Concern-Tag : weather
This concern is all about weather. It is dependent upon It is possible to request the current weather data and a forecast for the next 5 days in 3 hour intervals
** location ** (String): Specifies the location to query
- {city name},{country code}: Specify the city name and probably the country code de (for example
) - {zip code},{country code}: Specify the country name and the country code (for example
- {city name},{country code}: Specify the city name and probably the country code de (for example
** ** (Integer): Identifier to not math strings
- TBD: either plain from here or a little bit condensed
** condition.description ** (String): Describes the weather in one word
** temp ** (Float): Temperature in Degrees
** data ** (JSON): Data dump from the API in the form found at either here or here
[List of all supported request types]:
Type-Tag: weather_current
- location (String): see
- data (JSON): of type 1[Description]
"type": "weather_current",
"payload": {
"location": "Stuttgart,de"
"type": "weather_current",
"payload": {
"data": {
"coord": {"lon":145.77,"lat":-16.92},
"weather": [{"id":803,"main":"Clouds","description":"broken clouds","icon":"04n"}],
"base":"cmc stations",
Type-Tag: weather_current_TBD
Currenctly not implemented has to be specified for further use
- location (String): [Description]
- conditions (array of conditions): [Description]
- temp (Float): [Description]
"type": "weather_current",
"payload": {
"location": "Stuttgart,de"
"type": "weather_current",
"payload": {
"conditions": {
Type-Tag: weather_forecast
Will return the weather data with a 5 day forecast and for a 3h time frame
- location (String): see
- time (String): unix time stamp (UTC) to request the data of
- data (JSON): of type 1[Description]
"type": "weather_forecast",
"payload": {
"location": "Stuttgart,de"
"time": "1406106045"
"type": "weather_current",
"payload": {
"data": {
"weather":[{"id":804,"main":"Clouds","description":"overcast clouds","icon":"04d"}],
"dt_txt":"2014-07-23 09:00:00"
Type-Tag: [Type Tag]
- [Parameter1 Name] ([Parameter1 Type]): [Description]
- [Possible Value]: [Value Description]
- [Parameter2 Name]: ([Parameter2 Type]): [Description]
[Example for message]