Use the letsencrypt client to generate and install a certificate to be used with an AWS CloudFront distribution of an S3 bucket.
Follow a guide like this one to use S3 and CloudFront for static site hosting.
Once you are done you should have a domain pointing to a CloudFront distribution that will use an S3 bucket for origin. It is important for the certificate validation that both HTTP and HTTPS traffic are enabled (at least while you get the certificate).
- Install the letsencrypt client
pip install letsencrypt
- Install the letsencrypt-s3front plugin
pip install letsencrypt-s3front
To generate a certificate and install it in a CloudFront distribution:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your_key" \
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your_secret" \
letsencrypt --agree-tos -a letsencrypt-s3front:auth \
--letsencrypt-s3front:auth-s3-bucket the_bucket \
[ --letsencrypt-s3front:auth-s3-region your-bucket-region-name ] (default is us-east-1) \
-i letsencrypt-s3front:installer \
--letsencrypt-s3front:installer-cf-distribution-id your_cf_distribution_id \
-d the_domain
Follow the screen prompts and you should end up with the certificate in your distribution. It may take a couple minutes to update.
To automate the renewal process without prompts (for example, with a monthly cron), you can add the letsencrypt parameters --renew-by-default --text