There are some images in this directory of the app In-App Purchase (IAP) and ...
First I thought it should be a problem of app itself! so I dived deep inside the app. I used static analysis to understand what it is doing. but it was somehow confusing and complicated. so I tried another way; dynamic analysis. I started Burp and trying to monitor the traffic.
but there was a problem! This error was occurring repeatedly and I couldn't do the purchase while system proxy setting was set to my Burp IP! I had set the cert; so I didn't know the cause of the problem!
BurpSuite Error: failed to negotiate an SSL connection
I saw a new phrase I didn't know what is it; SSL Pinning
. But I remembered a script from named Universal Android SSL Pinning Bypass with Frida
. So this is the solution to bypass this #&%^#@!
It took a lot of time to analyze statically and finding out the solution of SSL Pinning
problem. But I learned a lot! :P
After bypassing SSL Pinning it was so easy to capture the traffic to the back-end server.
Then I sent another value as coins
And this is the flag: