####2020-08-04 v0.1.20 Allow the result to be returned in the $and form even if there is only one condition by passing {forceand: true} in the options @dhendo
####2020-08-04 v0.1.19 Dependabot upgrade of qs @dhendo
####2020-08-04 v0.1.18 Allow operators to request to be returned without a namespace. useful for e.g. $text @dhendo
####2019-08-08 v0.1.16 Add "range" and "nrange" operators @jake314159
####2016-11-18 v0.1.15 Allow extended operators to specify their own clean function @jake314159
####2016-02-11 v0.1.14 Apply rename when using multiple filters @jake314159
####2015-10-26 v0.1.13 Bumped qsversion @dhendo
####2015-09-25 v0.1.12 Disallow nulls for certain operators @jake314159
####2015-08-12 v0.1.11 Pass fieldname to operator function @jake314159
####2015-06-16 v0.1.10 Add support for $all
####2015-02-19 v0.1.9 Bugfixes to allow raw objects to pass in arrays / numbers correctly
####2015-02-18 v0.1.7 Allow a raw object to be passed in. Flatten deep object properties.
####2014-11-12 v0.1.5 Allow custom operators to inline a $not to negate the section of the query
####2014-10-20 v0.1.4 Allow custom operators to override the key of the field that is being operated on.
####2014-09-05 v0.1.3 Added strin and strnin operators to avoid casting to a number (e.g. "007" does not get casted to 7) for in queries
####2014-04-21 v0.1.2 Added streq operator to avoid casting to a number (e.g. "007" does not get casted to 7)
####2014-04-24 v0.1.1 Switched order separator from _ to __
####2014-04-24 v0.1.0 Added sort function. Added testing on Travis.
####2014-04-16 v0.0.9 Add in coercion to booleans with _bool.
####2014-03-19 v0.0.8 Fix relative date filtering - was returning a timestamp rather than a date object
####2014-02-19 v0.0.7
Add relative and absolute date filtering Add support for $exists operator
####2014-02-19 v0.0.6
Add nin operator (MikeTheTechie)
####2014-01-07 v0.0.5
Pass the operator through to custom filters
####2014-01-07 v0.0.4
Added the ability to generate an elemMatch Added the ability to inject operators. This allows for more complicated expansions / aliases / calculations.
####2013-10-24 v0.0.3
Added fix for dotted notation.
####2013-10-23 v0.0.2
Allow multiple conditions to be applied to the same key.
####2013-10-22 v0.0.1
Initial version