Running dstll
in the flask repo gives the following output:
$ dstll $(git ls-files src/flask/**/*.py | head -n 3 ) -p
-> src/flask/
def __getattr__(name: str) -> t.Any
-> src/flask/
def _make_timedelta(value: timedelta | int | None) -> timedelta | None
def __init__(
import_name: str,
static_url_path: str | None = None,
static_folder: str | os.PathLike[str] | None = "static",
static_host: str | None = None,
host_matching: bool = False,
subdomain_matching: bool = False,
template_folder: str | os.PathLike[str] | None = "templates",
instance_path: str | None = None,
instance_relative_config: bool = False,
root_path: str | None = None,
def get_send_file_max_age(self, filename: str | None) -> int | None
def send_static_file(self, filename: str) -> Response
def open_resource(self, resource: str, mode: str = "rb") -> t.IO[t.AnyStr]
def open_instance_resource(self, resource: str, mode: str = "rb") -> t.IO[t.AnyStr]
def create_jinja_environment(self) -> Environment
def create_url_adapter(self, request: Request | None) -> MapAdapter | None
def raise_routing_exception(self, request: Request) -> t.NoReturn
def update_template_context(self, context: dict[str, t.Any]) -> None
def make_shell_context(self) -> dict[str, t.Any]
def run(
host: str | None = None,
port: int | None = None,
debug: bool | None = None,
load_dotenv: bool = True,
**options: t.Any,
) -> None
def test_client(self, use_cookies: bool = True, **kwargs: t.Any) -> FlaskClient
def test_cli_runner(self, **kwargs: t.Any) -> FlaskCliRunner
def handle_http_exception(
self, e: HTTPException
) -> HTTPException | ft.ResponseReturnValue
def handle_user_exception(
self, e: Exception
) -> HTTPException | ft.ResponseReturnValue
def handle_exception(self, e: Exception) -> Response
def log_exception(
exc_info: (tuple[type, BaseException, TracebackType] | tuple[None, None, None]),
) -> None
def dispatch_request(self) -> ft.ResponseReturnValue
def full_dispatch_request(self) -> Response
def finalize_request(
rv: ft.ResponseReturnValue | HTTPException,
from_error_handler: bool = False,
) -> Response
def make_default_options_response(self) -> Response
def ensure_sync(self, func: t.Callable[..., t.Any]) -> t.Callable[..., t.Any]
def async_to_sync(
self, func: t.Callable[..., t.Coroutine[t.Any, t.Any, t.Any]]
) -> t.Callable[..., t.Any]
def url_for(
endpoint: str,
_anchor: str | None = None,
_method: str | None = None,
_scheme: str | None = None,
_external: bool | None = None,
**values: t.Any,
) -> str
def make_response(self, rv: ft.ResponseReturnValue) -> Response
def preprocess_request(self) -> ft.ResponseReturnValue | None
def process_response(self, response: Response) -> Response
def do_teardown_request(
exc: BaseException | None = _sentinel, # type: ignore[assignment]
) -> None
def do_teardown_appcontext(
exc: BaseException | None = _sentinel, # type: ignore[assignment]
) -> None
def app_context(self) -> AppContext
def request_context(self, environ: WSGIEnvironment) -> RequestContext
def test_request_context(self, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> RequestContext
def wsgi_app(
self, environ: WSGIEnvironment, start_response: StartResponse
) -> cabc.Iterable[bytes]
def __call__(
self, environ: WSGIEnvironment, start_response: StartResponse
) -> cabc.Iterable[bytes]