@moabu Here is how to migarte ldap to mysql
- Setup a MySQL Server that is accessible remotely
- Create a database for Gluu Server
- Create a user that have all previleges of the database
- Upgrade 4.x server to 4.3.1
- Download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GluuFederation/community-edition-package/master/update/4.3.1/upg4xto431.py
- Execute upgrade script:
gldev=true python3 upg4xto431.py
- Migrate to MySQL
- Copy script to setup root:
cp /install/community_edition_setup_4.3.1/static/scripts/ldap2mysql.py /install/community_edition_setup_4.3.1
- Exceute migration script as
python3 /install/community_edition_setup_4.3.1/ldap2mysql.py -rdbm-user=<mysql user> -rdbm-password=<mysql user passwrod> -rdbm-db=<mysql database> -rdbm-host=<mysql host>