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User Guide

Prateek Srivastava edited this page Feb 11, 2018 · 10 revisions

Before we move on to APIs, we need to know the concepts behind the working of digitreck.


In the digitreck, a project is a collection of access keys, credentials and permissions about the application or applications you're working on that make use of digitreck platform. The dashboard is where you manage certain project tasks, such as generating creating Access Keys, enabling APIs, and managing team and billing information associated with your project.

To use digitreck APIs, project information contains API key(public key) and corresponding Private key(salt) which enables in request validation (info)


A group is used to identify a group of devices. Using a group does not require user action or consent. Groups do not grant access to any account information, and are not used for authorisation.

A group defines the role of the device group in the application and helps in querying information regarding that group of device.

If your application has Consumer and Driver type devices, then you need to create 2 groups for both.
Respective device keys will help you identify the type of devices.


Device signifies any mobile entity, whose location needs to be tracked. Devices upload their location and track other devices, using the digitreck SDK.

Currently, only Android SDK is available.
But we are working hard to bring you iOS and Windows SDK as soon as possible.


A Place is circular region around a geographical point (latitude, longitude) with given radius. digiTreck lets you add places from dashboard as well as digitreck APIs. As soon as a device enters/exists a Place, event regarding this event will be generated, notifying the application about the state of device with respect to that specific place.

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