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Releases: dfinity/motoko


26 Nov 20:59
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  • Fixes crash when (ill-typed) switch expression on non-variant
    value has variant alternatives (#2934)


19 Nov 17:31
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  • The compiler now embeds the existing Candid interface and new
    stable signature of a canister in additional Wasm custom sections,
    to be selectively exposed by the IC, and to be used by tools such as dfx
    to verify upgrade compatibility (see extended documentation).

    New compiler options:

    • --public-metadata <name>: emit ICP custom section <name> (candid:args or candid:service or motoko:stable-types) as public (default is private)
    • --stable-types: emit signature of stable types to .most file
    • --stable-compatible <pre> <post>: test upgrade compatibility between stable-type signatures <pre> and <post>

    A Motoko canister upgrade is safe provided:

    • the canister's Candid interface evolves to a Candid subtype; and
    • the canister's Motoko stable signature evolves to a stable-compatible one.

    (Candid subtyping can be verified using tool didc available at:

    Tightened typing for type-annotated patterns (including function parameters)
    to prevent some cases of unintended and counter-intuitive type propagation.

    This may break some rare programs that were accidentally relying on that
    propagation. For example, the indexing xs[i] in the following snippet
    happend to type-check before, because i was given the more precise
    type Nat (inferred from run's parameter type), regardless of the
    overly liberal declaration as an Int:

    func run(f : Nat -> Text) {...};
    let xs = ["a", "b", "c"];
    run(func(i : Int) { xs[i] });

    This no longer works, i has to be declared as Nat (or the type omitted).

    If you encounter such cases, please adjust the type annotation.

  • Improved garbage collection scheduling

  • Miscellaneous performance improvements

    • code generation for for-loops over arrays has improved
    • slightly sped up Int equality comparisons


22 Oct 15:03
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  • for loops over arrays are now converted to more efficient
    index-based iteration (#2831). This can result in significant cycle
    savings for tight loops, as well as slightly less memory usage.

  • Add type union and intersection. The type expression

    T and U

    produces the greatest lower bound of types T and U, that is,
    the greatest type that is a subtype of both. Dually,

    T or U

    produces the least upper bound of types T and U, that is,
    the smallest type that is a supertype of both.

    One use case of the former is "extending" an existing object type:

    type Person = {name : Text; address : Text};
    type Manager = Person and {underlings : [Person]};

    Similarly, the latter can be used to "extend" a variant type:

    type Workday = {#mon; #tue; #wed; #thu; #fri};
    type Weekday = Workday or {#sat; #sun};


08 Oct 12:35
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  • Assertion error messages are now reproducible (#2821)


23 Sep 20:48
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  • moc

    • documentation changes
  • motoko-base

    • documentation changes


15 Sep 17:51
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07 Sep 08:31
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  • Introduce primitives for IntFloat conversions (#2733)
  • Bump LLVM toolchain to version 12 (#2542)
  • Support extended name linker sections (#2760)
  • Fix crashing bug for formatting huge floats (#2737)


16 Aug 21:32
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  • moc

    • Optimize field access by exploiting field ordering (#2708)
    • Fix handling of self references in mark-compact GC (#2721)
    • Restore CI reporting of perf-regressions (#2643)
  • motoko-base:

    • Fix bug in AssocList.diff (#277)
    • Deprecate unsafe or redundant functions in library Option ( unwrap, assertSome, assertNull) (dfinity/motoko-base#275)


30 Jul 09:43
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  • Vastly improved garbage collection scheduling: previously Motoko runtime would do GC
    after every update message. We now schedule a GC when

    1. Heap grows more than 50% and 10 MiB since the last GC, or
    2. Heap size is more than 3 GiB

    (1) is to make sure we don't do GC on tiny heaps or after only small amounts of allocation.
    (2) is to make sure that on large heaps we will have enough allocation space during the next message.

    This scheduling reduces cycles substantially, but may moderately increase memory usage.

    New flag --force-gc restores the old behavior.

  • Fix bug in compacting gc causing unnecessary memory growth (#2673)

  • Trap on attempt to upgrade when canister not stopped and there are outstanding callbacks.
    (This failure mode can be avoided by stopping the canister before upgrade.)

  • Fix issue #2640 (leaked ClosureTable entry when awaiting futures fails).


08 Jul 10:42
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  • Add alternative, compacting gc, enabled with new moc flag --compacting-gc.
    The compacting gc supports larger heap sizes than the default, 2-space copying collector.

    NOTE: Dfx 0.7.6 adds optional field "args" to dfx.json files,
    so Motoko canisters can specify moc command-line arguments. E.g.,

       "type" : "motoko"
       "args" : "--compacting-gc"
  • Documentation fixes.

  • Command line tools: --help option provides better documentation of command line
    options that have arguments.

  • Fix issue #2319 (crash on import of Candid class).