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335 lines (246 loc) · 9.11 KB

File metadata and controls

335 lines (246 loc) · 9.11 KB


A Python script to fetch and monitor statistics from GoCoax MoCA devices. Originally tested with the MA2500D model, but it may work with others as well.

This script allows you to retrieve device information and MoCA network statistics, display them on the command line, and optionally publish them to an MQTT broker for integration with other tools and platforms.

Table of Contents


  • Retrieve and display device status information from GoCoax MoCA devices.
  • Calculate and display PHY rates between nodes in the MoCA network.
  • Publish device information and PHY rates to an MQTT broker.
  • Support for multiple devices specified by IP addresses.
  • Optional debugging output for troubleshooting.


  • Python 3.6 or higher.
  • The following Python libraries:
    • requests
    • paho-mqtt
    • urllib3
  • Docker (optional, for running the script in a container).


Clone the Repository

git clone
cd py_gocoax_stats

Install Dependencies

Install the required Python libraries using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Command-Line Usage

You can run the script directly from the command line to fetch and display stats from your GoCoax devices.


python --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --hosts HOST1,HOST2 [OPTIONS]

Required Arguments

  • --username, -u: Username for authentication.
  • --password, -p: Password for authentication.
  • --hosts, -H: Comma-separated list of host IP addresses.

Optional Arguments

  • --mqtt-host: MQTT broker host.
  • --mqtt-port: MQTT broker port (default is 1883).
  • --mqtt-user: MQTT username.
  • --mqtt-password: MQTT password.
  • --mqtt-base-topic: Base MQTT topic to publish data under (default is moca).
  • --debug, -d: Enable debugging output.


python \
  --username admin \
  --password yourpassword \
  --hosts, \
  --mqtt-host \
  --mqtt-user mqttuser \
  --mqtt-password mqttpass \
  --mqtt-base-topic moca \

Docker Usage

You can run the script inside a Docker container, scheduled to execute every minute using cron. Configuration is provided via environment variables.

Running using DockerHub image

This is the easiest way to get going - the DockerHub image gets built every time the project is updated

docker run -d \
  --name moca_stats \
  -e MOCA_USERNAME=yourusername \
  -e MOCA_PASSWORD=yourpassword \
  -e MOCA_HOSTS=, \
  -e \
  -e MQTT_PORT=1883 \
  -e MQTT_USERNAME=mqttuser \
  -e MQTT_PASSWORD=mqttpass \
  -e MQTT_BASE_TOPIC=moca \
  -e DEBUG=False \

Build the Docker Image

docker build -t moca-monitor .

Run the Docker Container

docker run -d \
  --name moca-monitor \
  -e MOCA_USERNAME=yourusername \
  -e MOCA_PASSWORD=yourpassword \
  -e MOCA_HOSTS=, \
  -e \
  -e MQTT_PORT=1883 \
  -e MQTT_USERNAME=mqttuser \
  -e MQTT_PASSWORD=mqttpass \
  -e MQTT_BASE_TOPIC=moca \
  -e DEBUG=False \

Environment Variables

  • MOCA_USERNAME: Username for MoCA device authentication.
  • MOCA_PASSWORD: Password for MoCA device authentication.
  • MOCA_HOSTS: Comma-separated list of MoCA device IP addresses.
  • MQTT_HOST: MQTT broker host.
  • MQTT_PORT: MQTT broker port (default is 1883).
  • MQTT_USERNAME: MQTT broker username.
  • MQTT_PASSWORD: MQTT broker password.
  • MQTT_BASE_TOPIC: Base MQTT topic to publish data under (default is moca).
  • DEBUG: Set to True to enable debugging output.

View Logs

To check the output of the script running inside the Docker container:

docker logs moca-monitor


Command-Line Output

Connecting to host:

Device Status Information:
SOC Version: MXL371x.1.18
My MoCA Version: 2.5
Network MoCA Version: 2.5
IP Address:
MAC Address: 94:cc:04:xx:xx:xx
Link Status: Up
Ethernet TX:
 Tx Good: 2669586
 Tx Bad: 0
 Tx Dropped: 0
Ethernet RX:
 Rx Good: 499738
 Rx Bad: 0
 Rx Dropped: 0

Node Information:
NodeID  MAC Address     MoCA Version
0       0x94ccxxxx      0x00000025
1       0x94ccxxxx      0x00000025

PHY Rates (Mbps):
From/To 0       1
0       701     3656
1       3656    701

GCD Rates (Mbps):
NodeID  GCD Rate
0       701
1       701

MQTT Output

moca/ MXL371x.1.18
moca/ 2.5
moca/ 2.5
moca/ 94:cc:04:xx:xx:xx
moca/ Up
moca/ 1150
moca/ 2356264
moca/ 0
moca/ 0
moca/ 471682
moca/ 0
moca/ 0
moca/ 701
moca/ 701
moca/ 701
moca/ 3656
moca/ 3656
moca/ 701

MQTT Topic Structure

The script publishes data to MQTT under the base topic, with subtopics organized as follows:

  • Device Status Information:

  • PHY Rates:


Example with Base Topic moca and Host IP

  • moca/
  • moca/

Environment Variables

When using Docker, configuration is provided via environment variables:

  • MOCA_USERNAME: MoCA device username.
  • MOCA_PASSWORD: MoCA device password.
  • MOCA_HOSTS: Comma-separated list of MoCA device IPs.
  • MQTT_HOST: MQTT broker host.
  • MQTT_PORT: MQTT broker port (default 1883).
  • MQTT_USERNAME: MQTT broker username.
  • MQTT_PASSWORD: MQTT broker password.
  • MQTT_BASE_TOPIC: Base MQTT topic (default moca).
  • DEBUG: Set to True for debugging output.


  • Multiple Hosts: The script supports multiple devices. Specify them as a comma-separated list in the --hosts argument or MOCA_HOSTS environment variable.
  • MQTT Integration: Publishing to MQTT is optional. If --mqtt-host or MQTT_HOST is not provided, the script will only display the data on the command line.
  • Docker Time Zone: The Docker container uses UTC by default. If you need to change the time zone, modify the Dockerfile to install tzdata and set the TZ environment variable.
  • Cron Frequency: In the Docker setup, the script is scheduled to run every minute. You can adjust the frequency by editing the crontab file.
  • Security: Ensure your credentials are stored securely. Avoid hardcoding sensitive information into scripts or images.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Special thanks to the contributors and the community for their support and collaboration in developing this tool.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.

Buy me a coffee

If you like this and find it useful, I'd really appreciate a coffee! It will fuel more nice things :) :) :)

"Buy Me A Coffee"


For questions or support, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.

Disclaimer: This script is provided as-is without any warranty. Use at your own risk. The author is not responsible for any damage or issues arising from the use of this script.