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File metadata and controls

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Connecting Scrapers

Note: The following section contains instructions for DevSoc internal teams. For general usage, see here.

Hasuragres has been designed with a "plug-and-play" functionality in mind for connecting scrapers. The logic of the scraper should not need to change, as long as it can produce JSON output in a structured schema and send this over HTTP.

Scrapers connecting to Hasuragres should accept two environment variables:


The scrape job should produce JSON output and send a HTTP POST request to $HASURAGRES_URL/insert with the X-API-Key header set to $HASURAGRES_API_KEY - see below for more information

Important Note: If the scraper scrapes multiple entities, and one references another, make sure to insert the referenced table first. For example, Freerooms scrapes buildings and rooms - each room belongs to a building, so buildings are inserted first. Otherwise, foreign key constraints will not be satisfied.

POST /insert Route


Inserts data into the PostgreSQL table specified by table_name. If such a table does not yet exist, it is created as specified in sql_up.

Insertion into Hasuragres uses 'upsertion' logic. This means that when inserting rows, if there is already an existing row with the same primary key, we update that row rather than raising an error. Additionally, if write_mode is set to "overwrite" (default), any rows that were not inserted or updated in the current insert operation are also deleted.

Hasuragres keeps track of the SQL scripts used to create each table. If there is an inconsistency between the stored sql_up script and the one provided in the request, then the table is re-created using the new sql_up. The stored sql_down is used to drop the old table - it's important that sql_down is correct, otherwise updates to the table structure may fail.

When a table is created, it is automatically tracked in Hasura and added to the GraphQL Schema. Three query fields are added in the GraphQL Schema (note that table_name will be in lowercase):

  • <table_name> - contains all fields/relationships of the table
  • <table_name>_by_pk - as above, specifically optimised for querying a single row using the primary key
  • <table_name>_aggregate - aggregation operations on the table using the primary key column(s)

Furthermore, any foreign key relationships are inferred, and fields containing nested objects are added to each relevant queryable data type. More information can be found here.


name type required description
metadata object Yes Instructions for creating/inserting into PostgreSQL tables.
metadata.table_name str Yes Name of table to create/insert into.

Must match name of table created in metadata.sql_up (case insensitive).
metadata.columns list[str] Yes List of column names that require insertion.

Must match column names in table created in metadata.sql_up, as well as the keys of each object in payload (case sensitive).
metadata.write_mode str No One of "overwrite" or "append".

Defaults to "overwrite".
metadata.sql_before str No SQL command to run before the insertion.
metadata.sql_after str No SQL command to run after the insertion.
metadata.sql_up str Yes SQL commands used to set UP (create) a table to store the scraped data, as well as any related objects (types, indexes, triggers).
metadata.sql_down str Yes SQL commands to tear DOWN (drop) all objects created by metadata.sql_up.

Should use the CASCADE option when dropping, otherwise the script may fail unexpectedly when other tables rely on this one.
metadata.dryrun bool No If true, attempts to run the insert but does not commit changes to the database.

Useful for testing.
payload list[object] Yes List of objects to insert into the database.

Ideally, this is simply the JSON output of the scraper.


To POST to Hasuragres, you will need to provide an API key. To receive one, please ask the Platform team to:

  • Generate a new key
  • Inject it as an environment variable (HASURAGRES_API_KEY) in to the scraper
  • Add it to the list of API keys (API_KEYS) injected in to Hasuragres
  • (if needed for CI) Add the key to the scraper repository secrets

In your request, send the API key as an X-API-Key header.

Example Request

POST /insert HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-API-Key: my_key

    "metadata": {
        "table_name": "students",
        "columns": ["zId", "name"],
        "sql_up": "CREATE TABLE Students(\"zId\" INT PRIMARY KEY, \"name\" TEXT);",
        "sql_down": "DROP TABLE Students CASCADE;"
    "payload": [
        {"zId": 1, "name": "Student One"},
        {"zId": 2, "name": "Student Two"}

POST /batch_insert Route

If you have a scraper which scrapes data for and inserts into multiple tables at once, you can use the /batch_insert route. This route ensures that if one of the inserts fails, none of the inserts will be committed.

The /batch_insert route accepts a list of objects containing metadata and payload (note that this list is not in an object, the top level JSON entity in the body of the request is the list).


POST /batch_insert HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-API-Key: my_key

        "metadata": { ... },
        "payload": [ ... ]
        "metadata": { ... },
        "payload": [ ... ]

Multiple Scrapers for One Table

If you want to connect multiple scrapers to the same table, for example if you have multiple data sources, then Hasuragres is able to support this. Follow the guidelines below to set this up.

Both scrapers should maintain an up-to-date copy of the sql_up and sql_down commands sent to Hasuragres. Furthermore, if you need to update these commands, please be sure to update all scrapers around the same time without much delay between each. If at any point the scrapers have different versions of the SQL, then any inserts will simply drop the table and all data from the other scraper(s). To ensure this, it may be useful to house all the scrapers in a monorepo.

It is also important that you make use of the sql_before and write_mode fields of the insert metadata:

  • By default, inserts are set to remove any rows not inserted/updated by the current scraper insert, which would only allow data from one scraper at any one time. For multiple scrapers, they should each be in "append" mode so that scrapers can add on to the data from other scrapers.
  • sql_before should contain commands(s) to remove only those rows that were previously inserted by the scraper - it may be useful to add some field to the schema that identifies the source of each row if there is no easy way to distinguish between the data sources.

Testing Scrapers

Testing Locally

The recommended way to test whether the scraper is connected correctly is to run Hasuragres locally, attempt to connect to the local instance of Hasuragres and, if that works without errors, manually inspect the Hasura console to check the data appears correct.

To run Hasuragres locally, clone this repo, then in the root directly of the repo, run docker compose up -d (you will need Docker Desktop). This will use port 8000 for connecting scrapers, and port 8080 for Hasura. These ports can be configured in the .env file.

As described above, your scraper should use the environment variables HASURAGRES_URL and HASURAGRES_API_KEY. Set these to http://localhost:8000 and my_key respectively (or whatever you have configured them to in .env) and run your scraper.

Once that completes, go to http://localhost:8080/console and enter the admin secret (hasurasecret by default, configured in the .env file). If everything is correct, you should see all your tables in the "sidebar" of the API tab, and you can try out some queries. You can also go to the Data tab to inspect the data directly.

Dryrun on Deployed Instance

You can also test by running a dryrun request to the deployed instance of Hasuragres at This can be useful for CI or simply as a sanity check.

To do so, set HASURAGRES_URL to, set HASURAGRES_API_KEY to the key issued for your scraper, and set the metadata.dryrun field in the body of the request to true.


Most commonly, missing tables or data will come from a bad request to /insert causing the operation to fail. You can take a look at the logs for the hasuragres service in Docker Desktop - these should output why the request failed.

Common errors include:

  • "Error while creating PostgreSQL table", which might occur if:
    • sql_up is incorrectly formatted
    • if updating the table structure, the old sql_down did not correctly drop all structures
  • "Error while inserting into PostgreSQL table", which might occur if:
    • the data is malformed (i.e. columns missing or named inconsistently, constraints not satisfied)
    • table name does not match the name of the table created in sql_up