Much of the success of our bots/cogs stems from the dedication of the members in our development team.
- To provide the best discord bots and cogs all around!
We would like to thank the (handful/dozens/hundreds/thousands?!) of people who have also contributed to Legend Development efforts over the years, including the following:
- GR8 <Discord: GR8#8888>
- FyN8 <Discord: FyN8#8888>
- Generaleoley <Discord: Generaleoley#8888>
- TheChosenOne07 <Discord: TheChosenOne07#6397>
- Nevus <Discord: Nevus#6137>
- Striker <Discord: striker#6066>
- Vanhorn <Discord: Vanhorn#0488> <Email:>
- alex the tester <Discord: _Alex#6486>
- BoPablo <Discord: BoPablo#7812>
- Daniel123 <Daniel123#7978>
- Justin/duckextremist <Discord: Justin/duckextremist#8179>
- Link471❣ | Test <Discord: Link#3472>
- T-Bone <Discord: T-Bone#3938>
- AGK <Discord: AGK#3690>
- En10277 <Discord: en10277#0001>
- MadMaxX <Discord: MadMaxX#1326>