This custom_component has not been updated according to the most recent HA component guidelines, will therefore not work in the current version. If you feel like fixing this component, let me know :) I will gladly accept PR's
This is a media_player platform that enables playback of mp3 and wav files through a Bluetooth Speaker paired with a Linux Host using the bluealsa stack. This is the same to say: It works with my RPi3 running hassbian.
In order to use this media_player you must first setup bluealsa.
$ apt-get install bluez bluealsa
Afterwards, pair your bluetooth speaker using bluetoothctl, please refer to
Last you configure alsa settings for the user running home-assistant, please adapt according to your devices.
$ cat ~/.asoundrc
defaults.bluealsa.interface "hci0"
defaults.bluealsa.device "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
defaults.bluealsa.profile "a2dp"
- platform: bluetooth_speaker
name: My Bluetooth Speaker #OPTIONAL
device: 'OEM Speaker' #REQUIRED: this string is what shows up when you discover a new device
step: 0.05 #OPTIONAL: steps increase/decrease volume
cache_dir: /tmp/tts #OPTIONAL: only matters if you're not using the default