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Sequence (SQNC) node

This repository contains the source code for the blockchain nodes used in a number of Digital Catapult projects that address Distributed System challenges. The structure and code is heavily based on Substrate Node Template. To use this repository, it's important to understand the key concepts of Substrate, such as FRAME, runtime, extrinsics and transaction weight.

For more on governance visit sqnc-documentation.

Getting started

You will need a Rust environment:

curl -sSf | sh
rustup component add rust-src

Building the Node

To build the node with optimisations, you can run from the project root directory:

cargo build --release

The build uses the specific Rust release and WASM target configured in rust-toolchain.toml.

Running a dev chain node

The build will generate a target directory. Running the release build:

./target/release/sqnc-node --dev

Note that if you want to reset the state of your chain (for example because you've changed a storage format) you can call:

./target/release/sqnc-node purge-chain --dev

This will delete your dev chain so that it can be started from scratch again.

Node Authorization

The node uses the node-authorization pallet to manage a configurable set of nodes for a permissioned network. The pre-configured well-known network for local chain contains Alice, Bob, Charlie and Eve. A node will not peer with the rest of the network unless the owner (account) starts the node with a node-key that corresponds to their PeerId and AccountId saved in wellKnownNodes storage. The set of PeerIds is initially configured in GenesisConfig. For example, to run and peer Alice and Bob, call the following two commands:

./target/release/sqnc-node \
--chain=local \
--base-path /tmp/validator1 \
--alice \
--node-key 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 \
--port 30333 \
--ws-port 9944
./target/release/sqnc-node \
--chain=local \
--base-path /tmp/validator2 \
--bob \
--node-key=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 \
--port 30334 \
--ws-port 9945

For dev chain, the network only contains a node for Alice so other nodes will not peer unless added to the well-known network, either by editing or using dispatchable calls at runtime. Also see example.

Calculating weights

Extrinsic calls in sqnc-node are weighted to ensure blocks are filled appropriately. For production weight calculations please run benchmarks on an AWS t3a.2xlarge instance.

To calculate the weights for a pallet you first must ensure the node is built with the benchmarking feature enabled:

cargo build --profile=production --features runtime-benchmarks

Then you can run the benchmark tool with for example

./target/production/sqnc-node benchmark pallet \
    --pallet '*' \
    --extrinsic '*' \
    --repeat 1000 \
    --output ./runtime/src/weights

Which will update the weights for all pallets in the runtime automatically. Specify a single pallet to just update that one.

Upgrading Substrate

We aim to keep our substrate codebase in lockstep with the latest released Polkadot-v<version> branches on the Parity Substrate repository.

See our upgrade documentation here

Run in Docker

First, install Docker and Docker Compose.

Then follow the instructions at the top of docker-compose.yaml


The node can be interacted with using @polkadot/api. For example.

UtxoNFT pallet

The UtxoNFT pallet exposes an extrinsic for minting/burning tokens and a storage format that allows their retrieval.

Four storage endpoints are then exposed under UtxoNFT for: the id of the last token issued (LastToken), a mapping of tokens by id (TokensById), a map of burnt tokens to be cleaned up (Graveyard) and the current status of the graveyard describing where it starts and ends (CurrentGraveyardState):

LastToken<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, T::TokenId, ValueQuery>;
TokensById<T: Config> = StorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, T::TokenId, Token<T>, OptionQuery>;
Graveyard<T: Config> = StorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, u64, T::TokenId, OptionQuery>;
CurrentGraveyardState<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, GraveyardState, ValueQuery>;

Tokens can be minted/burnt by calling the following extrinsic under UtxoNFT:

pub fn run_process(
    origin: OriginFor<T>,
    process: ProcessId<T>,
    inputs: BoundedVec<T::TokenId, T::MaxInputCount>,
    outputs: BoundedVec<Output<T>, T::MaxOutputCount>
) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo { ... }

And tokens that have been burnt from the system a sufficiently long time ago (runtime specifies 7 days) can be permanently deleted with:

pub fn delete_token(
    origin: OriginFor<T>,
    token_id: <T as Config>::TokenId
) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo { ... }

Note that deletion of tokens will occur automatically in idle block time after the configured time as well.

All of this functionality can be easily accessed using against a running dev node. You will need to add a network endpoint of ws://localhost:9944 under Settings and apply the above type configurations in the Settings/Developer tab.

Pallet tests can be run with:

cargo test -p pallet-utxo-nft

ProcessValidation pallet

Pallet for defining process restrictions. Intended for use with pallet-utxo-nft. Processes can be defined using the extrinsic create_process:

pub fn create_process(
  origin: OriginFor<T>,
  id: T::ProcessIdentifier,
  program: BoundedVec<
  >) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo;

And disabled using disable_process:

pub fn disable_process(
  origin: OriginFor<T>,
  id: T::ProcessIdentifier,
  version: T::ProcessVersion
) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo;

Process program

The process program argument is formed of a BoundedVec of BooleanExpressionSymbols with a configured maximum length in our runtime of 200 symbols. Each BooleanExpressionSymbol can be either a process Restriction (see below) which evaluates to a boolean value at runtime or a BooleanOperation which can perform an binary operation on a pair of boolean arguments. The program itself is then a binary expression tree written in postfix notation so the tree:

   /    \
 AND    OR
 / \    / \
A   B  C   D

Could be represented as:


Binary Operations

A complete truth table set of binary operators is available when writing a process program. The table below describes each operation:

Operation description
Null false
Identity true
TransferL A
TransferR B
NotL !A
NotR !B
And A and B
Nand !(A and B)
Or A or B
Nor !(A or B)
Xor (A and !B) or (!A and B)
Xnor A equals B
ImplicationL if(A) then B else true
ImplicationR if(B) then A else true
InhibitionL A and !B
InhibitionR B and !A


The pallet defines various type of process restrictions that can be applied to a process. These include:

Restriction description
None Default Restriction value that always succeeds
Fail Restriction value that always fails
Combined Requires two specified restrictions combined via a specified operator [AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR] returns true
SenderHasInputRole Requires that the process sender is assigned to a specified role on a specified (by index) input token
SenderHasOutputRole Requires that the process sender is assigned to a specified role on a specified (by index) output token
OutputHasRole Requires that a specified (by index) output token has a role
OutputHasMetadata Requires that a specified (by index) output token has a metadata item with a given key
InputHasRole Requires that a specified (by index) input token has a role
InputHasMetadata Requires that a specified (by index) input token has a metadata item with a given key
MatchInputOutputRole Requires that the account of a specified role on a specified (by index) output token matches the account of a specified role on a specified (by index) input token
MatchInputOutputMetadataValue Requires that the metadata value of a specified key on a specified (by index) output token matches the metadata value of a specified key on a specified (by index) input token
MatchInputIdOutputMetadataValue Requires that the metadata value of a specified key on a specified (by index) output token matches the id of a specified (by index) input token
FixedNumberOfInputs Requires that the number of inputs must be a specified integer
FixedNumberOfOutputs Requires that the number of outputs must be a specified integer
FixedInputMetadataValue Requires that a metadata item of a specified key must have a specified value, on a specified (by index) input token
FixedOutputMetadataValue Requires that a metadata item of a specified key must have a specified value, on a specified (by index) output token
FixedOutputMetadataValueType Requires that a metadata item of a specified key must have a value of a specified type, on a specified (by index) output token

IPFSKey pallet

The IPFSKey pallet facilitates the generation and scheduled rotation of a fixed length symmetric encryption key that is distributed to all chain participants. In this instance the key is to be used as an IPFS swarm key.

Two storage values are exposed by this pallet:

#[pallet::getter(fn key)]
pub(super) type Key<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, Vec<u8>, ValueQuery>;

#[pallet::getter(fn key_schedule)]
pub(super) type KeyScheduleId<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, Option<Vec<u8>>, ValueQuery>;

The first exposes the maintained swarm key, whilst the latter the handle used with the pallet-scheduling frame pallet for setting a rotation schedule. This schedule is configured for a 7 day rotation.

Two extrinsics are exposed by this pallet, one for updating a shared symmetric key and one for forcing a rotation of the key based on a configured randomness source. In the runtime in this repository update_key can be called by either sudo or a simple majority of the Membership. rotate_key can be called either by sudo or a pair of accounts in the Membership set.

pub(super) fn update_key(origin: OriginFor<T>, new_key: Vec<u8>) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo { ... }
pub(super) fn rotate_key(origin: OriginFor<T>) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo { ... }

Pallet tests can be run with:

cargo test -p pallet-symmetric-key

Doas pallet

The Doas pallet allows for a configurable Origin to execute dispatchable functions that require a Root call. This is seen as a more flexible of the sudo pallet provided by ParityTech. This pallet may be used in conjunction with the collective pallet to enable sudo like functionality where a majority of the collective must agree to perform the action.

This pallet exposes three extrinsics:

pub(super) fn doas_root(origin: OriginFor<T>, call: Box<<T as Config>::Call>) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo { ... }
pub(super) fn doas_root_unchecked_weight(origin: OriginFor<T>, call: Box<<T as Config>::Call>, _weight: Weight) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo { ... }
pub(super) fn doas(origin: OriginFor<T>, who: <T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source, call: Box<<T as Config>::Call>) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo { ... }

CUstom RPCs

sqnc-node exposes the following custom rpcs:

name description parameters response format
sqnc_syncStateExtended Extension of the system_syncState RPC that additionally returns the last block authored by this specific instance that has been finalised None { "startingBlock": Number, "currentBlock": Number, "highestBlock": Number, "lastAuthoredFinalisedBlock": Number }

Repo Structure

A Substrate project consists of a number of components that are spread across a few directories.


A blockchain node is an application that allows users to participate in a blockchain network. Substrate-based blockchain nodes expose a number of capabilities:

  • Networking: Substrate nodes use the libp2p networking stack to allow the nodes in the network to communicate with one another.
  • Consensus: Blockchains must have a way to come to consensus on the state of the network. Substrate makes it possible to supply custom consensus engines and also ships with several consensus mechanisms that have been built on top of Web3 Foundation research.
  • RPC Server: A remote procedure call (RPC) server is used to interact with Substrate nodes.

There are several files in the node directory - take special note of the following:

  • A chain specification is a source code file that defines a Substrate chain's initial (genesis) state. Chain specifications are useful for development and testing, and critical when architecting the launch of a production chain. Take note of the development_config and testnet_genesis functions, which are used to define the genesis state for the local development chain configuration. These functions identify some well-known accounts and use them to configure the blockchain's initial state.
  • This file defines the node implementation. Take note of the libraries that this file imports and the names of the functions it invokes. In particular, there are references to consensus-related topics, such as the longest chain rule, the Babe block authoring mechanism and the GRANDPA finality gadget.


In Substrate, the terms "runtime" and "state transition function" are analogous - they refer to the core logic of the blockchain that is responsible for validating blocks and executing the state changes they define. The Substrate project in this repository uses the FRAME framework to construct a blockchain runtime. FRAME allows runtime developers to declare domain-specific logic in modules called "pallets". At the heart of FRAME is a helpful macro language that makes it easy to create pallets and flexibly compose them to create blockchains that can address a variety of needs.

Review the FRAME runtime implementation and note the following:

  • This file configures several pallets to include in the runtime. Each pallet configuration is defined by a code block that begins with impl $PALLET_NAME::Config for Runtime.
  • pallet_utxo_nft is custom to this project.
  • The pallets are composed into a single runtime by way of the construct_runtime! macro, which is part of the core FRAME Support library.


A FRAME pallet is compromised of a number of blockchain primitives:

  • Storage: FRAME defines a rich set of powerful storage abstractions that makes it easy to use Substrate's efficient key-value database to manage the evolving state of a blockchain.
  • Dispatchables: FRAME pallets define special types of functions that can be invoked (dispatched) from outside of the runtime in order to update its state.
  • Events: Substrate uses events to notify users of important changes in the runtime.
  • Errors: When a dispatchable fails, it returns an error.
  • Config: The Config configuration interface is used to define the types and parameters upon which a FRAME pallet depends.


Contains additional tools used in conjunction with the sqnc-node. These include: