04 |
2025/01/01 | ami-blahblahblahblah2 | N/A | cloud-init.example-nginx-php56.yml | PHP5.6/NGINX-0.0.1 | ubuntu:16.04 |
2025/01/01 | ami-blahblahblahblah3 | N/A | cloud-init.example-apache-php56.yml | PHP5.6/Apache-0.0.1 | ubuntu:16.04 |
NOTE: Need to re-test these against newer versions of Terraform.
chtf 1.12
make init
make init-upgrade
make config
make plan
make apply
make documentation
make destroy-plan
make destroy