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HI :
I want to build recommend system use deepfm model ,but it need a lots of layer ,most important layer is Embedding layer, and so many NLP work model need it ,would you like coding this part code. will appreciate about these work .and I has try to build embedding look up method ,but it is can not work , I just try to write the similar code like [from tensorflow.python.ops import embedding_ops ]
here is my scala code ,I think maybe it will give you some idea. now only clipByNorm is work
package org.tensorflow.ops
import org.tensorflow.Output
import org.tensorflow.op.{Ops, Scope}
import org.tensorflow.types.TInt32
/** Method for combining sparse embeddings. */
//T: TF : IsReal, I: TF : IsIntOrLong
sealed trait Combiner {
@inline def combine[T <:TNumber, I <: TNumber](parameters: Output[T], indices: Output[I],
segmentIndices: Output[TInt32]
)(implicit tf:Ops,scope:Scope): Output[T]
@inline def combineWeighted[T <:TNumber, I <: TNumber]( parameters: Output[T],weights: Output[T],
segmentIndices: Output[I]
)(implicit tf:Ops,scope:Scope): Output[T]
/** Combines sparse embeddings by using a weighted sum. */
case object SumCombiner extends Combiner {
//T: TF : IsReal, I: TF : IsIntOrLong
@inline override def combine[T <:TNumber, I <: TNumber](parameters: Output[T],indices: Output[I],segmentIndices: Output[TInt32]
)(implicit tf:Ops,scope:Scope): Output[T] = {
// tf.math.segmentSum()
// Math.sparseSegmentSum(parameters, indices, segmentIndices)
//T: TF : IsReal, I: TF : IsIntOrLong
@inline def combineWeighted[T <:TNumber, I <: TNumber](parameters: Output[T],weights: Output[T],segmentIndices: Output[I]
)(implicit tf:Ops,scope:Scope): Output[T] = {
// Math.segmentSum(parameters, segmentIndices)
/** Combines sparse embeddings by using a weighted sum divided by the total weight. */
case object MeanCombiner extends Combiner {
//T: TF : IsReal, I: TF : IsIntOrLong
@inline override def combine[T <:TNumber, I <: TNumber](
parameters: Output[T],
indices: Output[I],
segmentIndices: Output[TInt32]
)(implicit tf:Ops,scope:Scope): Output[T] = {
// Math.sparseSegmentMean(parameters, indices, segmentIndices)
//T: TF : IsReal, I: TF : IsIntOrLong
@inline def combineWeighted[T <:TNumber, I <: TNumber](
parameters: Output[T],
weights: Output[T],
segmentIndices: Output[I]
)(implicit tf:Ops,scope:Scope): Output[T] = {
// val embeddings = Math.segmentSum(parameters, segmentIndices)
// val weightsSum = Math.segmentSum(weights, segmentIndices)
// Math.divide(embeddings, weightsSum)
val embeddings = tf.math.segmentSum(parameters,segmentIndices)
val weightsSum = tf.math.segmentSum(weights,segmentIndices)
val outRes = tf.math.divNoNan(embeddings,weightsSum)
/** Combines sparse embeddings by using a weighted sum divided by the square root of the sum of the
* squares of the weights. */
case object SumSqrtNCombiner extends Combiner {
//T: TF : IsReal, I: TF : IsIntOrLong
@inline override def combine[T <:TNumber, I <: TNumber](
parameters: Output[T],
indices: Output[I],
segmentIndices: Output[TInt32]
)(implicit tf:Ops,scope:Scope): Output[T] = {
val segmentIds:Output[TInt32] = tf.math.segmentSum(indices.asInstanceOf[Output[TInt32]],segmentIndices).asOutput()
val res = tf.sparse.sparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegments(parameters,indices,segmentIds ,segmentIndices)
// Math.sparseSegmentSumSqrtN(parameters, indices, segmentIndices)
// tf.sparse.sparseSegmentSqrtN()
// )
//T: TF : IsReal, I: TF : IsIntOrLong
@inline def combineWeighted[T <:TNumber, I <: TNumber](
parameters: Output[T],
weights: Output[T],
segmentIndices: Output[I]
)(implicit tf:Ops,scope:Scope): Output[T] = {
// val embeddings = Math.segmentSum(parameters, segmentIndices)
// val weightsSquaredSum = Math.segmentSum(weights.square, segmentIndices)
// Math.divide(embeddings, weightsSquaredSum.sqrt)
val embeddings = tf.math.segmentSum(parameters,segmentIndices)
val weightsSquaredSum = tf.math.segmentSum(tf.math.sqrt(weights),segmentIndices)
val resOut = tf.math.divNoNan(embeddings,tf.math.sqrt(weightsSquaredSum)).asOutput()
package org.tensorflow.ops
import org.tensorflow.{Operand, Output}
import org.tensorflow.op.{Ops, Scope}
import org.tensorflow.op.math.{Div, TruncateDiv}
import org.tensorflow.types.{TFloat32, TInt32}
import org.tensorflow.ndarray.Shape
/** Partitioning strategy for the embeddings map. */
sealed trait TFPartitionStrategy {
/** Transforms the provided ids based on this partition strategy and returns the partition assignments and the
* new/transformed ids. */
//T: TF : IsNotQuantized, I: TF : IsIntOrLong
def transformIds[T<: TNumber, I <: TNumber](ids: Output[I], parameters: Seq[TFEmbeddingParameters[T]], numPartitions: Output[I]
)(implicit tf :Ops,scope:Scope): (Output[I], Output[I])
/** Each id is assigned to partition `p = id % parameters.numPartitions`. For instance, 13 ids are split across 5
* partitions as: `[[0, 5, 10], [1, 6, 11], [2, 7, 12], [3, 8], [4, 9]]`. */
case object ModStrategy extends TFPartitionStrategy {
//: TF : IsNotQuantized, I: TF : IsIntOrLong
override def transformIds[T<: TNumber, I<: TNumber](ids: Output[I], parameters: Seq[TFEmbeddingParameters[T]],
numPartitions: Output[I]
)(implicit tf :Ops,scope:Scope): (Output[I], Output[I]) = {
val partitionAssignments = tf.math.mod(ids, numPartitions)
// val partitionAssignments = ids % numPartitions
val newIds = TruncateDiv.create(scope,ids,numPartitions)
(partitionAssignments.asOutput(), newIds.asOutput())
/** Ids are assigned to partitions in a contiguous manner. In this case, 13 ids are split across 5 partitions as:
* `[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12]]`. */
case object DivStrategy extends TFPartitionStrategy {
//T: TF : IsNotQuantized, I: TF : IsIntOrLong
override def transformIds[T<: TNumber, I<: TNumber](ids: Output[I], parameters: Seq[TFEmbeddingParameters[T]], numPartitions: Output[I]
)(implicit tf :Ops,scope:Scope): (Output[I], Output[I]) = {
// We compute `numTotalIds` as the sum of the first dimension size of `parameters`, and then we assign to
// partitions based on a constant number of ids per partition. We optimize if we already know the full shape
// statically.
val numTotalIds = {
if (parameters.forall(p => p.colocationOp.rank() != -1 && p.staticShape.get(0) != -1)) {
// tf.constant([I]
} else {
val axis0Sizes = => {
if (p.colocationOp.rank != -1 && p.staticShape.get(0) != -1)
// Op.colocateWith(Set(p.colocationOp), ignoreExisting = true)(p.dynamicShape(0))
val axisCont =axis0Sizes.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Iterable[Operand[T]]] //.asInstanceOf[I]
val idsPerPartition = TruncateDiv.create(scope, numTotalIds.asInstanceOf[Operand[I]],numPartitions)
val extras = tf.math.div(numTotalIds.asInstanceOf[Operand[I]], numPartitions) //: Output[I]
val shapez =idsPerPartition.shape().asArray()
val one = tf.ones[TInt32](tf.constant(shapez ),classOf[TInt32] )// TFBasic.ones[I](Shape())
val tempMax1 = TruncateDiv.create(scope,ids,tf.math.add(idsPerPartition,one.asInstanceOf[Operand[I]]))
val tempMax2 = TruncateDiv.create(scope,tf.math.sub(ids,extras),idsPerPartition)
val partitionAssignments = tf.math.maximum( tempMax1,tempMax2).asOutput() //: Output[I]
val newIds =
tf.math.less(partitionAssignments, extras),
tf.math.div(ids, tf.math.add(idsPerPartition,one.asInstanceOf[Operand[I]])),
(partitionAssignments.asInstanceOf[Output[I]], newIds.asOutput().asInstanceOf[Output[I]])
package org.tensorflow.ops
import org.tensorflow.types.TInt32
import org.tensorflow.ndarray.Shape
import org.tensorflow.op.Ops
import org.tensorflow.{Operand, Output}
import org.tensorflow.op.core.Variable
case class TFEmbeddingMap[T<:TNumber](partitionParameters: Seq[TFEmbeddingParameters[T]]) {
val numPartitions: Int = partitionParameters.size
/** Trait for specifying supported embedding parameter types. */
trait TFEmbeddingParameters[T <:TNumber] {
/** Returns the op that generates these parameters (to be used for colocating other ops with it). */
@inline def colocationOp: Operand[T]
/** Returns the static shape of this parameters tensor. */
@inline def staticShape: Shape
/** Returns the dynamic shape of this parameters tensor. */
@inline def dynamicShape: Array[Long]
/** Gathers the embeddings corresponding to `indices` from `parameters`. */
def gather[I<:TNumber](
indices: Output[I],
name: String = "Gather"
): Output[T]
//: TF : IsNotQuantized
case class OutputParameters[T<:TNumber](tf: Ops,parameters: Output[T] )extends TFEmbeddingParameters[T] {
@inline override def colocationOp: Operand[T] = {
@inline override def staticShape: Shape = {
@inline override def dynamicShape: Array[Long] = {
// tf.shape()
// TFBasic.shape(parameters)
//: TF : IsIntOrLong
override def gather[I<:TNumber](indices: Output[I], name: String = "Gather"): Output[T] = {
// TFBasic.gather(parameters, indices, axis = 0, name = name)
case class VariableParameters[T<:TNumber](tf: Ops,parameters: Variable[T]) extends TFEmbeddingParameters[T] {
@inline override def colocationOp: Operand[T] = {
@inline override def staticShape: Shape = {
@inline override def dynamicShape: Array[Long] = {
// TFBasic.shape(parameters.value)
override def gather[I<:TNumber](indices: Output[I], name: String = "Gather"): Output[T] = {
// parameters.gather(indices, name = name)
package org.tensorflow.ops
import org.tensorflow.{Operand, Output}
import org.tensorflow.ndarray.Shape
import org.tensorflow.op.core.ReduceSum
import org.tensorflow.op.{Ops, Scope}
import org.tensorflow.types.{TFloat64, TInt32}
import scala.language.postfixOps
/** Contains functions for constructing ops related to embeddings.
* @author Emmanouil Antonios Platanios
trait TFEmbedding {
def clipByNorm[T <: TNumber](someNums: Operand[T], clipNormBias: Operand[T], axis: Operand[TInt32])(implicit tf: Ops, scope: Scope): Output[T] = {
try {
// val someNums = tf.withName("c").constant(Array(Array(1.0,2.0,3.0,4.4,5.2)))
// val clipNormBias = tf.withName("d").constant(2.0) //2.0
// val axis = tf.constant(Array(1,0))
// tf.array(0,1)
val l2sum = tf.reduceSum(tf.math.square(tf.dtypes.cast(someNums, classOf[TFloat64])), axis, ReduceSum.keepDims(true))
val pred = tf.math.greater(l2sum, tf.constant(0.0))
val l2sumSafe =, l2sum, tf.onesLike(l2sum))
val l2norm =, tf.math.sqrt(l2sumSafe), l2sum)
val intermediate = tf.math.mul(tf.dtypes.cast(someNums, classOf[TFloat64]), tf.dtypes.cast(clipNormBias, classOf[TFloat64]))
val valuesClip = tf.identity(tf.math.divNoNan(intermediate, tf.math.maximum(l2norm, tf.dtypes.cast(clipNormBias, classOf[TFloat64]))))
if (someNums.shape().isCompatibleWith(intermediate.shape())) {
println(s"match the shape ${someNums.shape().get(0)} ${someNums.shape().get(1)} || ${intermediate.shape().get(0)} ${intermediate.shape().get(1)}")
valuesClip.asOutput().asInstanceOf[Output[T]] //Float64
} else {
println(s"can not match the shape ${someNums.shape().get(0)} ${someNums.shape().get(1)} || ${intermediate.shape().get(0)} ${intermediate.shape().get(1)}")
throw new Exception("bad shape")
/** $OpDocEmbeddingEmbeddingLookup
* @group EmbeddingOps
* @param parameters Embedding map, which is either a single tensor, a list of `P` tensors with the same
* shape, except for their first dimension, representing sharded embedding tensors, or a
* `PartitionedVariable`, created by partitioning along the first dimension.
* @param ids Tensor to be looked up in `parameters`.
* @param partitionStrategy Partitioning strategy to use if `parameters.numPartitions > 1`.
* @param transformFn If provided, this function is applied to each partitioned tensor of retrieved
* embeddings, colocated with the embeddings. The shape of the argument to this function
* will be the same as that of `parameters`, except for the size of the first dimension.
* The first dimension of the result's shape must have the same size as that of the
* argument's. Note that, if `maxNorm` is provided, then norm-based clipping is performed
* before the `transformFn` is applied.
* @param maxNorm If provided, embedding values are l2-normalized to this value.
* @param name Name prefix used for the created op.
* @return Obtained embeddings for the provided `ids`.
//T: TF : IsNotQuantized, I: TF : IsIntOrLong
def embeddingLookup[T <: TNumber, I <: TNumber](parameters: TFEmbeddingMap[T], ids: Output[I], partitionStrategy: TFPartitionStrategy = ModStrategy,
transformFn: Output[T] => Output[T] = null,
maxNorm: Operand[T] = null,
name: String = "EmbeddingLookup"
)(implicit tf: Ops, scope: Scope): Output[TFloat64] = {
// Op.nameScope(name) {
if (parameters.numPartitions == 1 && (ids.rank == 1 || transformFn == null)) {
var result = parameters.partitionParameters.head.gather(ids)
if (maxNorm != null) {
val axis = tf.dtypes.cast(tf.constant(Array(1, 0)), classOf[TInt32])
result = TFEmbedding.clipByNorm(result, maxNorm, axis) //.asInstanceOf[Output[T]]
if (transformFn != null)
result = transformFn(result)
} else {
val numPartitions = tf.constant(parameters.numPartitions) //.asInstanceOf[I]
// val numPartitions = TFBasic.constant(parameters.numPartitions).castTo[I]
// Flatten the ids. There are two cases where we need to do this:
// - There is more than one parameter tensors.
// - There is a `transformFn` and ids is not statically known to be 1-D.
// In this case, we must flatten because `transformFn` expects a flat tensor of embeddings.
val flattenedIds = tf.reshape(ids, tf.constant(Array(-1)))
// val flattenedIds = ids.reshape(Shape(-1))
val originalIds = tf.range(tf.constant(0), tf.constant(flattenedIds.size()), tf.constant(1))
// val originalIds = Math.range(0, flattenedIds.size.toInt)
// Create `partitionAssignments` and set `newIds` depending on the strategy.
val transformedIds = partitionStrategy.transformIds(
flattenedIds.output(), parameters.partitionParameters, numPartitions.asOutput())
// Cast partition assignments to integers for use in `dynamicPartition`.
// There really should not be more than 2^32 partitions.
// val partitionAssignments = transformedIds._1.castTo[Int]
val partitionAssignments = transformedIds._1.asInstanceOf[Output[TInt32]]
val newIds = transformedIds._2
// Partition list of ids based on assignments into `parameters.numPartitions` separate lists.
val gatherIds = tf.dynamicPartition(
newIds, partitionAssignments, parameters.numPartitions)
// Similarly, partition the original indices.
val partitionIndices = tf.dynamicPartition(
originalIds, partitionAssignments, parameters.numPartitions)
val gatherIdsList = gatherIds.outputs().asInstanceOf[Iterable[Output[I]]]
// Do `parameters.numPartitions` separate lookups, finding embeddings for `plist(p)` in `parameters(p)`.
val partitionedResult = {
case (params, paramIds: Output[I]) =>
// Op.colocateWith(Set(params.colocationOp), ignoreExisting = true) {
// }
var result = params.gather(paramIds)
// If `transformFn` is provided, the `clipByNorm` precedes the transform and hence must be co-located.
// See below for the counterpart if `transformFn` is not provided.
val axis2 = tf.dtypes.cast(tf.constant(Array(1, 0)), classOf[TInt32])
if (maxNorm != null) {
//result = TFEmbedding.clipByNorm(result, paramIds, maxNorm)
result = TFEmbedding.clipByNorm(paramIds, maxNorm, axis2).asInstanceOf[Output[T]]
if (transformFn != null && maxNorm != null)
// result = transformFn(TFEmbedding.clipByNorm(result, paramIds, maxNorm))
result = transformFn(TFEmbedding.clipByNorm(paramIds, maxNorm, axis2).asInstanceOf[Output[T]])
else if (transformFn != null)
result = transformFn(result)
// Stitch these back together.
val partIndices = partitionIndices.outputs().asInstanceOf[java.lang.Iterable[Operand[TInt32]]]
var result = tf.dynamicStitch(partIndices, partitionedResult)
// Determine the static element shape.
val elementStaticShape = {
if (transformFn == null) {
val shapeArr = parameters.partitionParameters.head.staticShape.asArray()
var shape = shapeArr.slice(1, shapeArr.length) //.t(1 ::)
// parameters.partitionParameters.tail.foreach(p => {
// shape = shape.mergeWith(p.staticShape(1 ::))
// })
} else {
result.shape.asArray().slice(1, result.shape.asArray().length) //(1 ::)
// Compute the dynamic element shape.
val elementDynamicShape = {
if (elementStaticShape.length>1) {
tf.constant(elementStaticShape )
} else if (transformFn == null) {
parameters.partitionParameters.head.dynamicShape.slice(1,parameters.partitionParameters.head.dynamicShape.length) //(1 ::)
} else {
tf.shape(result).shape().asArray().slice(1,tf.shape(result).shape().asArray().length) //.slice(1 ::)
// Reshape to reverse the flattening of the ids.
val idsShape = tf.shape(ids)
// val resultShape = tf.concatenate(Seq(idsShape, elementDynamicShape))
// result = result.reshape(resultShape)
val resultShape = tf.concat(Seq(idsShape, elementDynamicShape).asInstanceOf[java.lang.Iterable[Operand[I]]], tf.constant(Array(1, 0)))
val resultz = tf.reshape(result, resultShape)
// Normally the reshape is sufficient, but setting shape explicitly teaches shape inference that
// `parameters.partitionParameters(1 ::).shape` matters (in the case that `transformFn` is `null`).
// tf.math.squaredDifference()
val eleStaticShape = Shape.of(elementStaticShape: _*)
var resultzs = tf.reshape(resultz, tf.constant(ids.shape().asArray())).asOutput()
// resultz.setShape(ids.shape.concatenateWith(elementStaticShape))
val axis3 = tf.dtypes.cast(tf.constant(Array(1, 0)), classOf[TInt32])
if (transformFn == null) {
// If `transformFn` was provided, the `clipByNorm` was done above.
// resultz = TFEmbedding.clipByNorm(result, ids, maxNorm)
return TFEmbedding.clipByNorm(ids, maxNorm, axis3)
return resultzs.asInstanceOf[Output[TFloat64]]
// }
/** $OpDocEmbeddingSparseEmbeddingLookup
* @group EmbeddingOps
* @param parameters Embedding map, which is either a single tensor, a list of `P` tensors with the same
* shape, except for their first dimension, representing sharded embedding tensors, or a
* `PartitionedVariable`, created by partitioning along the first dimension.
* @param sparseIds `NxM` sparse tensor containing ids, where `N` typically corresponds to the batch
* size and `M` is arbitrary.
* @param sparseWeights Either a sparse tensor containing weight values, or None `null`
* to indicate all weights should be taken to be equal to 1. If specified, `sparseWeights`
* must have exactly the same shape and indices as `sparseIds`.
* @param partitionStrategy Partitioning strategy to use if `parameters.numPartitions > 1`.
* @param combiner Combination/reduction strategy to use for the obtained embeddings.
* @param maxNorm If provided, embedding values are l2-normalized to this value.
* @param name Name prefix used for the created op.
* @return Obtained embeddings for the provided `ids`.
//T: TF : IsReal, I: TF : IsIntOrLong
// def sparseEmbeddingLookup[T <:TNumber, I <:TNumber](parameters: TFEmbeddingMap[T], sparseIdz: Output[I],
// sparseWeightz: Output[T] = null,
// partitionStrategy: TFPartitionStrategy = ModStrategy,
// combiner: Combiner = SumSqrtNCombiner,
// maxNorm: Output[T] = null,
// name: String = "SparseEmbeddingLookup"
// )(implicit tf:Ops,scope: Scope): Output[T] = {
// val ignoreWeights = sparseWeightz == null
// if (!ignoreWeights) {
// val sparseWeights = sparseWeightz.asTensor().asInstanceOf[SparseTensor]
// val sparseIds = sparseIdz.asTensor().asInstanceOf[SparseTensor]
// val idFlag = sparseIds.indices.shape.isCompatibleWith(sparseWeights.indices.shape)
// val valueFlag = sparseIds.values.shape.isCompatibleWith(sparseWeights.values.shape)
//// sparseIds.indices.shape.assertIsCompatibleWith(sparseWeights.indices.shape)
//// sparseIds.values.shape.assertIsCompatibleWith(sparseWeights.values.shape)
// if (idFlag==true &&valueFlag==true&& sparseIds.denseShape != null && sparseWeights.denseShape != null) {
//// sparseIds.denseShape.shape.assertIsCompatibleWith(sparseWeights.denseShape.shape)
// val spareFlag = sparseIds.denseShape.shape.isCompatibleWith(sparseWeights.denseShape.shape)
//// val segmentIds = sparseIds.indices(::, 0).castTo[Int]
// val segmentIds = tf.dtypes.cast(sparseIds.indices(::, 0), classOf[TInt64])
// val (ids, idx) = tf.unique(sparseIds.values,tf.constant(Array(0)))
// var embeddings = embeddingLookup(parameters, ids, partitionStrategy, maxNorm = maxNorm)
// if (ignoreWeights) {
// combiner.combine(embeddings, idx, segmentIds)
// } else {
// embeddings = embeddings.gather(idx)
// val weights = sparseWeights.values.castTo[T]
// // Reshape weights to allow broadcasting.
// val weightsStaticShape = weights.shape
// val weightsDynamicShape = tf.shape(weights)
// val ones = Output.ones[Int](tf.expandDims(tf.rank(embeddings) - 1, 0))
// val broadcastedWeightsShape = tf.concatenate(
// Seq(weightsDynamicShape, ones), axis = 0)
// val reshapedWeights = weights.reshape(broadcastedWeightsShape)
// // Set the weight shape, since after reshaping to `broadcastedWeightsShape`, the shape becomes unknown.
// if (embeddings.shape.rank != -1) {
// val onesShape = Shape.fromSeq((0 until embeddings.shape.rank - 1).map(_ => 1))
// reshapedWeights.setShape(weightsStaticShape.concatenateWith(onesShape))
// }
// val weightedEmbeddings = embeddings * reshapedWeights
// combiner.combineWeighted(weightedEmbeddings, reshapedWeights, segmentIds)
// }
// } else if (sparseIds.denseShape != sparseWeights.denseShape) {
// throw new Exception("The dense shapes of 'sparseIds' and 'sparseWeights' must be compatible.")
// }
// }
// }
object TFEmbedding extends TFEmbedding {
/** If `maxNorm` is not `null`, this method clips `parameters` to a maximum l2-norm of `maxNorm`. */
//: TF : IsNotQuantized : TF : IsIntOrLong
// private[TFEmbedding] def clipByNorm[T <:TNumber, I <:TNumber](parameters: Output[T], indices: Output[I], maxNorm: Output[T] = null, name: String = "ClipNorm"): Output[T] = {
// if (maxNorm == null) {
// parameters
// } else if (parameters.rank != -1 && indices.rank != -1) {
// parameters.clipByNorm(
// maxNorm,
// indices.rank until parameters.rank)
// input: Output[T],
// clipNorm: Output[T],
// axes: Output[I] = null,
// name: String = "ClipByNorm"
// Clip.clipByNorm(output, clipNorm, axes, name)
// // Calculate the l2-norm and clip elements by the ratio of `clipNorm` to that l2-norm.
// val l2Norm = Math.sum(Math.square(input), axes, keepDims = true).sqrt
// val intermediate = input * clipNorm
// // Assert that the result shape is compatible with the initial shape, to prevent unintentional broadcasting.
// input.shape.assertIsCompatibleWith(intermediate.shape)
// TFBasic.identity(intermediate / Math.maximum(l2Norm, clipNorm))
// } else {
// parameters.clipByNorm(
// maxNorm,
// Math.range(TFBasic.rank(indices), TFBasic.rank(parameters)))
// }
// }
//: TF : IsNotQuantized
/** @define OpDocEmbeddingEmbeddingLookup
* The `embeddingLookup` op looks up `ids` in a list of embedding tensors.
* This function is used to perform parallel lookups on the embedding map in `parameters`. It is a generalization
* of the `gather` op, where `parameters` is interpreted as a partitioning of a large embedding tensor.
* `parameters` may be a `PartitionedVariable` as returned when creating a variable with a partitioner.
* If `parameters` consists of more than 1 partition, each element `id` of `ids` is partitioned between the
* elements of `parameters` according to the `partitionStrategy`. In all strategies, if the id space does not
* evenly divide the number of partitions, each of the first `(maxId + 1) % parameters.numPartitions` partitions
* will be assigned one more id.
* If `partitionStrategy` is [[TFEmbedding.ModStrategy]], we assign each id to partition
* `p = id % parameters.numPartitions`. For instance, 13 ids are split across 5 partitions as:
* `[[0, 5, 10], [1, 6, 11], [2, 7, 12], [3, 8], [4, 9]]`.
* If `partitionStrategy` is [[TFEmbedding.DivStrategy]], we assign ids to partitions in a contiguous manner. In this
* case, 13 ids are split across 5 partitions as:
* `[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12]]`.
* The results of the lookup are concatenated into a dense tensor. The returned tensor has shape
* `ids.shape + parameters.partitionParameters(0).shape(1 ::)`.
* @define OpDocEmbeddingSparseEmbeddingLookup
* The `sparseEmbeddingLookup` op looks up and computes embeddings for the given sparse ids and weights.
* The op assumes that there is at least one id for each row in the dense tensor represented by `sparseIds` (i.e.,
* there are no rows with empty features), and that all the indices of `sparseIds` are in canonical row-major
* order. It also assumes that all id values lie in the range `[0, p0)`, where `p0` is the sum of the size of
* `parameters` along dimension 0.
* The op returns a dense tensor representing the combined embeddings for the provided sparse ids. For each row in
* the dense tensor represented by `sparseIds`, the op looks up the embeddings for all ids in that row, multiplies
* them by the corresponding weight, and combines them using the provided `combiner`.
* In other words, if `shape(combinedParameters) = [p0, p1, ..., pm]` and
* `shape(sparseIds) = shape(sparseWeights) = [d0, d1, ..., dn]`, then
* `shape(output) = [d0, d1, ..., dn-1, p1, ..., pm]`.
* For instance, if `parameters` is a `10x20` matrix, and `sparseIds` and `sparseWeights` are as follows:
* - [0, 0]: id 1, weight 2.0
* - [0, 1]: id 3, weight 0.5
* - [1, 0]: id 0, weight 1.0
* - [2, 3]: id 1, weight 3.0
* and we are using the `MeanCombiner`, then the output will be a `3x20` matrix, where:
* - output(0, ::) = (parameters(1, ::) * 2.0 + parameters(3, ::) * 0.5) / (2.0 + 0.5)
* - output(1, ::) = parameters(0, ::) * 1.0
* - output(2, ::) = parameters(1, ::) * 3.0
// private[ops] trait Documentation
here is use python keras api to build the DeepFM model
from keras.layers import *
from keras import backend as K
from keras.models import Model
from HwSumLayer import HwSumLayer
from HwMeanPooling import HwMeanPooling
from HwFlatten import HwFlatten
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.ops import data_flow_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import embedding_ops,array_ops
# from keras.utils import
# from keras.layers.embeddings import
in_score = Input(shape=[1],name ="score")
in_sales = Input(shape=[1],name="sales")
# tf.realdiv
# tf.truncatediv
# data_flow_ops.
in_gender = Input(shape=[1],name="gender")
in_age = Input(shape=[1],name="age")
in_interest = Input(shape=[3],name="interest")
in_topic = Input(shape=[4],name="topic")
numeric = Concatenate()([in_score,in_sales])
dense_numeric = Dense(1)(numeric)
emb_gender_id = Reshape([1])(Embedding(3,1)(in_gender))
emb_age_1d = Reshape([1])(Embedding(3,1)(in_age))
emb_interest_1d =Embedding(11,1,mask_zero=True)(in_interest)
emb_interest_1d = HwMeanPooling(axis=1)(emb_interest_1d)
emb_topic_1d = Embedding(22,1,mask_zero=True)(in_topic)
emb_topic_1d = HwMeanPooling(axis=1)(emb_topic_1d)
y_first_order = Add()([dense_numeric,emb_gender_id,emb_age_1d,emb_interest_1d,emb_topic_1d])
latent =8
emb_score_Kd =RepeatVector(1)(Dense(latent)(in_score))
emb_sales_Kd = RepeatVector(1)(Dense(latent)(in_sales))
emb_gender_Kd = Embedding(3,latent)(in_gender)
emb_age_Kd= Embedding(10,latent)(in_age)
emb_interest_Kd = Embedding(11,latent,mask_zero=True)(in_interest)
emb_interest_Kd = RepeatVector(1)(HwMeanPooling(axis=1)(emb_interest_Kd))
emb_topic_Kd = Embedding(22,latent,mask_zero=True)(in_topic)
emb_topic_Kd = RepeatVector(1)(HwMeanPooling(axis=1)(emb_topic_Kd))
emb = Concatenate(axis=1)([emb_score_Kd,emb_sales_Kd,emb_gender_Kd,emb_age_Kd,
summed_features_emb = HwSumLayer(axis=1)(emb)
summed_features_emb_square= Multiply()([summed_features_emb,summed_features_emb])
squared_features_emb = Multiply()([emb,emb])
squared_sum_features_emb = HwSumLayer(axis=1)(squared_features_emb)
sub = Subtract()([summed_features_emb_square,squared_sum_features_emb])
sub = Lambda(lambda x: x*0.5)(sub)
y_second_order = HwSumLayer(axis=1)(sub)
y_deep = HwFlatten()(emb)
y_deep = Dropout(0.5)(Dense(128,activation='relu')(y_deep))
y_deep = Dropout(0.5)(Dense(64,activation='relu')(y_deep))
y_deep = Dropout(0.5)(Dense(32,activation='relu')(y_deep))
y_deep = Dropout(0.5)(Dense(1,activation='relu')(y_deep))
y = Concatenate(axis=1)([y_first_order,y_second_order,y_deep])
y = Dense(1,activation='sigmoid')(y)
model = Model(inputs=[in_score,in_sales,in_gender,in_age,in_interest,in_topic],outputs=[y])
metrics=["binary_crossentropy", tf.keras.metrics.AUC(name='auc')])
train_data = total_data.loc[:500000-1]
valid_data = total_data.loc[500000:]
train_dense_x = [train_data[f].values for f in dense_feats]
train_sparse_x = [train_data[f].values for f in sparse_feats]
train_label = [train_data['label'].values]
val_dense_x = [valid_data[f].values for f in dense_feats]
val_sparse_x = [valid_data[f].values for f in sparse_feats]
val_label = [valid_data['label'].values],
train_label, epochs=5, batch_size=256,
validation_data=(val_dense_x+val_sparse_x, val_label),
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HI :
I want to build recommend system use deepfm model ,but it need a lots of layer ,most important layer is Embedding layer, and so many NLP work model need it ,would you like coding this part code. will appreciate about these work .and I has try to build embedding look up method ,but it is can not work , I just try to write the similar code like [from tensorflow.python.ops import embedding_ops ]
here is my scala code ,I think maybe it will give you some idea. now only clipByNorm is work
here is use python keras api to build the DeepFM model
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