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+++ date = "2017-03-20T22:25:17+11:00" title = "Deploy" +++

This page talks about running Dgraph in various deployment modes, in a distributed fashion and involves running multiple instances of Dgraph, over multiple servers in a cluster.

{{% notice "tip" %}} For a single server setup, recommended for new users, please see [Get Started]({{< relref "get-started/" >}}) page. {{% /notice %}}

Install Dgraph


docker pull dgraph/dgraph:latest

# You can test that it worked fine, by running:
docker run -it dgraph/dgraph:latest dgraph

Automatic download


curl -sSf | bash

# Test that it worked fine, by running:

would install the dgraph binary into your system.

Other instalation options:

Add -s -- before the flags.

-y | --accept-license: Automatically agree to the terms of the Dgraph Community License (default: "n").

-s | --systemd: Automatically create Dgraph's installation as Systemd services (default: "n").

-v | --version: Choose Dgraph's version manually (default: The latest stable release, you can do tag combinations e.g v2.0.0-beta1 or -rc1).

Installing Dgraph and requesting the automatic creation of systemd service. e.g:

curl -sSf | bash -s -- --systemd

Using Environment variables:

ACCEPT_LICENSE: Automatically agree to the terms of the Dgraph Community License (default: "n").

INSTALL_IN_SYSTEMD: Automatically create Dgraph's installation as Systemd services (default: "n").

VERSION: Choose Dgraph's version manually (default: The latest stable release).

curl -sSf | VERSION=v2.0.0-beta1 bash

{{% notice "note" %}} Be aware that using this script will overwrite the installed version and can lead to compatibility problems. For example, if you were using version v1.0.5 and forced the installation of v2.0.0-Beta, the existing data won't be compatible with the new version. The data must be [exported]({{< relref "deploy/" >}}) before running this script and reimported to the new cluster running the updated version. {{% /notice %}}

Manual download [optional]

If you don't want to follow the automatic installation method, you could manually download the appropriate tar for your platform from Dgraph releases. After downloading the tar for your platform from Github, extract the binary to /usr/local/bin like so.

# For Linux
$ sudo tar -C /usr/local/bin -xzf dgraph-linux-amd64-VERSION.tar.gz

# For Mac
$ sudo tar -C /usr/local/bin -xzf dgraph-darwin-amd64-VERSION.tar.gz

# Test that it worked fine, by running:

Building from Source

{{% notice "note" %}} You can build the Ratel UI from source seperately following its build instructions. Ratel UI is distributed via Dgraph releases using any of the download methods listed above. {{% /notice %}}

Make sure you have Go v1.11+ installed.

You'll need the following dependencies to install Dgraph using make:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc make

After installing Go, run

# This should install dgraph binary in your $GOPATH/bin.

git clone
cd ./dgraph
make install

If you get errors related to grpc while building them, your go-grpc version might be outdated. We don't vendor in go-grpc(because it causes issues while using the Go client). Update your go-grpc by running.

go get -u -v


The full set of dgraph's configuration options (along with brief descriptions) can be viewed by invoking dgraph with the --help flag. For example, to see the options available for dgraph alpha, run dgraph alpha --help.

The options can be configured in multiple ways (from highest precedence to lowest precedence):

  • Using command line flags (as described in the help output).

  • Using environment variables.

  • Using a configuration file.

If no configuration for an option is used, then the default value as described in the --help output applies.

Multiple configuration methods can be used all at the same time. E.g. a core set of options could be set in a config file, and instance specific options could be set using environment vars or flags.

The environment variable names mirror the flag names as seen in the --help output. They are the concatenation of DGRAPH, the subcommand invoked (ALPHA, ZERO, LIVE, or BULK), and then the name of the flag (in uppercase). For example, instead of using dgraph alpha --lru_mb=8096, you could use DGRAPH_ALPHA_LRU_MB=8096 dgraph alpha.

Configuration file formats supported are JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, and Java properties (detected via file extension). The file extensions are .json, .toml, .yml or .yaml, .hcl, and .properties for each format.

A configuration file can be specified using the --config flag, or an environment variable. E.g. dgraph zero --config my_config.json or DGRAPH_ZERO_CONFIG=my_config.json dgraph zero.

The config file structure is just simple key/value pairs (mirroring the flag names).

Example JSON config file (config.json):

  "my": "localhost:7080",
  "zero": "localhost:5080",
  "lru_mb": 4096,
  "postings": "/path/to/p",
  "wal": "/path/to/w"

Example TOML config file (config.toml):

my = "localhost:7080"
zero = "localhost:5080"
lru_mb = 4096
postings = "/path/to/p"
wal = "/path/to/w"

Example YAML config file (config.yml):

my: "localhost:7080"
zero: "localhost:5080"
lru_mb: 4096
postings: "/path/to/p"
wal: "/path/to/w"

Example HCL config file (config.hcl):

my = "localhost:7080"
zero = "localhost:5080"
lru_mb = 4096
postings = "/path/to/p"
wal = "/path/to/w"

Example Java properties config file (


Cluster Setup

Understanding Dgraph cluster

Dgraph is a truly distributed graph database - not a master-slave replication of universal dataset. It shards by predicate and replicates predicates across the cluster, queries can be run on any node and joins are handled over the distributed data. A query is resolved locally for predicates the node stores, and via distributed joins for predicates stored on other nodes.

For effectively running a Dgraph cluster, it's important to understand how sharding, replication and rebalancing works.


Dgraph colocates data per predicate (* P *, in RDF terminology), thus the smallest unit of data is one predicate. To shard the graph, one or many predicates are assigned to a group. Each Alpha node in the cluster serves a single group. Dgraph Zero assigns a group to each Alpha node.

Shard rebalancing

Dgraph Zero tries to rebalance the cluster based on the disk usage in each group. If Zero detects an imbalance, it would try to move a predicate along with its indices to a group that has minimum disk usage. This can make the predicate temporarily read-only. Queries for the predicate will still be serviced, but any mutations for the predicate will be rejected and should be retried after the move is finished.

Zero would continuously try to keep the amount of data on each server even, typically running this check on a 10-min frequency. Thus, each additional Dgraph Alpha instance would allow Zero to further split the predicates from groups and move them to the new node.

Consistent Replication

If --replicas flag is set to something greater than one, Zero would assign the same group to multiple nodes. These nodes would then form a Raft group aka quorum. Every write would be consistently replicated to the quorum. To achieve consensus, its important that the size of quorum be an odd number. Therefore, we recommend setting --replicas to 1, 3 or 5 (not 2 or 4). This allows 0, 1, or 2 nodes serving the same group to be down, respectively without affecting the overall health of that group.

Ports Usage

Dgraph cluster nodes use different ports to communicate over gRPC and HTTP. Users should pay attention while choosing these ports based on their topology and deployment-mode as each port needs different access security rules or firewall.

Types of ports

  • gRPC-internal: Port that is used between the cluster nodes for internal communication and message exchange.
  • gRPC-external: Port that is used by Dgraph clients, Dgraph Live Loader , and Dgraph Bulk loader to access APIs over gRPC.
  • http-external: Port that is used by clients to access APIs over HTTP and other monitoring & administrative tasks.

Ports used by different nodes

Dgraph Node Type gRPC-internal gRPC-external HTTP-external
   zero       |      5080<sup>1</sup> | --Not Used--  |  6080<sup>2</sup>
   alpha      |      7080             |     9080      |  8080
   ratel      |  --Not Used--         | --Not Used--  |  8000

1: Dgraph Zero's gRPC-internal port is used for internal communication within the cluster. It's also needed for the [fast data loading]({{< relref "#fast-data-loading" >}}) tools Dgraph Live Loader and Dgraph Bulk Loader.

2: Dgraph Zero's HTTP-external port is used for [admin]({{< relref "#more-about-dgraph-zero" >}}) operations. Access to it is not required by clients.

Users have to modify security rules or open firewall ports depending up on their underlying network to allow communication between cluster nodes and between the Dgraph instances themselves and between Dgraph and a client. A general rule is to make *-external (gRPC/HTTP) ports wide open to clients and gRPC-internal ports open within the cluster nodes.

Ratel UI accesses Dgraph Alpha on the HTTP-external port (default localhost:8080) and can be configured to talk to remote Dgraph cluster. This way you can run Ratel on your local machine and point to a remote cluster. But if you are deploying Ratel along with Dgraph cluster, then you may have to expose 8000 to the public.

Port Offset To make it easier for user to setup the cluster, Dgraph defaults the ports used by Dgraph nodes and let user to provide an offset (through command option --port_offset) to define actual ports used by the node. Offset can also be used when starting multiple zero nodes in a HA setup.

For example, when a user runs a Dgraph Alpha by setting --port_offset 2, then the Alpha node binds to 7082 (gRPC-internal), 8082 (HTTP-external) & 9082 (gRPC-external) respectively.

Ratel UI by default listens on port 8000. You can use the -port flag to configure to listen on any other port.

HA Cluster Setup

In a high-availability setup, we need to run 3 or 5 replicas for Zero, and similarly, 3 or 5 replicas for Alpha. {{% notice "note" %}} If number of replicas is 2K + 1, up to K servers can be down without any impact on reads or writes.

Avoid keeping replicas to 2K (even number). If K servers go down, this would block reads and writes, due to lack of consensus. {{% /notice %}}

Dgraph Zero Run three Zero instances, assigning a unique ID(Integer) to each via --idx flag, and passing the address of any healthy Zero instance via --peer flag.

To run three replicas for the alphas, set --replicas=3. Every time a new Dgraph Alpha is added, Zero would check the existing groups and assign them to one, which doesn't have three replicas.

Dgraph Alpha Run as many Dgraph Alphas as you want. You can manually set --idx flag, or you can leave that flag empty, and Zero would auto-assign an id to the Alpha. This id would get persisted in the write-ahead log, so be careful not to delete it.

The new Alphas will automatically detect each other by communicating with Dgraph zero and establish connections to each other. You can provide a list of zero addresses to alpha using the --zero flag. Alpha will try to connect to one of the zeros starting from the first zero address in the list. For example: --zero=zero1,zero2,zero3 where zero1 is the host:port of a zero instance.

Typically, Zero would first attempt to replicate a group, by assigning a new Dgraph alpha to run the same group as assigned to another. Once the group has been replicated as per the --replicas flag, Zero would create a new group.

Over time, the data would be evenly split across all the groups. So, it's important to ensure that the number of Dgraph alphas is a multiple of the replication setting. For e.g., if you set --replicas=3 in Zero, then run three Dgraph alphas for no sharding, but 3x replication. Run six Dgraph alphas, for sharding the data into two groups, with 3x replication.

Single Host Setup

Run directly on the host

Run dgraph zero

dgraph zero --my=IPADDR:5080

The --my flag is the connection that Dgraph alphas would dial to talk to zero. So, the port 5080 and the IP address must be visible to all the Dgraph alphas.

For all other various flags, run dgraph zero --help.

Run dgraph alpha

dgraph alpha --lru_mb=<typically one-third the RAM> --my=IPADDR:7080 --zero=localhost:5080
dgraph alpha --lru_mb=<typically one-third the RAM> --my=IPADDR:7081 --zero=localhost:5080 -o=1

Notice the use of -o for the second Alpha to add offset to the default ports used. Zero automatically assigns an unique ID to each Alpha, which is persisted in the write ahead log (wal) directory, users can specify the index using --idx option. Dgraph Alphas use two directories to persist data and wal logs, and these directories must be different for each Alpha if they are running on the same host. You can use -p and -w to change the location of the data and WAL directories. For all other flags, run

dgraph alpha --help.

Run dgraph UI


Run using Docker

Dgraph cluster can be setup running as containers on a single host. First, you'd want to figure out the host IP address. You can typically do that via

ip addr  # On Arch Linux
ifconfig # On Ubuntu/Mac

We'll refer to the host IP address via HOSTIPADDR.

Create Docker network

docker network create dgraph_default

Run dgraph zero

mkdir ~/zero # Or any other directory where data should be stored.

docker run -it -p 5080:5080 --network dgraph_default -p 6080:6080 -v ~/zero:/dgraph dgraph/dgraph:latest dgraph zero --my=HOSTIPADDR:5080

Run dgraph alpha

mkdir ~/server1 # Or any other directory where data should be stored.

docker run -it -p 7080:7080 --network dgraph_default -p 8080:8080 -p 9080:9080 -v ~/server1:/dgraph dgraph/dgraph:latest dgraph alpha --lru_mb=<typically one-third the RAM> --zero=HOSTIPADDR:5080 --my=HOSTIPADDR:7080
mkdir ~/server2 # Or any other directory where data should be stored.

docker run -it -p 7081:7081 --network dgraph_default -p 8081:8081 -p 9081:9081 -v ~/server2:/dgraph dgraph/dgraph:latest dgraph alpha --lru_mb=<typically one-third the RAM> --zero=HOSTIPADDR:5080 --my=HOSTIPADDR:7081  -o=1

Notice the use of -o for server2 to override the default ports for server2.

Run dgraph UI

docker run -it -p 8000:8000 --network dgraph_default dgraph/dgraph:latest dgraph-ratel

Run using Docker Compose (On single AWS instance)

We will use Docker Machine. It is a tool that lets you install Docker Engine on virtual machines and easily deploy applications.

{{% notice "note" %}}These instructions are for running Dgraph Alpha without TLS config. Instructions for running with TLS refer TLS instructions.{{% /notice %}}

Here we'll go through an example of deploying Dgraph Zero, Alpha and Ratel on an AWS instance.

  • Make sure you have Docker Machine installed by following instructions, provisioning an instance on AWS is just one step away. You'll have to configure your AWS credentials for programmatic access to the Amazon API.

  • Create a new docker machine.

docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 aws01

Your output should look like

Running pre-create checks...
Creating machine...
(aws01) Launching instance...
Docker is up and running!
To see how to connect your Docker Client to the Docker Engine running on this virtual machine, run: docker-machine env aws01

The command would provision a t2-micro instance with a security group called docker-machine (allowing inbound access on 2376 and 22). You can either edit the security group to allow inbound access to '5080, 8080, 9080` (default ports for Dgraph Zero & Alpha) or you can provide your own security group which allows inbound access on port 22, 2376 (required by Docker Machine), 5080, 8080 and 9080. Remember port 5080 is only required if you are running Dgraph Live Loader or Dgraph Bulk Loader from outside.

Here is a list of full options for the amazonec2 driver which allows you choose the instance type, security group, AMI among many other things.

{{% notice "tip" %}}Docker machine supports other drivers like GCE, Azure etc.{{% /notice %}}

  • Install and run Dgraph using docker-compose

Docker Compose is a tool for running multi-container Docker applications. You can follow the instructions here to install it.

Run the command below to download the docker-compose.yml file on your machine.


{{% notice "note" %}}The config mounts /data(you could mount something else) on the instance to /dgraph within the container for persistence.{{% /notice %}}

  • Connect to the Docker Engine running on the machine.

Running docker-machine env aws01 tells us to run the command below to configure our shell.

eval $(docker-machine env aws01)

This configures our Docker client to talk to the Docker engine running on the AWS Machine.

Finally run the command below to start the Zero and Alpha.

docker-compose up -d

This would start 3 Docker containers running Dgraph Zero, Alpha and Ratel on the same machine. Docker would restart the containers in case there is any error. You can look at the logs using docker-compose logs.

Multi Host Setup

Using Docker Swarm

Cluster Setup Using Docker Swarm

{{% notice "note" %}}These instructions are for running Dgraph Alpha without TLS config. Instructions for running with TLS refer TLS instructions.{{% /notice %}}

Here we'll go through an example of deploying 3 Dgraph Alpha nodes and 1 Zero on three different AWS instances using Docker Swarm with a replication factor of 3.

  • Make sure you have Docker Machine installed by following instructions.
docker-machine --version

Considering that you have AWS credentials setup, you can use the below commands to start 3 AWS t2-medium instances with Docker Engine installed on them.

docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-instance-type t2.medium aws01
docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-instance-type t2.medium aws02
docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-instance-type t2.medium aws03

Your output should look like

Running pre-create checks...
Creating machine...
(aws01) Launching instance...
Docker is up and running!
To see how to connect your Docker Client to the Docker Engine running on this virtual machine, run: docker-machine env aws01

The command would provision a t2-medium instance with a security group called docker-machine (allowing inbound access on 2376 and 22).

You would need to edit the docker-machine security group to open inbound traffic on the following ports.

  1. Allow all inbound traffic on all ports with Source being docker-machine security ports so that Docker related communication can happen easily.

  2. Also open inbound TCP traffic on the following ports required by Dgraph: 5080, 6080, 8000, 808[0-2], 908[0-2]. Remember port 5080 is only required if you are running Dgraph Live Loader or Dgraph Bulk Loader from outside. You need to open 7080 to enable Alpha-to-Alpha communication in case you have not opened all ports in #1.

If you are on AWS, below is the security group (docker-machine) after necessary changes.

{{% load-img "/images/aws.png" "AWS Security Group" %}}

Here is a list of full options for the amazonec2 driver which allows you choose the instance type, security group, AMI among many other things.

{{% notice "tip" %}}Docker machine supports other drivers like GCE, Azure etc.{{% /notice %}}

Running docker-machine ls shows all the AWS EC2 instances that we started.

~ docker-machine ls
NAME    ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                         SWARM   DOCKER        ERRORS
aws01   -        amazonec2    Running   tcp://            v17.11.0-ce
aws02   -        amazonec2    Running   tcp://            v17.11.0-ce
aws03   -        amazonec2    Running   tcp://              v17.11.0-ce
  • Start the Swarm

Docker Swarm has manager and worker nodes. Swarm can be started and updated on manager nodes. We will setup aws01 as swarm manager. You can first run the following commands to initialize the swarm.

We are going to use the internal IP address given by AWS. Run the following command to get the internal IP for aws01. Lets assume is the internal IP in this case.

docker-machine ssh aws01 ifconfig eth0

Now that we have the internal IP, let's initiate the Swarm.

# This configures our Docker client to talk to the Docker engine running on the aws01 host.
eval $(docker-machine env aws01)
docker swarm init --advertise-addr


Swarm initialized: current node (w9mpjhuju7nyewmg8043ypctf) is now a manager.

To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:

    docker swarm join \
    --token SWMTKN-1-1y7lba98i5jv9oscf10sscbvkmttccdqtkxg478g3qahy8dqvg-5r5cbsntc1aamsw3s4h3thvgk \

To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.

Now we will make other nodes join the swarm.

eval $(docker-machine env aws02)
docker swarm join \
    --token SWMTKN-1-1y7lba98i5jv9oscf10sscbvkmttccdqtkxg478g3qahy8dqvg-5r5cbsntc1aamsw3s4h3thvgk \


This node joined a swarm as a worker.

Similarly, aws03

eval $(docker-machine env aws03)
docker swarm join \
    --token SWMTKN-1-1y7lba98i5jv9oscf10sscbvkmttccdqtkxg478g3qahy8dqvg-5r5cbsntc1aamsw3s4h3thvgk \

On the Swarm manager aws01, verify that your swarm is running.

docker node ls


ID                            HOSTNAME            STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS
ghzapjsto20c6d6l3n0m91zev     aws02               Ready               Active
rb39d5lgv66it1yi4rto0gn6a     aws03               Ready               Active
waqdyimp8llvca9i09k4202x5 *   aws01               Ready               Active              Leader
  • Start the Dgraph cluster

Run the command below to download the docker-compose-multi.yml file on your machine.


Run the following command on the Swarm leader to deploy the Dgraph Cluster.

eval $(docker-machine env aws01)
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose-multi.yml dgraph

This should run three Dgraph Alpha services (one on each VM because of the constraint we have), one Dgraph Zero service on aws01 and one Dgraph Ratel.

These placement constraints (as seen in the compose file) are important so that in case of restarting any containers, swarm places the respective Dgraph Alpha or Zero containers on the same hosts to re-use the volumes. Also, if you are running fewer than three hosts, make sure you use either different volumes or run Dgraph Alpha with -p p1 -w w1 options.

{{% notice "note" %}}

  1. This setup would create and use a local volume called dgraph_data-volume on the instances. If you plan to replace instances, you should use remote storage like cloudstore instead of local disk. {{% /notice %}}

You can verify that all services were created successfully by running:

docker service ls


ID                NAME               MODE            REPLICAS      IMAGE                     PORTS
vp5bpwzwawoe      dgraph_ratel       replicated      1/1           dgraph/dgraph:latest      *:8000->8000/tcp
69oge03y0koz      dgraph_alpha2      replicated      1/1           dgraph/dgraph:latest      *:8081->8081/tcp,*:9081->9081/tcp
kq5yks92mnk6      dgraph_alpha3      replicated      1/1           dgraph/dgraph:latest      *:8082->8082/tcp,*:9082->9082/tcp
uild5cqp44dz      dgraph_zero        replicated      1/1           dgraph/dgraph:latest      *:5080->5080/tcp,*:6080->6080/tcp
v9jlw00iz2gg      dgraph_alpha1      replicated      1/1           dgraph/dgraph:latest      *:8080->8080/tcp,*:9080->9080/tcp

To stop the cluster run:

docker stack rm dgraph

HA Cluster setup using Docker Swarm

Here is a sample swarm config for running 6 Dgraph Alpha nodes and 3 Zero nodes on 6 different ec2 instances. Setup should be similar to [Cluster setup using Docker Swarm]({{< relref "#cluster-setup-using-docker-swarm" >}}) apart from a couple of differences. This setup would ensure replication with sharding of data. The file assumes that there are six hosts available as docker-machines. Also if you are running on fewer than six hosts, make sure you use either different volumes or run Dgraph Alpha with -p p1 -w w1 options.

You would need to edit the docker-machine security group to open inbound traffic on the following ports.

  1. Allow all inbound traffic on all ports with Source being docker-machine security ports so that docker related communication can happen easily.

  2. Also open inbound TCP traffic on the following ports required by Dgraph: 5080, 8000, 808[0-5], 908[0-5]. Remember port 5080 is only required if you are running Dgraph Live Loader or Dgraph Bulk Loader from outside. You need to open 7080 to enable Alpha-to-Alpha communication in case you have not opened all ports in #1.

If you are on AWS, below is the security group (docker-machine) after necessary changes.

{{% load-img "/images/aws.png" "AWS Security Group" %}}

Run the command below to download the docker-compose-ha.yml file on your machine.


Run the following command on the Swarm leader to deploy the Dgraph Cluster.

eval $(docker-machine env aws01)
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose-ha.yml dgraph

You can verify that all services were created successfully by running:

docker service ls


ID                NAME               MODE            REPLICAS      IMAGE                     PORTS
qck6v1lacvtu      dgraph_alpha1      replicated      1/1           dgraph/dgraph:latest      *:8080->8080/tcp, *:9080->9080/tcp
i3iq5mwhxy8a      dgraph_alpha2      replicated      1/1           dgraph/dgraph:latest      *:8081->8081/tcp, *:9081->9081/tcp
2ggma86bw7h7      dgraph_alpha3      replicated      1/1           dgraph/dgraph:latest      *:8082->8082/tcp, *:9082->9082/tcp
wgn5adzk67n4      dgraph_alpha4      replicated      1/1           dgraph/dgraph:latest      *:8083->8083/tcp, *:9083->9083/tcp
uzviqxv9fp2a      dgraph_alpha5      replicated      1/1           dgraph/dgraph:latest      *:8084->8084/tcp, *:9084->9084/tcp
nl1j457ko54g      dgraph_alpha6      replicated      1/1           dgraph/dgraph:latest      *:8085->8085/tcp, *:9085->9085/tcp
s11bwr4a6371      dgraph_ratel       replicated      1/1           dgraph/dgraph:latest      *:8000->8000/tcp
vchibvpquaes      dgraph_zero1       replicated      1/1           dgraph/dgraph:latest      *:5080->5080/tcp, *:6080->6080/tcp
199rezd7pw7c      dgraph_zero2       replicated      1/1           dgraph/dgraph:latest      *:5081->5081/tcp, *:6081->6081/tcp
yb8ella56oxt      dgraph_zero3       replicated      1/1           dgraph/dgraph:latest      *:5082->5082/tcp, *:6082->6082/tcp

To stop the cluster run:

docker stack rm dgraph

{{% notice "note" %}}

  1. This setup assumes that you are using 6 hosts, but if you are running fewer than 6 hosts then you have to either use different volumes between Dgraph alphas or use -p & -w to configure data directories.
  2. This setup would create and use a local volume called dgraph_data-volume on the instances. If you plan to replace instances, you should use remote storage like cloudstore instead of local disk. {{% /notice %}}

Using Kubernetes

The following section covers running Dgraph with Kubernetes v1.8.4.

{{% notice "note" %}}These instructions are for running Dgraph Alpha without TLS config. Instructions for running with TLS refer TLS instructions.{{% /notice %}}

  • Install kubectl which is used to deploy and manage applications on kubernetes.
  • Get the kubernetes cluster up and running on a cloud provider of your choice. You can use kops to set it up on AWS. Kops does auto-scaling by default on AWS and creates the volumes and instances for you.

Verify that you have your cluster up and running using kubectl get nodes. If you used kops with the default options, you should have a master and two worker nodes ready.

➜  kubernetes git:(master) ✗ kubectl get nodes
NAME                                          STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION   Ready     node      1h        v1.8.4   Ready     master    2h        v1.8.4    Ready     node      2h        v1.8.4

Single Server

Once your Kubernetes cluster is up, you can use dgraph-single.yaml to start a Zero and Alpha.

  • From your machine, run the following command to start a StatefulSet that creates a Pod with Zero and Alpha running in it.
kubectl create -f


service "dgraph-public" created
statefulset "dgraph" created
  • Confirm that the pod was created successfully.
kubectl get pods


dgraph-0   3/3       Running   0          1m

{{% notice "tip" %}} You can check the logs for the containers in the pod using kubectl logs -f dgraph-0 <container_name>. For example, try kubectl logs -f dgraph-0 alpha for server logs. {{% /notice %}}

  • Test the setup

Port forward from your local machine to the pod

kubectl port-forward dgraph-0 8080
kubectl port-forward dgraph-0 8000

Go to http://localhost:8000 and verify Dgraph is working as expected.

{{% notice "note" %}} You can also access the service on its External IP address.{{% /notice %}}

  • Stop the cluster

Delete all the resources

kubectl delete pods,statefulsets,services,persistentvolumeclaims,persistentvolumes -l app=dgraph

Stop the cluster. If you used kops you can run the following command.

kops delete cluster ${NAME} --yes

HA Cluster Setup Using Kubernetes

This setup allows you to run 3 Dgraph Alphas and 3 Dgraph Zeros. We start Zero with --replicas 3 flag, so all data would be replicated on 3 Alphas and form 1 alpha group.

{{% notice "note" %}} Ideally you should have at least three worker nodes as part of your Kubernetes cluster so that each Dgraph Alpha runs on a separate node.{{% /notice %}}

  • Check the nodes that are part of the Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl get nodes


NAME                                          STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION    Ready     master    6m        v1.8.4     Ready     node      4m        v1.8.4   Ready     node      4m        v1.8.4    Ready     node      5m        v1.8.4

Once your Kubernetes cluster is up, you can use dgraph-ha.yaml to start the cluster.

  • From your machine, run the following command to start the cluster.
kubectl create -f


service "dgraph-zero-public" created
service "dgraph-alpha-public" created
service "dgraph-alpha-0-http-public" created
service "dgraph-ratel-public" created
service "dgraph-zero" created
service "dgraph-alpha" created
statefulset "dgraph-zero" created
statefulset "dgraph-alpha" created
deployment "dgraph-ratel" created
  • Confirm that the pods were created successfully.
kubectl get pods


NAME                   READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
dgraph-ratel-<pod-id>  1/1       Running   0          9s
dgraph-alpha-0         1/1       Running   0          2m
dgraph-alpha-1         1/1       Running   0          2m
dgraph-alpha-2         1/1       Running   0          2m
dgraph-zero-0          1/1       Running   0          2m
dgraph-zero-1          1/1       Running   0          2m
dgraph-zero-2          1/1       Running   0          2m

{{% notice "tip" %}}You can check the logs for the containers in the pod using kubectl logs -f dgraph-alpha-0 and kubectl logs -f dgraph-zero-0.{{% /notice %}}

  • Test the setup

Port forward from your local machine to the pod

kubectl port-forward dgraph-alpha-0 8080
kubectl port-forward dgraph-ratel-<pod-id> 8000

Go to http://localhost:8000 and verify Dgraph is working as expected.

{{% notice "note" %}} You can also access the service on its External IP address.{{% /notice %}}

  • Stop the cluster

Delete all the resources

kubectl delete pods,statefulsets,services,persistentvolumeclaims,persistentvolumes -l app=dgraph-zero
kubectl delete pods,statefulsets,services,persistentvolumeclaims,persistentvolumes -l app=dgraph-alpha
kubectl delete pods,replicasets,services,persistentvolumeclaims,persistentvolumes -l app=dgraph-ratel

Stop the cluster. If you used kops you can run the following command.

kops delete cluster ${NAME} --yes

Using Helm Chart

Once your Kubernetes cluster is up, you can make use of the Helm chart present in our official helm repository here to bring up a Dgraph cluster.

{{% notice "note" %}}The instructions below are for Helm versions >= 3.x.{{% /notice %}}

Installing the Chart

To add the Dgraph helm repository:

helm repo add dgraph

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

helm install my-release dgraph/dgraph

The above command will install the latest available dgraph docker image. In order to install the older versions:

helm install my-release dgraph/dgraph --set image.tag="v1.1.0"

By default zero and alpha services are exposed only within the kubernetes cluster as kubernetes service type "ClusterIP". In order to expose the alpha service publicly you can use kubernetes service type "LoadBalancer":

helm install my-release dgraph/dgraph --set alpha.service.type="LoadBalancer"

Similarly, you can expose alpha and ratel service to the internet as follows:

helm install my-release dgraph/dgraph --set alpha.service.type="LoadBalancer" --set ratel.service.type="LoadBalancer"

Deleting the Charts

Delete the Helm deployment as normal

helm delete my-release

Deletion of the StatefulSet doesn't cascade to deleting associated PVCs. To delete them:

kubectl delete pvc -l release=my-release,chart=dgraph


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the dgraph chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
image.registry Container registry name
image.repository Container image name dgraph/dgraph
image.tag Container image tag latest
image.pullPolicy Container pull policy Always Zero component name zero
zero.updateStrategy Strategy for upgrading zero nodes RollingUpdate
zero.monitorLabel Monitor label for zero, used by prometheus. zero-dgraph-io
zero.rollingUpdatePartition Partition update strategy nil
zero.podManagementPolicy Pod management policy for zero nodes OrderedReady
zero.replicaCount Number of zero nodes 3
zero.shardReplicaCount Max number of replicas per data shard 5
zero.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Zero server pod termination grace period 60
zero.antiAffinity Zero anti-affinity policy soft
zero.podAntiAffinitytopologyKey Anti affinity topology key for zero nodes
zero.nodeAffinity Zero node affinity policy {}
zero.service.type Zero node service type ClusterIP
zero.securityContext.enabled Security context for zero nodes enabled false
zero.securityContext.fsGroup Group id of the zero container 1001
zero.securityContext.runAsUser User ID for the zero container 1001
zero.persistence.enabled Enable persistence for zero using PVC true
zero.persistence.storageClass PVC Storage Class for zero volume nil
zero.persistence.accessModes PVC Access Mode for zero volume ReadWriteOnce
zero.persistence.size PVC Storage Request for zero volume 8Gi
zero.nodeSelector Node labels for zero pod assignment {}
zero.tolerations Zero tolerations []
zero.resources Zero node resources requests & limits {}
zero.livenessProbe Zero liveness probes See values.yaml for defaults
zero.readinessProbe Zero readiness probes See values.yaml for defaults Alpha component name alpha
alpha.updateStrategy Strategy for upgrading alpha nodes RollingUpdate
alpha.monitorLabel Monitor label for alpha, used by prometheus. alpha-dgraph-io
alpha.rollingUpdatePartition Partition update strategy nil
alpha.podManagementPolicy Pod management policy for alpha nodes OrderedReady
alpha.replicaCount Number of alpha nodes 3
alpha.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Alpha server pod termination grace period 60
alpha.antiAffinity Alpha anti-affinity policy soft
alpha.podAntiAffinitytopologyKey Anti affinity topology key for zero nodes
alpha.nodeAffinity Alpha node affinity policy {}
alpha.service.type Alpha node service type ClusterIP
alpha.securityContext.enabled Security context for alpha nodes enabled false
alpha.securityContext.fsGroup Group id of the alpha container 1001
alpha.securityContext.runAsUser User ID for the alpha container 1001
alpha.persistence.enabled Enable persistence for alpha using PVC true
alpha.persistence.storageClass PVC Storage Class for alpha volume nil
alpha.persistence.accessModes PVC Access Mode for alpha volume ReadWriteOnce
alpha.persistence.size PVC Storage Request for alpha volume 8Gi
alpha.nodeSelector Node labels for alpha pod assignment {}
alpha.tolerations Alpha tolerations []
alpha.resources Alpha node resources requests & limits {}
alpha.livenessProbe Alpha liveness probes See values.yaml for defaults
alpha.readinessProbe Alpha readiness probes See values.yaml for defaults Ratel component name ratel
ratel.replicaCount Number of ratel nodes 1
ratel.service.type Ratel service type ClusterIP
ratel.securityContext.enabled Security context for ratel nodes enabled false
ratel.securityContext.fsGroup Group id of the ratel container 1001
ratel.securityContext.runAsUser User ID for the ratel container 1001
ratel.livenessProbe Ratel liveness probes See values.yaml for defaults
ratel.readinessProbe Ratel readiness probes See values.yaml for defaults

Monitoring in Kubernetes

Dgraph exposes prometheus metrics to monitor the state of various components involved in the cluster, this includes dgraph alpha and zero.

Follow the below mentioned steps to setup prometheus monitoring for your cluster:

  • Install Prometheus operator:
kubectl apply -f
  • Ensure that the instance of prometheus-operator has started before continuing.
$ kubectl get deployments prometheus-operator
prometheus-operator   1         1         1            1           3m
  • Apply prometheus manifest present here.
$ kubectl apply -f prometheus.yaml

serviceaccount/prometheus-dgraph-io created created created created created created

To view prometheus UI locally run:

kubectl port-forward prometheus-dgraph-io-0 9090:9090

The UI is accessible at port 9090. Open http://localhost:9090 in your browser to play around.

To register alerts from dgraph cluster with your prometheus deployment follow the steps below:

  • Create a kubernetes secret containing alertmanager configuration. Edit the configuration file present here with the required reciever configuration including the slack webhook credential and create the secret.

You can find more information about alertmanager configuration here.

$ kubectl create secret generic alertmanager-alertmanager-dgraph-io --from-file=alertmanager.yaml=alertmanager-config.yaml

$ kubectl get secrets
NAME                                            TYPE                 DATA   AGE
alertmanager-alertmanager-dgraph-io             Opaque               1      87m
  • Apply the alertmanager along with alert-rules manifest to use the default configured alert configuration. You can also add custom rules based on the metrics exposed by dgraph cluster similar to alert-rules manifest.
$ kubectl apply -f alertmanager.yaml created
service/alertmanager-dgraph-io created

$ kubectl apply -f alert-rules.yaml created

Kubernetes Storage

The Kubernetes configurations in the previous sections were configured to run Dgraph with any storage type (storage-class: anything). On the common cloud environments like AWS, GCP, and Azure, the default storage type are slow disks like hard disks or low IOPS SSDs. We highly recommend using faster disks for ideal performance when running Dgraph.

Local storage

The AWS storage-optimized i-class instances provide locally attached NVMe-based SSD storage which provide consistent very high IOPS. The Dgraph team uses i3.large instances on AWS to test Dgraph.

You can create a Kubernetes StorageClass object to provision a specific type of storage volume which you can then attach to your Dgraph pods. You can set up your cluster with local SSDs by using Local Persistent Volumes. This Kubernetes feature is in beta at the time of this writing (Kubernetes v1.13.1). You can first set up an EC2 instance with locally attached storage. Once it is formatted and mounted properly, then you can create a StorageClass to access it.:

kind: StorageClass
  name: <your-local-storage-class-name>
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer

Currently, Kubernetes does not allow automatic provisioning of local storage. So a PersistentVolume with a specific mount path should be created:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: <your-local-pv-name>
    storage: 475Gi
  volumeMode: Filesystem
  - ReadWriteOnce
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
  storageClassName: <your-local-storage-class-name>
    path: /data
      - matchExpressions:
        - key:
          operator: In
          - <node-name>

Then, in the StatefulSet configuration you can claim this local storage in .spec.volumeClaimTemplate:

kind: StatefulSet
  - metadata:
      name: datadir
      - ReadWriteOnce
      storageClassName: <your-local-storage-class-name>
          storage: 500Gi

You can repeat these steps for each instance that's configured with local node storage.

Non-local persistent disks

EBS volumes on AWS and PDs on GCP are persistent disks that can be configured with Dgraph. The disk performance is much lower than locally attached storage but can be sufficient for your workload such as testing environments.

When using EBS volumes on AWS, we recommend using Provisioned IOPS SSD EBS volumes (the io1 disk type) which provide consistent IOPS. The available IOPS for AWS EBS volumes is based on the total disk size. With Kubernetes, you can request io1 disks to be provisioned with this config with 50 IOPS/GB using the iopsPerGB parameter:

kind: StorageClass
  name: <your-storage-class-name>
  type: io1
  iopsPerGB: "50"
  fsType: ext4

Example: Requesting a disk size of 250Gi with this storage class would provide 12.5K IOPS.

Removing a Dgraph Pod

In the event that you need to completely remove a pod (e.g., its disk got corrupted and data cannot be recovered), you can use the /removeNode API to remove the node from the cluster. With a Kubernetes StatefulSet, you'll need to remove the node in this order:

  1. On the Zero leader, call /removeNode to remove the Dgraph instance from the cluster (see [More about Dgraph Zero]({{< relref "#more-about-dgraph-zero" >}})). The removed instance will immediately stop running. Any further attempts to join the cluster will fail for that instance since it has been removed.
  2. Remove the PersistentVolumeClaim associated with the pod to delete its data. This prepares the pod to join with a clean state.
  3. Restart the pod. This will create a new PersistentVolumeClaim to create new data directories.

When an Alpha pod restarts in a replicated cluster, it will join as a new member of the cluster, be assigned a group and an unused index from Zero, and receive the latest snapshot from the Alpha leader of the group.

When a Zero pod restarts, it must join the existing group with an unused index ID. The index ID is set with the --idx flag. This may require the StatefulSet configuration to be updated.

Kubernetes and Bulk Loader

You may want to initialize a new cluster with an existing data set such as data from the [Dgraph Bulk Loader]({{< relref "#bulk-loader" >}}). You can use Init Containers to copy the data to the pod volume before the Alpha process runs.

See the initContainers configuration in dgraph-ha.yaml to learn more.

More about Dgraph Alpha

On its HTTP port, a Dgraph Alpha exposes a number of admin endpoints. {{% notice "warning" %}} These HTTP endpoints are deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use the GraphQL endpoint at /admin. {{% /notice %}}

  • /health?all returns information about the health of all the servers in the cluster.
  • /admin/shutdown initiates a proper [shutdown]({{< relref "#shutdown" >}}) of the Alpha.
  • /admin/export initiates a data [export]({{< relref "#export" >}}). The exported data will be encrypted if the alpha instance was configured with an encryption key file.

By default the Alpha listens on localhost for admin actions (the loopback address only accessible from the same machine). The --bindall=true option binds to and thus allows external connections.

{{% notice "tip" %}}Set max file descriptors to a high value like 10000 if you are going to load a lot of data.{{% /notice %}}

Querying Health

You can query the /admin graphql endpoint with a query like the one below to get a JSON consisting of basic information about health of all the servers in the cluster.

query {
  health {

Here’s an example of JSON returned from the above query:

  "data": {
    "health": [
        "instance": "zero",
        "address": "localhost:5080",
        "version": "v2.0.0-rc1",
        "status": "healthy",
        "lastEcho": 1582827418,
        "group": "0",
        "uptime": 1504
        "instance": "alpha",
        "address": "localhost:7080",
        "version": "v2.0.0-rc1",
        "status": "healthy",
        "lastEcho": 1582827418,
        "group": "1",
        "uptime": 1505,
        "ongoing": ["opIndexing"],
        "indexing": ["name", "age"]
  • instance: Name of the instance. Either alpha or zero.
  • status: Health status of the instance. Either healthy or unhealthy.
  • version: Version of Dgraph running the Alpha or Zero server.
  • uptime: Time in nanoseconds since the Alpha or Zero server is up and running.
  • address: IP_ADDRESS:PORT of the instance.
  • group: Group assigned based on the replication factor. Read more [here]({{< relref "/deploy/" >}}).
  • lastEcho: Last time, in Unix epoch, when the instance was contacted by another Alpha or Zero server.
  • ongoing: List of ongoing operations in the background.
  • indexing: List of predicates for which indexes are built in the background. Read more [here]({{< relref "/query-language/" >}}).

The same information (except ongoing and indexing) is available from the /health and /health?all endpoints of Alpha server.

More about Dgraph Zero

Dgraph Zero controls the Dgraph cluster. It automatically moves data between different Dgraph Alpha instances based on the size of the data served by each Alpha instance.

It is mandatory to run at least one dgraph zero node before running any dgraph alpha. Options present for dgraph zero can be seen by running dgraph zero --help.

  • Zero stores information about the cluster.
  • --replicas is the option that controls the replication factor. (i.e. number of replicas per data shard, including the original shard)
  • When a new Alpha joins the cluster, it is assigned a group based on the replication factor. If the replication factor is 1 then each Alpha node will serve different group. If replication factor is 2 and you launch 4 Alphas, then first two Alphas would serve group 1 and next two machines would serve group 2.
  • Zero also monitors the space occupied by predicates in each group and moves them around to rebalance the cluster.

Like Alpha, Zero also exposes HTTP on 6080 (+ any --port_offset). You can query (GET request) it to see useful information, like the following:

  • /state Information about the nodes that are part of the cluster. Also contains information about size of predicates and groups they belong to.
  • /assign?what=uids&num=100 This would allocate num uids and return a JSON map containing startId and endId, both inclusive. This id range can be safely assigned externally to new nodes during data ingestion.
  • /assign?what=timestamps&num=100 This would request timestamps from Zero. This is useful to fast forward Zero state when starting from a postings directory, which already has commits higher than Zero's leased timestamp.
  • /removeNode?id=3&group=2 If a replica goes down and can't be recovered, you can remove it and add a new node to the quorum. This endpoint can be used to remove a dead Zero or Dgraph Alpha node. To remove dead Zero nodes, pass group=0 and the id of the Zero node.

{{% notice "note" %}} Before using the API ensure that the node is down and ensure that it doesn't come back up ever again.

You should not use the same idx of a node that was removed earlier. {{% /notice %}}

  • /moveTablet?tablet=name&group=2 This endpoint can be used to move a tablet to a group. Zero already does shard rebalancing every 8 mins, this endpoint can be used to force move a tablet.

These are the POST endpoints available:

  • /enterpriseLicense Use endpoint to apply an enterprise license to the cluster by supplying it as part of the body.

More about /state endpoint

The /state endpoint of Dgraph Zero returns a JSON document of the current group membership info:

  • Instances which are part of the cluster.
  • Number of instances in Zero group and each Alpha groups.
  • Current leader of each group.
  • Predicates that belong to a group.
  • Estimated size in bytes of each predicate.
  • Enterprise license information.
  • Max Leased transaction ID.
  • Max Leased UID.
  • CID (Cluster ID).

Here’s an example of JSON returned from /state endpoint for a 6-node Dgraph cluster with three replicas:

  "counter": "15",
  "groups": {
    "1": {
      "members": {
        "1": {
          "id": "1",
          "groupId": 1,
          "addr": "alpha1:7080",
          "leader": true,
          "lastUpdate": "1576112366"
        "2": {
          "id": "2",
          "groupId": 1,
          "addr": "alpha2:7080"
        "3": {
          "id": "3",
          "groupId": 1,
          "addr": "alpha3:7080"
      "tablets": {
        "counter.val": {
          "groupId": 1,
          "predicate": "counter.val"
        "dgraph.type": {
          "groupId": 1,
          "predicate": "dgraph.type"
      "checksum": "1021598189643258447"
  "zeros": {
    "1": {
      "id": "1",
      "addr": "zero1:5080",
      "leader": true
    "2": {
      "id": "2",
      "addr": "zero2:5080"
    "3": {
      "id": "3",
      "addr": "zero3:5080"
  "maxLeaseId": "10000",
  "maxTxnTs": "10000",
  "cid": "3602537a-ee49-43cb-9792-c766eea683dc",
  "license": {
    "maxNodes": "18446744073709551615",
    "expiryTs": "1578704367",
    "enabled": true

Here’s the information the above JSON document provides:

  • Group 0
    • members
      • zero1:5080, id: 1, leader
      • zero2:5080, id: 2
      • zero3:5080, id: 3
  • Group 1
    • members
      • alpha1:7080, id: 1, leader
      • alpha2:7080, id: 2
      • alpha3:7080, id: 3
    • predicates
      • dgraph.type
      • counter.val
  • Enterprise license
    • Enabled
    • maxNodes: unlimited
    • License expires on Friday, January 10, 2020 4:59:27 PM GMT-08:00 (converted from epoch timestamp)
  • Other data:
    • maxTxnTs
      • The current max lease of transaction timestamps used to hand out start timestamps and commit timestamps.
      • This increments in batches of 10,000 IDs. Once the max lease is reached, another 10,000 IDs are leased. In the event that the Zero leader is lost, then the new leader starts a brand new lease from maxTxnTs+1 . Any lost transaction IDs in-between will never be used.
      • An admin can use the Zero endpoint HTTP GET /assign?what=timestamps&num=1000 to increase the current transaction timestamp (in this case, by 1000). This is mainly useful in special-case scenarios, e.g., using an existing p directory to a fresh cluster in order to be able to query the latest data in the DB.
    • maxLeaseId
      • The current max lease of UIDs used for blank node UID assignment.
      • This increments in batches of 10,000 IDs. Once the max lease is reached, another 10,000 IDs are leased. In the event that the Zero leader is lost, the new leader starts a brand new lease from maxLeaseId+1. Any UIDs lost in-between will never be used for blank-node UID assignment.
      • An admin can use the Zero endpoint HTTP GET /assign?what=uids&num=1000 to reserve a range of UIDs (in this case, 1000) to use externally (Zero will NEVER use these UIDs for blank node UID assignment, so the user can use the range to assign UIDs manually to their own data sets.
    • CID
      • This is a unique UUID representing the cluster-ID for this cluster. It is generated during the initial DB startup and is retained across restarts.
    • Group checksum
      • This is the checksum verification of the data per Alpha group. This is used internally to verify group memberships in the event of a tablet move.

{{% notice "note" %}} "tablet", "predicate", and "edge" are synonymous terms today. The future plan to improve data scalability is to shard a predicate into separate tablets that could be assigned to different groups. {{% /notice %}}

Log Format

Dgraph's log format comes from the glog library and is formatted as follows:

`Lmmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg...`

Where the fields are defined as follows:

	L                A single character, representing the log level (eg 'I' for INFO)
	mm               The month (zero padded; ie May is '05')
	dd               The day (zero padded)
	hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu  Time in hours, minutes and fractional seconds
	threadid         The space-padded thread ID as returned by GetTID()
	file             The file name
	line             The line number
	msg              The user-supplied message

Query Logging

To enable query logging, you must set -v=3 which will enable verbose logging for everything. Alternatively, you can set --vmodule=server=3 for only the dgraph/server.go file which would only enable query/mutation logging.

TLS configuration

{{% notice "note" %}} This section refers to the dgraph cert command which was introduced in v1.0.9. For previous releases, see the previous TLS configuration documentation. {{% /notice %}}

Connections between client and server can be secured with TLS. Password protected private keys are not supported.

{{% notice "tip" %}}If you're generating encrypted private keys with openssl, be sure to specify encryption algorithm explicitly (like -aes256). This will force openssl to include DEK-Info header in private key, which is required to decrypt the key by Dgraph. When default encryption is used, openssl doesn't write that header and key can't be decrypted.{{% /notice %}}

Self-signed certificates

The dgraph cert program creates and manages self-signed certificates using a generated Dgraph Root CA. The cert command simplifies certificate management for you.

# To see the available flags.
$ dgraph cert --help

# Create Dgraph Root CA, used to sign all other certificates.
$ dgraph cert

# Create node certificate and private key
$ dgraph cert -n localhost

# Create client certificate and private key for mTLS (mutual TLS)
$ dgraph cert -c dgraphuser

# Combine all in one command
$ dgraph cert -n localhost -c dgraphuser

# List all your certificates and keys
$ dgraph cert ls

File naming conventions

To enable TLS you must specify the directory path to find certificates and keys. The default location where the cert command stores certificates (and keys) is tls under the Dgraph working directory; where the data files are found. The default dir path can be overridden using the --dir option.

$ dgraph cert --dir ~/mycerts

The following file naming conventions are used by Dgraph for proper TLS setup.

File name Description Use
ca.crt Dgraph Root CA certificate Verify all certificates
ca.key Dgraph CA private key Validate CA certificate
node.crt Dgraph node certificate Shared by all nodes for accepting TLS connections
node.key Dgraph node private key Validate node certificate Dgraph client certificate Authenticate a client name Dgraph client private key Validate name client certificate

The Root CA certificate is used for verifying node and client certificates, if changed you must regenerate all certificates.

For client authentication, each client must have their own certificate and key. These are then used to connect to the Dgraph node(s).

The node certificate node.crt can support multiple node names using multiple host names and/or IP address. Just separate the names with commas when generating the certificate.

$ dgraph cert -n localhost,,,2400:cb00:2048:1::6819:a417

{{% notice "tip" %}}You must delete the old node cert and key before you can generate a new pair.{{% /notice %}}

{{% notice "note" %}}When using host names for node certificates, including localhost, your clients must connect to the matching host name -- such as localhost not If you need to use IP addresses, then add them to the node certificate.{{% /notice %}}

Certificate inspection

The command dgraph cert ls lists all certificates and keys in the --dir directory (default 'tls'), along with details to inspect and validate cert/key pairs.

Example of command output:

-rw-r--r-- ca.crt - Dgraph Root CA certificate
        Issuer: Dgraph Labs, Inc.
           S/N: 043c4d8fdd347f06
    Expiration: 02 Apr 29 16:56 UTC
SHA-256 Digest: 4A2B0F0F 716BF5B6 C603E01A 6229D681 0B2AFDC5 CADF5A0D 17D59299 116119E5

-r-------- ca.key - Dgraph Root CA key
SHA-256 Digest: 4A2B0F0F 716BF5B6 C603E01A 6229D681 0B2AFDC5 CADF5A0D 17D59299 116119E5

-rw-r--r-- client.admin.crt - Dgraph client certificate: admin
        Issuer: Dgraph Labs, Inc.
     CA Verify: PASSED
           S/N: 297e4cb4f97c71f9
    Expiration: 03 Apr 24 17:29 UTC
SHA-256 Digest: D23EFB61 DE03C735 EB07B318 DB70D471 D3FE8556 B15D084C 62675857 788DF26C

-rw------- client.admin.key - Dgraph Client key
SHA-256 Digest: D23EFB61 DE03C735 EB07B318 DB70D471 D3FE8556 B15D084C 62675857 788DF26C

-rw-r--r-- node.crt - Dgraph Node certificate
        Issuer: Dgraph Labs, Inc.
     CA Verify: PASSED
           S/N: 795ff0e0146fdb2d
    Expiration: 03 Apr 24 17:00 UTC
         Hosts:, 2400:cb00:2048:1::6819:a417, localhost,
SHA-256 Digest: 7E243ED5 3286AE71 B9B4E26C 5B2293DA D3E7F336 1B1AFFA7 885E8767 B1A84D28

-rw------- node.key - Dgraph Node key
SHA-256 Digest: 7E243ED5 3286AE71 B9B4E26C 5B2293DA D3E7F336 1B1AFFA7 885E8767 B1A84D28

Important points:

  • The cert/key pairs should always have matching SHA-256 digests. Otherwise, the cert(s) must be regenerated. If the Root CA pair differ, all cert/key must be regenerated; the flag --force can help.
  • All certificates must pass Dgraph CA verification.
  • All key files should have the least access permissions, especially the ca.key, but be readable.
  • Key files won't be overwritten if they have limited access, even with --force.
  • Node certificates are only valid for the hosts listed.
  • Client certificates are only valid for the named client/user.

TLS options

The following configuration options are available for Alpha:

  • --tls_dir string - TLS dir path; this enables TLS connections (usually 'tls').
  • --tls_use_system_ca - Include System CA with Dgraph Root CA.
  • --tls_client_auth string - TLS client authentication used to validate client connection. See Client authentication for details.
# First, create rootca and node certificates and private keys
$ dgraph cert -n localhost
# Default use for enabling TLS server (after generating certificates and private keys)
$ dgraph alpha --tls_dir tls

Dgraph Live Loader can be configured with following options:

  • --tls_cacert string - Dgraph Root CA, such as ./tls/ca.crt
  • --tls_use_system_ca - Include System CA with Dgraph Root CA.
  • --tls_server_name string - Server name, used for validating the server's TLS host name.
# Now, connect to server using TLS
$ dgraph live --tls_cacert ./tls/ca.crt --tls_server_name "localhost" -s 21million.schema -f 21million.rdf.gz

mTLS (Mutual TLS) options

The following configuration options are available for Alpha:

  • --tls_dir string - TLS dir path; this enables TLS connections (usually 'tls').
  • --tls_use_system_ca - Include System CA with Dgraph Root CA.
  • --tls_client_auth string - TLS client authentication used to validate client connection. mTLS will require either REQUIREANY or REQUIREANDVERIFY for this setting. See Client authentication for details.
# First, create a rootca, node, and client certificates and private keys
$ dgraph cert -n localhost -c dgraphuser
# Default use for enabling TLS server (after generating certificates and private keys)
$ dgraph alpha --tls_dir tls --tls_client_auth="REQUIREANDVERIFY"

Dgraph Live Loader can be configured with following options:

  • --tls_cacert string - Dgraph Root CA, such as ./tls/ca.crt
  • --tls_use_system_ca - Include System CA with Dgraph Root CA.
  • --tls_cert - User cert file provided by the client to Alpha
  • --tls_key - User private key file provided by the client to Alpha
  • --tls_server_name string - Server name, used for validating the server's TLS host name.
# Now, connect to server using mTLS (mutual TLS)
$ dgraph live \
   --tls_cacert ./tls/ca.crt \
   --tls_cert ./tls/client.dgraphuser.crt \
   --tls_key ./tls/client.dgraphuser.key \
   --tls_server_name "localhost" \
   -s 21million.schema \
   -f 21million.rdf.gz

Client authentication

The server option --tls_client_auth accepts different values that change the security policty of client certificate verification.

Value Description
REQUEST Server accepts any certificate, invalid and unverified (least secure)
REQUIREANY Server expects any certificate, valid and unverified
VERIFYIFGIVEN Client certificate is verified if provided (default)
REQUIREANDVERIFY Always require a valid certificate (most secure)

{{% notice "note" %}}REQUIREANDVERIFY is the most secure but also the most difficult to configure for remote clients. When using this value, the value of --tls_server_name is matched against the certificate SANs values and the connection host.{{% /notice %}}

Using Ratel UI with Client authentication

Ratel UI (and any other JavaScript clients built on top of dgraph-js-http) connect to Dgraph servers via HTTP, when TLS is enabled servers begin to expect HTTPS requests only. Therefore some adjustments need to be made.

If the --tls_client_auth option is set to REQUESTor VERIFYIFGIVEN (default):

  1. Change the connection URL from http:// to https:// (e.g.
  2. Install / make trusted the certificate of the Dgraph certificate authority ca.crt. Refer to the documentation of your OS / browser for instructions (e.g. on Mac OS this means adding ca.crt to the KeyChain and making it trusted for Secure Socket Layer).

For REQUIREANY and REQUIREANDVERIFY you need to follow the steps above and also need to install client certificate on your OS / browser:

  1. Generate a client certificate: dgraph cert -c MyLaptop.
  2. Convert it to a .p12 file: openssl pkcs12 -export -out MyLaptopCert.p12 -in tls/client.MyLaptop.crt -inkey tls/client.MyLaptop.key. Use any password you like for export.
  3. Install the generated MyLaptopCert.p12 file on the client system (on Mac OS this means simply double-click the file in Finder).
  4. Next time you use Ratel to connect to an alpha with Client authentication enabled the browser will prompt you for a client certificate to use. Select the certificate you've just installed in the step above and queries/mutations will succeed.

Using Curl with Client authentication

When TLS is enabled, curl requests to Dgraph will need some specific options to work.

If the --tls_client_auth option is set to REQUESTor VERIFYIFGIVEN (default), use the option --cacert. For instance (for an export request):

curl --silent --cacert ./tls/ca.crt https://localhost:8080/admin/export

If the --tls_client_auth option is set to REQUIREANY or REQUIREANDVERIFY, in addition to the --cacert option, also use the --cert and --key options. For instance (for an export request):

curl --silent --cacert ./tls/ca.crt --cert ./tls/client.dgraphuser.crt \
 --key ./tls/client.dgraphuser.key https://localhost:8080/admin/export

Refer to the curl documentation for further information on its TLS options.

Access Data Using a Client

Some examples of connecting via a Client when TLS is in use can be found below:

Troubleshooting Ratel's Client authentication

If you are getting errors in Ratel when server's TLS is enabled try opening your alpha URL as a webpage.

Assuming you are running Dgraph on your local machine, opening https://localhost:8080/ in browser should produce a message Dgraph browser is available for running separately using the dgraph-ratel binary.

In case you are getting a connection error, try not passing the --tls_client_auth flag when starting an alpha. If you are still getting an error, check that your hostname is correct and the port is open; then make sure that "Dgraph Root CA" certificate is installed and trusted correctly.

After that, if things work without --tls_client_auth but stop working when REQUIREANY and REQUIREANDVERIFY is set make sure the .p12 file is installed correctly.

Cluster Checklist

In setting up a cluster be sure the check the following.

  • Is at least one Dgraph Zero node running?
  • Is each Dgraph Alpha instance in the cluster set up correctly?
  • Will each Dgraph Alpha instance be accessible to all peers on 7080 (+ any port offset)?
  • Does each instance have a unique ID on startup?
  • Has --bindall=true been set for networked communication?

Fast Data Loading

There are two different tools that can be used for fast data loading:

  • dgraph live runs the Dgraph Live Loader
  • dgraph bulk runs the Dgraph Bulk Loader

{{% notice "note" %}} Both tools only accept RDF N-Quad/Triple data or JSON in plain or gzipped format. Data in other formats must be converted.{{% /notice %}}

Live Loader

Dgraph Live Loader (run with dgraph live) is a small helper program which reads RDF N-Quads from a gzipped file, batches them up, creates mutations (using the go client) and shoots off to Dgraph.

Dgraph Live Loader correctly handles assigning unique IDs to blank nodes across multiple files, and can optionally persist them to disk to save memory, in case the loader was re-run.

{{% notice "note" %}} Dgraph Live Loader can optionally write the xid->uid mapping to a directory specified using the --xidmap flag, which can reused given that live loader completed successfully in the previous run.{{% /notice %}}

$ dgraph live --help # To see the available flags.

# Read RDFs or JSON from the passed file, and send them to Dgraph on localhost:9080.
$ dgraph live -f <path-to-gzipped-RDF-or-JSON-file>

# Read multiple RDFs or JSON from the passed path, and send them to Dgraph on localhost:9080.
$ dgraph live -f <./path-to-gzipped-RDF-or-JSON-files>

# Read multiple files strictly by name.
$ dgraph live -f <file1.rdf, file2.rdf>

# Use compressed gRPC connections to and from Dgraph.
$ dgraph live -C -f <path-to-gzipped-RDF-or-JSON-file>

# Read RDFs and a schema file and send to Dgraph running at given address.
$ dgraph live -f <path-to-gzipped-RDf-or-JSON-file> -s <path-to-schema-file> -a <dgraph-alpha-address:grpc_port> -z <dgraph-zero-address:grpc_port>

Encrypted imports via Live Loader

A new flag keyfile is added to the Live Loader. This option is required to decrypt the encrypted export data and schema files. Once the export files are decrypted, the Live Loader streams the data to a live Alpha instance.

{{% notice "note" %}} If the live Alpha instance has encryption turned on, the p directory will be encrypted. Otherwise, the p directory is unencrypted. {{% /notice %}}

Encrypted RDF/JSON file and schema via Live Loader

dgraph live -f <path-to-encrypted-gzipped-RDF-or-JSON-file> -s <path-to-encrypted-schema> -keyfile <path-to-keyfile-to-decrypt-files>

Other Live Loader options

--new_uids (default: false): Assign new UIDs instead of using the existing UIDs in data files. This is useful to avoid overriding the data in a DB already in operation.

-f, --files: Location of *.rdf(.gz) or *.json(.gz) file(s) to load. It can load multiple files in a given path. If the path is a directory, then all files ending in .rdf, .rdf.gz, .json, and .json.gz will be loaded.

--format: Specify file format (rdf or json) instead of getting it from filenames. This is useful if you need to define a strict format manually.

-b, --batch (default: 1000): Number of N-Quads to send as part of a mutation.

-c, --conc (default: 10): Number of concurrent requests to make to Dgraph. Do not confuse with -C.

-C, --use_compression (default: false): Enable compression for connections to and from the Alpha server.

-a, --alpha (default: localhost:9080): Dgraph Alpha gRPC server address to connect for live loading. This can be a comma-separated list of Alphas addresses in the same cluster to distribute the load, e.g., "alpha:grpc_port,alpha2:grpc_port,alpha3:grpc_port".

-x, --xidmap (default: disabled. Need a path): Store xid to uid mapping to a directory. Dgraph will save all identifiers used in the load for later use in other data ingest operations. The mapping will be saved in the path you provide and you must indicate that same path in the next load. It is recommended to use this flag if you have full control over your identifiers (Blank-nodes). Because the identifier will be mapped to a specific UID.

Bulk Loader

{{% notice "note" %}} It's crucial to tune the bulk loader's flags to get good performance. See the section below for details. {{% /notice %}}

Dgraph Bulk Loader serves a similar purpose to the Dgraph Live Loader, but can only be used to load data into a new cluster. It cannot be run on an existing Dgraph cluster. Dgraph Bulk Loader is considerably faster than the Dgraph Live Loader and is the recommended way to perform the initial import of large datasets into Dgraph.

Only one or more Dgraph Zeros should be running for bulk loading. Dgraph Alphas will be started later.

{{% notice "warning" %}} Don't use bulk loader once the Dgraph cluster is up and running. Use it to import your existing data to a new cluster. {{% /notice %}}

You can read some technical details about the bulk loader on the blog.

See [Fast Data Loading]({{< relref "#fast-data-loading" >}}) for more info about the expected N-Quads format.

Reduce shards: Before running the bulk load, you need to decide how many Alpha groups will be running when the cluster starts. The number of Alpha groups will be the same number of reduce shards you set with the --reduce_shards flag. For example, if your cluster will run 3 Alpha with 3 replicas per group, then there is 1 group and --reduce_shards should be set to 1. If your cluster will run 6 Alphas with 3 replicas per group, then there are 2 groups and --reduce_shards should be set to 2.

Map shards: The --map_shards option must be set to at least what's set for --reduce_shards. A higher number helps the bulk loader evenly distribute predicates between the reduce shards.

$ dgraph bulk -f goldendata.rdf.gz -s goldendata.schema --map_shards=4 --reduce_shards=2 --http localhost:8000 --zero=localhost:5080
	"DataFiles": "goldendata.rdf.gz",
	"DataFormat": "",
	"SchemaFile": "goldendata.schema",
	"DgraphsDir": "out",
	"TmpDir": "tmp",
	"NumGoroutines": 4,
	"MapBufSize": 67108864,
	"ExpandEdges": true,
	"SkipMapPhase": false,
	"CleanupTmp": true,
	"NumShufflers": 1,
	"Version": false,
	"StoreXids": false,
	"ZeroAddr": "localhost:5080",
	"HttpAddr": "localhost:8000",
	"IgnoreErrors": false,
	"MapShards": 4,
	"ReduceShards": 2
The bulk loader needs to open many files at once. This number depends on the size of the data set loaded, the map file output size, and the level of indexing. 100,000 is adequate for most data set sizes. See `man ulimit` for details of how to change the limit.
Current max open files limit: 1024
MAP 01s rdf_count:176.0 rdf_speed:174.4/sec edge_count:564.0 edge_speed:558.8/sec
MAP 02s rdf_count:399.0 rdf_speed:198.5/sec edge_count:1.291k edge_speed:642.4/sec
MAP 03s rdf_count:666.0 rdf_speed:221.3/sec edge_count:2.164k edge_speed:718.9/sec
MAP 04s rdf_count:952.0 rdf_speed:237.4/sec edge_count:3.014k edge_speed:751.5/sec
MAP 05s rdf_count:1.327k rdf_speed:264.8/sec edge_count:4.243k edge_speed:846.7/sec
MAP 06s rdf_count:1.774k rdf_speed:295.1/sec edge_count:5.720k edge_speed:951.5/sec
MAP 07s rdf_count:2.375k rdf_speed:338.7/sec edge_count:7.607k edge_speed:1.085k/sec
MAP 08s rdf_count:3.697k rdf_speed:461.4/sec edge_count:11.89k edge_speed:1.484k/sec
MAP 09s rdf_count:71.98k rdf_speed:7.987k/sec edge_count:225.4k edge_speed:25.01k/sec
MAP 10s rdf_count:354.8k rdf_speed:35.44k/sec edge_count:1.132M edge_speed:113.1k/sec
MAP 11s rdf_count:610.5k rdf_speed:55.39k/sec edge_count:1.985M edge_speed:180.1k/sec
MAP 12s rdf_count:883.9k rdf_speed:73.52k/sec edge_count:2.907M edge_speed:241.8k/sec
MAP 13s rdf_count:1.108M rdf_speed:85.10k/sec edge_count:3.653M edge_speed:280.5k/sec
MAP 14s rdf_count:1.121M rdf_speed:79.93k/sec edge_count:3.695M edge_speed:263.5k/sec
MAP 15s rdf_count:1.121M rdf_speed:74.61k/sec edge_count:3.695M edge_speed:246.0k/sec
REDUCE 16s [1.69%] edge_count:62.61k edge_speed:62.61k/sec plist_count:29.98k plist_speed:29.98k/sec
REDUCE 17s [18.43%] edge_count:681.2k edge_speed:651.7k/sec plist_count:328.1k plist_speed:313.9k/sec
REDUCE 18s [33.28%] edge_count:1.230M edge_speed:601.1k/sec plist_count:678.9k plist_speed:331.8k/sec
REDUCE 19s [45.70%] edge_count:1.689M edge_speed:554.4k/sec plist_count:905.9k plist_speed:297.4k/sec
REDUCE 20s [60.94%] edge_count:2.252M edge_speed:556.5k/sec plist_count:1.278M plist_speed:315.9k/sec
REDUCE 21s [93.21%] edge_count:3.444M edge_speed:681.5k/sec plist_count:1.555M plist_speed:307.7k/sec
REDUCE 22s [100.00%] edge_count:3.695M edge_speed:610.4k/sec plist_count:1.778M plist_speed:293.8k/sec
REDUCE 22s [100.00%] edge_count:3.695M edge_speed:584.4k/sec plist_count:1.778M plist_speed:281.3k/sec
Total: 22s

The output will be generated in the out directory by default. Here's the bulk load output from the example above:

$ tree ./out
├── 0
│   └── p
│       ├── 000000.vlog
│       ├── 000002.sst
│       └── MANIFEST
└── 1
    └── p
        ├── 000000.vlog
        ├── 000002.sst
        └── MANIFEST

4 directories, 6 files

Because --reduce_shards was set to 2, there are two sets of p directories: one in ./out/0 directory and another in the ./out/1 directory.

Once the output is created, they can be copied to all the servers that will run Dgraph Alphas. Each Dgraph Alpha must have its own copy of the group's p directory output. Each replica of the first group should have its own copy of ./out/0/p, each replica of the second group should have its own copy of ./out/1/p, and so on.

$ dgraph bulk --help # To see the available flags.

# Read RDFs or JSON from the passed file.
$ dgraph bulk -f <path-to-gzipped-RDF-or-JSON-file> ...

# Read multiple RDFs or JSON from the passed path.
$ dgraph bulk -f <./path-to-gzipped-RDF-or-JSON-files> ...

# Read multiple files strictly by name.
$ dgraph bulk -f <file1.rdf, file2.rdf> ...

Encryption at rest with Bulk Loader

Even before the Dgraph cluster starts, we can load data using Bulk Loader with the encryption feature turned on. Later we can point the generated p directory to a new Alpha server.

Here's an example to run Bulk Loader with a key used to write encrypted data:

dgraph bulk --encryption_key_file ./enc_key_file -f data.json.gz -s data.schema --map_shards=1 --reduce_shards=1 --http localhost:8000 --zero=localhost:5080

Encrypting imports via Bulk Loader

The Bulk Loader’s encryption_key_file option was previously used to encrypt the output p directory. This same option will also be used to decrypt the encrypted export data and schema files.

Another option, --encrypted, indicates whether the input rdf/json data and schema files are encrypted or not. With this switch, we support the use case of migrating data from unencrypted exports to encrypted import.

So, with the above two options we have 4 cases:

  1. --encrypted=true and no encryption_key_file.

Error: If the input is encrypted, a key file must be provided.

  1. --encrypted=true and encryption_key_file=`path to key.

Input is encrypted and output p dir is encrypted as well.

  1. --encrypted=false and no encryption_key_file.

Input is not encrypted and the output p dir is also not encrypted.

  1. --encrypted=false and encryption_key_file=path to key.

Input is not encrypted but the output is encrypted. (This is the migration use case mentioned above).

Other Bulk Loader options

--new_uids (default: false): Assign new UIDs instead of using the existing UIDs in data files. This is useful to avoid overriding the data in a DB already in operation.

-f, --files: Location of *.rdf(.gz) or *.json(.gz) file(s) to load. It can load multiple files in a given path. If the path is a directory, then all files ending in .rdf, .rdf.gz, .json, and .json.gz will be loaded.

--format: Specify file format (rdf or json) instead of getting it from filenames. This is useful if you need to define a strict format manually.

--store_xids: Generate a xid edge for each node. It will store the XIDs (The identifier / Blank-nodes) in an attribute named xid in the entity itself. It is useful if you gonna use External IDs.

--xidmap (default: disabled. Need a path): Store xid to uid mapping to a directory. Dgraph will save all identifiers used in the load for later use in other data ingest operations. The mapping will be saved in the path you provide and you must indicate that same path in the next load. It is recommended to use this flag if you have full control over your identifiers (Blank-nodes). Because the identifier will be mapped to a specific UID.

Tuning & monitoring

Performance Tuning

{{% notice "tip" %}} We highly recommend disabling swap space when running Bulk Loader. It is better to fix the parameters to decrease memory usage, than to have swapping grind the loader down to a halt. {{% /notice %}}

Flags can be used to control the behaviour and performance characteristics of the bulk loader. You can see the full list by running dgraph bulk --help. In particular, the flags should be tuned so that the bulk loader doesn't use more memory than is available as RAM. If it starts swapping, it will become incredibly slow.

In the map phase, tweaking the following flags can reduce memory usage:

  • The --num_go_routines flag controls the number of worker threads. Lowering reduces memory consumption.

  • The --mapoutput_mb flag controls the size of the map output files. Lowering reduces memory consumption.

For bigger datasets and machines with many cores, gzip decoding can be a bottleneck during the map phase. Performance improvements can be obtained by first splitting the RDFs up into many .rdf.gz files (e.g. 256MB each). This has a negligible impact on memory usage.

The reduce phase is less memory heavy than the map phase, although can still use a lot. Some flags may be increased to improve performance, but only if you have large amounts of RAM:

  • The --reduce_shards flag controls the number of resultant Dgraph alpha instances. Increasing this increases memory consumption, but in exchange allows for higher CPU utilization.

  • The --map_shards flag controls the number of separate map output shards. Increasing this increases memory consumption but balances the resultant Dgraph alpha instances more evenly.

  • The --shufflers controls the level of parallelism in the shuffle/reduce stage. Increasing this increases memory consumption.

Ludicrous Mode

Ludicrous mode is available in Dgraph v20.03.1 or later.

Ludicrous mode allows Dgraph to ingest data at an incredibly fast speed. It differs from the normal mode as it provides fewer guarantees. In normal mode, Dgraph provides strong consistency. In ludicrous mode, Dgraph provides eventual consistency. In ludicrous mode, any mutation which succeeds might be available eventually. Eventually means the changes will be applied later and might not be reflected in queries away. If Dgraph crashes unexpectedly, there might be unapplied mutations which will not be picked up when Dgraph restarts. Dgraph with ludicrous mode enabled behaves as an eventually consistent system.

How do I enable it?

Ludicrous mode can be enabled by setting the --ludicrous_mode config option to all Zero and Alpha instances in the cluster.

What does it do?

It doesn't wait for mutations to be applied. When a mutation comes, it proposes the mutation to the cluster and as soon as the proposal reaches the other nodes, it returns the response right away. You don't need to send a commit request for mutation. It's equivalent to having CommitNow set automatically for all mutations. All the mutations are then sent to background workers which keep applying them.

Also, Dgraph does not sync writes to disk. This increases throughput but may result in loss of unsynced writes in the event of hardware failure.

What is the trade off?

As mentioned in the section above, it provides amazing speed at the cost of some guarantees.

It can be used when we have write-heavy operations and there is a time gap between queries and mutations, or you are fine with potentially reading stale data.

There are no transactions in ludicrous mode. That is, you cannot open a transaction, apply a mutation, and then decide to cancel the transaction. Every mutation request is committed to Dgraph.

Can the cluster run with HA?

Yes, ludicrous mode works with the cluster set up in a highly-available (HA) configuration.

Can the cluster run with multiple data shards?

Yes, ludicrous mode works with the cluster set up with multiple data shards.


Dgraph exposes metrics via the /debug/vars endpoint in json format and the /debug/prometheus_metrics endpoint in Prometheus's text-based format. Dgraph doesn't store the metrics and only exposes the value of the metrics at that instant. You can either poll this endpoint to get the data in your monitoring systems or install Prometheus. Replace targets in the below config file with the ip of your Dgraph instances and run prometheus using the command prometheus -config.file my_config.yaml.

  - job_name: "dgraph"
    metrics_path: "/debug/prometheus_metrics"
    scrape_interval: "2s"
    - targets:
      -     # For Dgraph zero, 6080 is the http endpoint exposing metrics.
      -    # For Dgraph alpha, 8080 is the http endpoint exposing metrics.

{{% notice "note" %}} Raw data exported by Prometheus is available via /debug/prometheus_metrics endpoint on Dgraph alphas. {{% /notice %}}

Install Grafana to plot the metrics. Grafana runs at port 3000 in default settings. Create a prometheus datasource by following these steps. Import grafana_dashboard.json by following this link.


Dgraph metrics follow the metric and label conventions for Prometheus.

Disk Metrics

The disk metrics let you track the disk activity of the Dgraph process. Dgraph does not interact directly with the filesystem. Instead it relies on Badger to read from and write to disk.

Metrics Description
badger_v2_disk_reads_total Total count of disk reads in Badger.
badger_v2_disk_writes_total Total count of disk writes in Badger.
badger_v2_gets_total Total count of calls to Badger's get.
badger_v2_memtable_gets_total Total count of memtable accesses to Badger's get.
badger_v2_puts_total Total count of calls to Badger's put.
badger_v2_read_bytes Total bytes read from Badger.
badger_v2_written_bytes Total bytes written to Badger.

Memory Metrics

The memory metrics let you track the memory usage of the Dgraph process. The idle and inuse metrics gives you a better sense of the active memory usage of the Dgraph process. The process memory metric shows the memory usage as measured by the operating system.

By looking at all three metrics you can see how much memory a Dgraph process is holding from the operating system and how much is actively in use.

Metrics Description
dgraph_memory_idle_bytes Estimated amount of memory that is being held idle that could be reclaimed by the OS.
dgraph_memory_inuse_bytes Total memory usage in bytes (sum of heap usage and stack usage).
dgraph_memory_proc_bytes Total memory usage in bytes of the Dgraph process. On Linux/macOS, this metric is equivalent to resident set size. On Windows, this metric is equivalent to Go's runtime.ReadMemStats.

Activity Metrics

The activity metrics let you track the mutations, queries, and proposals of an Dgraph instance.

Metrics Description
go_goroutines Total number of Goroutines currently running in Dgraph.
dgraph_active_mutations_total Total number of mutations currently running.
dgraph_pending_proposals_total Total pending Raft proposals.
dgraph_pending_queries_total Total number of queries in progress.
dgraph_num_queries_total{method="Server.Mutate"} Total number of mutations run in Dgraph.
dgraph_num_queries_total{method="Server.Query"} Total number of queries run in Dgraph.

Health Metrics

The health metrics let you track to check the availability of an Dgraph Alpha instance.

Metrics Description
dgraph_alpha_health_status Only applicable to Dgraph Alpha. Value is 1 when the Alpha is ready to accept requests; otherwise 0.

Go Metrics

Go's built-in metrics may also be useful to measure for memory usage and garbage collection time.

Metrics Description
go_memstats_gc_cpu_fraction The fraction of this program's available CPU time used by the GC since the program started.
go_memstats_heap_idle_bytes Number of heap bytes waiting to be used.
go_memstats_heap_inuse_bytes Number of heap bytes that are in use.


Dgraph is integrated with OpenCensus to collect distributed traces from the Dgraph cluster.

Trace data is always collected within Dgraph. You can adjust the trace sampling rate for Dgraph queries with the --trace option for Dgraph Alphas. By default, --trace is set to 1 to trace 100% of queries.

Examining Traces with zPages

The most basic way to view traces is with the integrated trace pages.

OpenCensus's zPages are accessible via the Zero or Alpha HTTP port at /z/tracez.

Examining Traces with Jaeger

Jaeger collects distributed traces and provides a UI to view and query traces across different services. This provides the necessary observability to figure out what is happening in the system.

Dgraph can be configured to send traces directly to a Jaeger collector with the --jaeger.collector flag. For example, if the Jaeger collector is running on http://localhost:14268, then pass the flag to the Dgraph Zero and Dgraph Alpha instances as --jaeger.collector=http://localhost:14268.

See Jaeger's Getting Started docs to get up and running with Jaeger.

Setting up multiple Dgraph clusters with Jaeger

Jaeger allows you to examine traces from multiple Dgraph clusters. To do this, use the --collector.tags on a Jaeger collector to set custom trace tags. For example, run one collector with --collector.tags env=qa and then another collector with --collector.tags env=dev. In Dgraph, set the --jaeger.collector flag in the Dgraph QA cluster to the first collector and the flag in the Dgraph Dev cluster to the second collector. You can run multiple Jaeger collector components for the same single Jaeger backend (e.g., many Jaeger collectors to a single Cassandra backend). This is still a single Jaeger installation but with different collectors customizing the tags per environment.

Once you have this configured, you can filter by tags in the Jaeger UI. Filter traces by tags matching env=dev:

{{% load-img "/images/jaeger-ui.png" "Jaeger UI" %}}

Every trace has your custom tags set under the “Process” section of each span:

{{% load-img "/images/jaeger-server-query.png" "Jaeger Query" %}}

Filter traces by tags matching env=qa:

{{% load-img "/images/jaeger-json.png" "Jaeger JSON" %}}

{{% load-img "/images/jaeger-server-query-2.png" "Jaeger Query Result" %}}

For more information, check out Jaeger's Deployment Guide.

Data compression on disk

Alpha exposes the option --badger.compression_level to configure the compression level for data on disk using Zstd compression. The option can be set as

dgraph alpha --badger.compression_level=xxx

A higher compression level is more CPU intensive but offers a better compression ratio. The default level is 3.

This option is available in v20.03.1 and later.

Dgraph Administration

Each Dgraph Alpha exposes administrative operations over HTTP to export data and to perform a clean shutdown.

Whitelisting Admin Operations

By default, admin operations can only be initiated from the machine on which the Dgraph Alpha runs. You can use the --whitelist option to specify whitelisted IP addresses and ranges for hosts from which admin operations can be initiated.

dgraph alpha --whitelist, --lru_mb <one-third RAM> ...

This would allow admin operations from hosts with IP between and along with the server which has IP address as

Restricting Mutation Operations

By default, you can perform mutation operations for any predicate. If the predicate in mutation doesn't exist in the schema, the predicate gets added to the schema with an appropriate [Dgraph Type]({{< relref "query-language/" >}}).

You can use --mutations disallow to disable all mutations, which is set to allow by default.

dgraph alpha --mutations disallow

Enforce a strict schema by setting --mutations strict. This mode allows mutations only on predicates already in the schema. Before performing a mutation on a predicate that doesn't exist in the schema, you need to perform an alter operation with that predicate and its schema type.

dgraph alpha --mutations strict

Securing Alter Operations

Clients can use alter operations to apply schema updates and drop particular or all predicates from the database. By default, all clients are allowed to perform alter operations. You can configure Dgraph to only allow alter operations when the client provides a specific token. This can be used to prevent clients from making unintended or accidental schema updates or predicate drops.

You can specify the auth token with the --auth_token option for each Dgraph Alpha in the cluster. Clients must include the same auth token to make alter requests.

$ dgraph alpha --lru_mb=2048 --auth_token=<authtokenstring>
$ curl -s localhost:8080/alter -d '{ "drop_all": true }'
# Permission denied. No token provided.
$ curl -s -H 'X-Dgraph-AuthToken: <wrongsecret>' localhost:8180/alter -d '{ "drop_all": true }'
# Permission denied. Incorrect token.
$ curl -H 'X-Dgraph-AuthToken: <authtokenstring>' localhost:8180/alter -d '{ "drop_all": true }'
# Success. Token matches.

{{% notice "note" %}} To fully secure alter operations in the cluster, the auth token must be set for every Alpha. {{% /notice %}}

Exporting Database

An export of all nodes is started by locally executing the following GraphQL mutation on /admin endpoint using any compatible client like Insomnia, GraphQL Playground or GraphiQL.

mutation {
  export(input: {format: "rdf"}) {
    response {

{{% notice "warning" %}}By default, this won't work if called from outside the server where the Dgraph Alpha is running. You can specify a list or range of whitelisted IP addresses from which export or other admin operations can be initiated using the --whitelist flag on dgraph alpha. {{% /notice %}}

This triggers an export for all Alpha groups of the cluster. The data is exported from the following Dgraph instances:

  1. For the Alpha instance that receives the GET request, the group's export data is stored with this Alpha.
  2. For every other group, its group's export data is stored with the Alpha leader of that group.

It is up to the user to retrieve the right export files from the Alphas in the cluster. Dgraph does not copy all files to the Alpha that initiated the export. The user must also ensure that there is sufficient space on disk to store the export.

Each Alpha leader for a group writes output as a gzipped file to the export directory specified via the --export flag (defaults to a directory called "export"). If any of the groups fail, the entire export process is considered failed and an error is returned.

The data is exported in RDF format by default. A different output format may be specified with the format field. For example:

mutation {
  export(input: {format: "json"}) {
    response {

Currently, "rdf" and "json" are the only formats supported.

Encrypting Exports

Export is available wherever an Alpha is running. To encrypt an export, the Alpha must be configured with the encryption-key-file.

{{% notice "note" %}} The encryption-key-file was used for encryption-at-rest and will now also be used for encrypted backups and exports. {{% /notice %}}

Shutting Down Database

A clean exit of a single Dgraph node is initiated by running the following GraphQL mutation on /admin endpoint. {{% notice "warning" %}}This won't work if called from outside the server where Dgraph is running. You can specify a list or range of whitelisted IP addresses from which shutdown or other admin operations can be initiated using the --whitelist flag on dgraph alpha. {{% /notice %}}

mutation {
  shutdown {
    response {

This stops the Alpha on which the command is executed and not the entire cluster.

Deleting database

Individual triples, patterns of triples and predicates can be deleted as described in the query languge docs.

To drop all data, you could send a DropAll request via /alter endpoint.

Alternatively, you could:

  • [Shutdown Dgraph]({{< relref "#shutting-down-database" >}}) and wait for all writes to complete,
  • Delete (maybe do an export first) the p and w directories, then
  • Restart Dgraph.

Upgrading Database

Doing periodic exports is always a good idea. This is particularly useful if you wish to upgrade Dgraph or reconfigure the sharding of a cluster. The following are the right steps to safely export and restart.

  1. Start an [export]({{< relref "#exporting-database">}})
  2. Ensure it is successful
  3. [Shutdown Dgraph]({{< relref "#shutting-down-database" >}}) and wait for all writes to complete
  4. Start a new Dgraph cluster using new data directories (this can be done by passing empty directories to the options -p and -w for Alphas and -w for Zeros)
  5. Reload the data via [bulk loader]({{< relref "#bulk-loader" >}})
  6. Verify the correctness of the new Dgraph cluster. If all looks good, you can delete the old directories (export serves as an insurance)

These steps are necessary because Dgraph's underlying data format could have changed, and reloading the export avoids encoding incompatibilities.

Blue-green deployment is a common approach to minimize downtime during the upgrade process. This approach involves switching your application to read-only mode. To make sure that no mutations are executed during the maintenance window you can do a rolling restart of all your Alpha using the option --mutations disallow when you restart the Alphas. This will ensure the cluster is in read-only mode.

At this point your application can still read from the old cluster and you can perform the steps 4. and 5. described above. When the new cluster (that uses the upgraded version of Dgraph) is up and running, you can point your application to it, and shutdown the old cluster.

Upgrading from v1.2.2 to v20.03.0 for Enterprise Customers

  1. Use [binary]({{< relref "enterprise-features/">}}) backup to export data from old cluster
  2. Ensure it is successful
  3. [Shutdown Dgraph]({{< relref "#shutting-down-database" >}}) and wait for all writes to complete
  4. Upgrade dgraph binary to v20.03.0
  5. [Restore]({{< relref "enterprise-features/">}}) from the backups using upgraded dgraph binary
  6. Start a new Dgraph cluster using the restored data directories
  7. Upgrade ACL data using the following command:
dgraph upgrade --acl -a localhost:9080 -u groot -p password

{{% notice "note" %}} If you are upgrading from v1.0, please make sure you follow the schema migration steps described in this section. {{% /notice %}}

Post Installation

Now that Dgraph is up and running, to understand how to add and query data to Dgraph, follow Query Language Spec. Also, have a look at Frequently asked questions.


Here are some problems that you may encounter and some solutions to try.

Running OOM (out of memory)

During bulk loading of data, Dgraph can consume more memory than usual, due to high volume of writes. That's generally when you see the OOM crashes.

The recommended minimum RAM to run on desktops and laptops is 16GB. Dgraph can take up to 7-8 GB with the default setting --lru_mb set to 4096; so having the rest 8GB for desktop applications should keep your machine humming along.

On EC2/GCE instances, the recommended minimum is 8GB. It's recommended to set --lru_mb to one-third of RAM size.

You could also decrease memory usage of Dgraph by setting --badger.vlog=disk.

Too many open files

If you see an log error messages saying too many open files, you should increase the per-process file descriptors limit.

During normal operations, Dgraph must be able to open many files. Your operating system may set by default a open file descriptor limit lower than what's needed for a database such as Dgraph.

On Linux and Mac, you can check the file descriptor limit with ulimit -n -H for the hard limit and ulimit -n -S for the soft limit. The soft limit should be set high enough for Dgraph to run properly. A soft limit of 65535 is a good lower bound for a production setup. You can adjust the limit as needed.

See Also