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Via [[michael-jordan-plenary-talk]], to this paper on arXiv.
You have gradient descent, which you can show under convex problems to have a convergence rate of
If you take the limit of the step sizes to zero, then you're going to get some kind of differential equation. This is gradient flow. It turns out you can basically construct a class of Bregman Lagrangians, which essentially encapsulate all the gradient methods.
You can solve the Lagrangians for a particular rate, and then out pops an differential equation that obtains that rate in continuous time. What's curious is that the path is identical across all these ODEs. Essentially you're getting path-independence from the rate, which suggests that this method has found an optimal path, and you can essentially tweak how fast you want to go along that path.
This would suggest that you could then get arbritrary rates for your gradient method. But it turns out that the discretization step is where things break. In fact, Nesterov already has a lower bound on his rate of
In other words, discretization is non-trivially different to continuous time. Which sort of makes sense, since in continuous time you have basically all the information.
Finally, in relation to the [[penalty-project]], this doesn't actually work for things like Adam, which we know to be amazing in practice. So, it seems like there's still work left to understand why on earth the adaptive learning rates work so well.