Releases: sunshinesmilelk/magent
Releases · sunshinesmilelk/magent
Release 0.1.36
What's Changed
- feat: add rehypePlugins to support plugins like katex by @sunshinesmilelk in #95
- fix: add chat error and waiting status by @xujingli in #96
- refactor: change AIMessageContent to ContentViewProvider by @xujingli in #99
- Refactor: magent-ui by @BroKun in #98
- chore: release by @difizor in #97
Full Changelog: 0.1.35...0.1.36
Release 0.1.35
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 0.1.34...0.1.35
Release 0.1.34
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 0.1.33...0.1.34
Release 0.1.33
What's Changed
- refactor: provide message operations function by @xujingli in #86
- feat: add prompt editor to agent-form by @coetzeexu in #75
- docs: add changeset by @xujingli in #89
- chore: release by @difizor in #90
New Contributors
- @coetzeexu made their first contribution in #75
Full Changelog: 0.1.32...0.1.33
Release 0.1.32
Release 0.1.31
What's Changed
- chore(api): remove default db password by @BroKun in #69
- fix: tailwind preflight: false by @xujingli in #71
- fix: delete reactmarkdown css style by @xujingli in #72
- fix: add cursor at the end of markdown when receiving msg & modify the display form of the code area in markdown, and add the operation area by @xujingli in #73
- feat(chat): support l10n by @BroKun in #76
- chore: release by @difizen-bot in #77
Full Changelog: 0.1.30...0.1.31
Release 0.1.30
Release 0.1.29
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 0.1.28...0.1.29
Release 0.1.28
What's Changed
- chore(libro): update dependencies for magent-libro by @sunshinesmilelk in #62
Full Changelog: 0.1.27...0.1.28
Release 0.1.27
What's Changed
- fix: 在会话消息返回过程中,用户手动上滑后关闭自动下滑 by @xujingli in #56
- feat: peer多智能体组多轮对话的展示 & umi版本较低时流失输出无效 by @xujingli in #58
- feat(magent-ui knowledge): upload component use custom request by @october-rain in #59
- refactor: chat by @BroKun in #60
- chore: release by @difizen-bot in #61
New Contributors
- @october-rain made their first contribution in #4
- @xujingli made their first contribution in #20
- @lulusir made their first contribution in #23
- @difizen-bot made their first contribution in #61
Full Changelog: