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Alexander Maassen edited this page May 22, 2023 · 8 revisions

title: "Member"

Members represent a user in a guild. There is a member object for every guild-user relationship, meaning that there will be multiple member objects in the Discord client with the same user ID, but they will belong to different guilds.

A member object can also be serialised into a mention string. For example:

$discord->on(Event::MESSAGE_CREATE, function (Message $message) {
    // Hello <@member_id>!
    // Note: `$message->member` will be `null` if the message originated from
    // a private message, or if the member object was not cached.
    $message->channel->sendMessage('Hello '.$message->member.'!');


name type description
user User the user part of the member
nick string the nickname of the member
avatar ?string The guild avatar URL of the member
avatar_hash ?string The guild avatar hash of the member
roles Collection of Roles roles the member is a part of
joined_at Carbon timestamp when the member joined the guild
deaf bool whether the member is deafened
mute bool whether the member is muted
pending ?string whether the user has not yet passed the guild's Membership Screening requirements
communication_disabled_until ?Carbon when the user's timeout will expire and the user will be able to communicate in the guild again, null or a time in the past if the user is not timed out
id string the user ID of the member
username string the username of the member
discriminator string the four digit discriminator of the member
displayname string nick/username#discriminator
guild Guild the guild the member is a part of
guild_id string the id of the guild the member is a part of
string status the status of the member
game Activity the current activity of the member
premium_since Carbon timestamp when the member started boosting the guild
activities Collection of Activities the current activities of the member

Ban the member

Bans the member from the guild. Returns a Ban part in a promise.


name type description
daysToDelete int number of days back to delete messages, default none
reason string reason for the ban
$member->ban(5, 'bad person')->done(function (Ban $ban) {
    // ...

Set the nickname of the member

Sets the nickname of the member. Requires the MANAGE_NICKNAMES permission or CHANGE_NICKNAME if changing self nickname. Returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
nick string nickname of the member, null to clear, default null
$member->setNickname('newnick')->done(function () {
    // ...

Move member to channel

Moves the member to another voice channel. Member must already be in a voice channel. Takes a channel or channel ID and returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
channel Channel or string the channel to move the member to
$member->moveMember($channel)->done(function () {
    // ...

// or

$member->moveMember('123451231231')->done(function () {
    // ...

Add member to role

Adds the member to a role. Takes a role or role ID and returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
role Role or string the role to add the member to
$member->addRole($role)->done(function () {
    // ...

// or

$member->addRole('1231231231')->done(function () {
    // ...

Remove member from role

Removes the member from a role. Takes a role or role ID and returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
role Role or string the role to remove the member from
$member->removeRole($role)->done(function () {
    // ...

// or

$member->removeRole('1231231231')->done(function () {
    // ...

Timeout member

Times out the member in the server. Takes a carbon or null to remove. Returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
communication_disabled_until Carbon or null the time for timeout to lasts on
$member->timeoutMember(new Carbon('6 hours'))->done(function () {
    // ...

// to remove
$member->timeoutMember()->done(function () {
    // ...

Get permissions of member

Gets the effective permissions of the member:

  • When given a channel, returns the effective permissions of a member in a channel.
  • Otherwise, returns the effective permissions of a member in a guild.

Returns a role permission.


name type description
channel Channel or null the channel to get the effective permissions for
$permissions = $member->getPermissions($channel);

// or

$permissions = $member->getPermissions();

Get guild specific avatar URL

Gets the server-specific avatar URL for the member. Only call this function if you need to change the format or size of the image, otherwise use $member->avatar. Returns a string.


name type description
format string format of the image, one of png, jpg or webp, default webp and gif if animated
size int size of the image, default 1024
$url = $member->getAvatarAttribute('png', 2048);
echo $url; //
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